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cellLink for LRT egamma clusters in AOD ATLASRECTS-6992

This MR adds cellLink for LRT egamma clusters to the AOD (and does the corresponding cell thinning). The cells are usefull for e.g. timing for LLP-like analyses.

This changes the AOD output by adding the LRTegammaClusters_links object, which is of type CaloClusterCellLinkContainer. The disk size increase seems very small : on 100 events from the inputs used in the q442 and q443 tests, the output of checkxAOD gives (Mem size // Disk size // Disk/evt / compression / Items) :

q442 : 29.845 kb 11.610 kb 0.116 kb 2.571 100 LRTegammaClusters_links (CaloClusterCellLinkContainer_p1) [LRT]

q443 : 47.356 kb 20.752 kb 0.208 kb 2.282 100 LRTegammaClusters_links (CaloClusterCellLinkContainer_p1) [LRT]

(regular egammaClusters_links sizes / event are 1.892 and 1.93 kb for q442 and q443 respectively)

ping @christos as the egamma expert and @ancsmith as interested user

Edited by Jean-Baptiste De Vivie De Regie

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