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Disable 3dSplitting for ACTS AMVF in Trigger

Tim Adye requested to merge adye/athena:acts-no3dSplitting into master

Disable do3dSplitting for ActsAdaptiveMultiPriVtxFinderTool to match the offline setting with useBeamConstraint=True. This restores for ACTS the HS vertex efficiency and most of the PU vertex efficiency.

Note, that the ACTS vertexing is not (yet) the default for the trigger, so this change will only affect the test_trigID_fsjet_actsvtx_pu55 ART test. The setting is not changed for the default InDetTrigAdaptiveMultiPriVxFinderTool.

I have confirmed that this only changes (non-default) ACTS vertexing.

Edited by Tim Adye

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