JetRecTools: replace Accessor with ReadDecorHandle in JetPFlowSelectionAlg
This MR is hopefully addressing the issue discussed in ATLASRECTS-6958: irreproducibility and sometimes crashes in JetPFlowSelectionAlg. The addition of ReadDecorHandleKeys enforces the scheduler to compute the JetETMissChargedParticleFlowObjects.FE_ElectronLinks
and JetETMissChargedParticleFlowObjects.FE_MuonLinks
decorations before they are accessed. The replacement of Accessor with ReadDecorHandle doesn't change anything (!52023 (closed) and !52008 (merged) produce the same output), but ReadDecorHandle seemed preferred from the JIRA discussion, as it makes it more explicit why the ReadDecorHandleKeys were introduced.
I have set default values for the ReadDecorHandleKeys, although I see that m_ChargedPFlowContainerKey
and m_NeutralPFlowContainerKey
are empty and set e.g. here:
This could be revisited by experts if not appropriate.
Cheers, Bertrand