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Revert "Merge branch 'cherry-pick-6b5ff3f0-21.2' into '21.2'"

Alaettin Serhan Mete requested to merge revert-681af3e8 into 21.2

This reverts merge request !50847 (merged), which was an automatic sweep of !50807 (merged) from master to 21.2. The original MR was reverted in master by !51388 (merged). Based on the quick investigation in ATLASDPD-1600, this MR potentially/partially causes looping jobs in the latest derivation production (similar to the problem that caused the revert in master).

Since it's not generally agreed upon, let me keep this in draft mode and cc @calpigia, @tamartin, and @jburr so that they can comment.

Edited by Alaettin Serhan Mete

Merge request reports
