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sTGC StripSegmentTool: Fix calculations for segments and infinte_p track && Fix the arrangement of 8 bit RIndex

Yi Yu requested to merge yiyu/athena:yi into master

Fix the defination of infinte_p track:

Fix calculations for segments:

Fix the arrangement of 8 bit RIndex:

  • also in the attanched file in the 1st point, page 3 wrote, the 0 index should be assigned for the lowest radial bin, and the track exceeding the detector envelope should be abandoned without rindex, while the code assigned the tracks, whose r smaller than rmin, as 0 index
  • moreover, in that wrong logic, the last, second-to-last, third-to-last rslice bin would be assigned the same rindex of 255, and the track exceeding the detector envelope would also be assigned the rindex with 0 or 255
  • those are fixed by removing the traks exceeding the detector spacial range firstly, and shifting rindex arrangement by 1 to the normal logics, one comment said the loop would be broken in 255-256, just due to the last bin with 256 exceeded the range ([0, 255]) of unit_8 before, which is fixed now

And the redundancy code will be removed once validations for the strips trigger is done compeletely, thanks for the review

./cc @rosati @iodice @vadamico @fgravili

Edited by Yi Yu

Merge request reports