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Mark the TrkExEngine code as not thread safe

The TrkExEngine code is not thread safe.

The issue is not so much the mutable (I removed a couple could get rid of more I think ) but how the Material effects / ecell need a const_cast for the update (plus aliasing here), this means one would need to change a bit the interfaces.

Since it does not seem to be used in offline, online (it is used in places in ISF ping @jchapman ) and one can use the std Extrapolation or in the future Acts.

Just mark it so as to be clear that this sets of classes does not pass the requirements. Since the implementation is not MT safe, mark also the interfaces as to "propagate" to client code.

If we absolutely need them to become safe we need to do a bit of work like we did for the std Extrapolation tooling.

Btw @jchapman not sure if they are really used in ISF if they do is not clear if the pick the Svc or the Cond for the tracking Geometry ...

Edited by Christos Anastopoulos

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