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BoostedJetTaggers: implementation of additional mode in SmoothedTopTagger for HL-LHC JSS top tagger working points

Maximilian Amerl requested to merge mamerl/athena:21.2-mamerl-hllhctagging into 21.2

Add mode for a jet mass+sphericity tagger to the SmoothedTopTagger class. Modifications include addition of config files for the taggers in BoostedJetTaggers/share/SmoothedTopTaggers and addition of a test script in BoostedJetTaggers/util.

Extra additions/changes to SmoothedTopTagger class to ensure variables inherited from JSSTaggerBase are not overwritten by private attributes declared in BoostedJetTaggers/SmoothedTopTagger.h.

Add call to JSSTaggerBase::initialize in SmoothedTopTagger::initialize to ensure that the TAccept variable storing tagger result is configured so that it can be treated as a boolean variable.

Tagging @jcantero @tnobe @mswiatlo @camacho

Edited by Maximilian Amerl

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