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sTGC Strip Trigger: several fixes to recover the unbalanced strip segment finding efficiency

Yi Yu requested to merge yiyu/athena:yi into master

As reported in slides 14:, there is a significantly unbalanced strip efficiency before, due to these reasons:

  • In StripTdsOfflineTool: finished the strip-padtrigger matching loop very early, causing a lots of strips, should be read out, but lost
  • In StripClusterTool: there is no side/sector divided logics for strips, but use channelId (only effective in layer level) to remove the duplicated strips, causing which, with the same channelid, is lost in another side or other sectors
  • In StripSegmentTool: due to the rbounds/etabouds are positive, hence there should be abs() for eta, which is negtive in C side, when doing these comparisons every time

With fixing above items one by one, the final strip efficiency recovers to the expectation ./cc @rosati @iodice @vadamico @fgravili nominal_eff_phi_eta_strip

Edited by Yi Yu

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