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Adding analysis steps to PhysicsP1 grid P1Test for EDM monitoring (ATR-25318)

Catrin Bernius requested to merge bernius/athena:AddPhysicsP1DataAODTest into master

This just adds the add_analysis_steps to the test which is located in TrigP1Test in order to produce the files necessary to integrate this in the EDM monitoring webpage.

I guess technically it should be in TrigAnalysisTest but I don't see a reason to duplicate a test when we can make use of the resources of an already running test. Though it would be good to hear @okumura, @vmartin, @tbuanes, @okuprash and @rbielski's opinion on this. Note I only modified the grid test as the build test would have a bit too low stats.

Edited by Catrin Bernius

Merge request reports
