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L1 EM isolation: VHIM fix (ATR-25290) and LRT electron threshold update (ATR-25148, ATR-24523)

Teng Jian Khoo requested to merge khoo/athena:master-TMMT-VHIM_LRTel into master

@hillier identified a misconfiguration of the EM24VHIM L1 threshold, which is fixed here -- no impact on any current operations as the threshold is a 2nd backup for EM22VHI, and is not in the L1 menu.

@longjon and @benhoob requested an update to the LRT electron thresholds, increasing the pt for a looser IP cut. This updates the primaries in the physics menu, and updates support triggers correspondingly. Also added some Dev chains in order to validate GSF LRT electrons

Edited by Teng Jian Khoo

Merge request reports