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Auto-configure the flag Trigger.enableL1MuonPhase1

Auto-configure the flag Trigger.enableL1MuonPhase1 to the value of the expression Trigger.EDMVersion >= 3 or Detector.EnableMM or Detector.EnablesTGC.

Adapt the clients and tests to the new setup:

  • remove explicit setting of the flag where not needed (reco of data or MC with Run-3 Trigger information)
  • add explicit setting of the flag to False for the "noL1Sim" Trigger ART tests running on Run-2 data inputs
  • add protection around the conditions override in muon cabling config to avoid checking the flag in simulation/digitization jobs

The flag seems to affect more workflows than naively expected, so this needs to run full-unit-tests.

Closes ATR-25059

Edited by ATLAS Robot

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