MuonSegmentMaking - Recover segments if cleaning procedure failed
Hi everybody,
in the current segment making, the success of the muon track cleaning procedure is a must-have in order to continue. However, this applies only to segments built from Mdts and from the NSW. There, another path is chosen. If the segment chi2 / nDoF exceeds 10, then it is eventually killed. Why not apply the same logic also for the legacy segments?
The extra muon is a STACO
muon and not of interest for any analysis
Attaching file AnalysisOutput.root as _file0...
(TFile *) 0x4758f90
root [1] BasicTesterTree->Scan("evtNumber:muons_pt:muons_eta:muons_phi:muons_author", "evtNumber == 1183960556")
* Row * Instance * evtNumber * muons_pt * muons_eta * muons_phi * muons_aut *
* 185 * 0 * 1.183e+09 * 3.6626477 * -1.804182 * 1.2595657 * 2 *
==> 1 selected entry
(long long) 1
root [2]
Edited by Johannes Junggeburth
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