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Adding AODCOMM label to one collection, introducing it into AODFULL set

Catrin Bernius requested to merge bernius/athena:addAODCOMMoption into master

As described in ATR-25397 and presented in the Trigger Core Software meeting on 8. April (slide 6), the plan is to introduce a new trigger EDM label named "AODCOMM". This is only for internal use in the TriggerEDM to label containers which are supposed to only be kept for commissioning. This will help to keep an eye on the size of the trigger content and the eventual removal of these containers. The idea is that the AODCOMM labelled containers are always included in the AODFULL dataset: AODFULL = AODCOMM + AODFULL

Tagging @okuprash, @tamartin, @aranzazu, @wiedenma, @mark for info and comments.

Edited by Catrin Bernius

Merge request reports
