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Estimate track parameters from seed

Carlo Varni requested to merge cvarni/athena:EstimateTrackParamsFromSeed into master

First attempt to introduce a way of estimating track parameters from a seed using ACTS.

The tool relies on a std::function<const Acts::Surface&(const ActsTrk::Seed&)> for retrieving an Acts::Surface given a seed. This can be easily provided by the user. As of now I'm using it in ActsTrk::SeedingFromAthenaAlgorithm, as an example of use.

As of now, you can only create a std::optional<Acts::BoundTrackParameters> object given a seed. Next steps (in other MRs I'd say) would be to add the appropriate temporary EDM and save these objects to StoreGate for use by the following steps.

Tagging @ncalace, @pagessin and @corentin

Edited by Carlo Varni

Merge request reports
