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TrigBSExtraction: make HLTResult extraction thread-safe

Frank Winklmeier requested to merge fwinkl/athena:bsextr into master

When deserializing Run-1&2 bytestream, do not modify the existing HLTResult in StoreGate via a const_cast. Instead use the AddressRemappingSvc to rename the original result and write a new one with the default key names.

This however then introduced circular dependencies with TrigNavigationCnvAlg. TrigNavigationCnvAlg is supposed to run on the original HLTResult in the bytestream file (and not on the modified one written into StoreGate by TrigBSExtraction). So far this had to be ensured via additional input dependencies on TrigBSExtraction (see ATLASRECTS-6453).

Now that TrigBSExtraction no longer modifies/overwrites the HLTResult we do not need this workaround anymore and can simply run the TrigNavigationCnvAlg on the same (remapped) input as TrigBSExtraction.

Closes ATR-25291 and TrigBSExtraction is now "thread-safe".

Validated with 20 events from Run-1 and Run2. The resulting ESD/AOD files are identical for what concerns the trigger content. However, I do see the following differences for Run-2 but I can't imagine that's related to my changes:

Click to expand
::: Comparing POOL files...
 ref : myESD.pool.root
 chk : ../tmp2/run2/myESD.pool.root
::: comparing common content (mem-size / disk-size)...
[ERR]       17.212 /        2.204 kb (ref) ==>       17.239 /        2.204 kb (chk) | xAOD::BTaggingAuxContainer_v2_BTa
[ERR]       25.243 /        3.740 kb (ref) ==>       25.181 /        3.736 kb (chk) | xAOD::JetAuxContainer_v1_AntiKt4E
[ERR]       17.079 /        2.134 kb (ref) ==>       17.106 /        2.134 kb (chk) | xAOD::JetAuxContainer_v1_AntiKt4E
[ERR]       30.827 /        6.666 kb (ref) ==>       30.772 /        6.596 kb (chk) | xAOD::MissingETAuxAssociationMap_
## Comparison : [ERR]

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