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saving element link to InDet cluster for xAOD cluster

This allows to link the xAOD::PixelCluster and xAOD::StripCluster to the original InDet::PixelCluster and InDet::SCT_Cluster, respectively. This can be then used in the acts-based seeding tool to return InDet objects.

NB: in case you are interested in saving the xAOD containers in the output file, you need to exclude the link from the item list, as they are not part of the xAOD object dictionary (and we don't want it to be):

--postExec "from OutputStreamAthenaPool.OutputStreamConfig import addToAOD; toAOD=[\"xAOD::StripClusterContainer#ITkStripClusters\", \"xAOD::StripClusterAuxContainer#ITkStripClustersAux.-sctClusterLink\", \"xAOD::PixelClusterContainer#ITkPixelClusters\", \"xAOD::PixelClusterAuxContainer#ITkPixelClustersAux.-pixelClusterLink\"]; cfg.merge(addToAOD(ConfigFlags, toAOD))" \

FYI: @akraszna @cvarni @pagessin @toyamaza @tbold

Edited by Noemi Calace

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