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Fixing the L1All chains bug [ATR-24739]

In an attempt to fix the bug where HLT_*_L1All chains do not get listed as "passed" (and were faultily categorised as prescaled in the legacy monitoring) I followed the advice by @tamartin and changed the line
if(m_trigDecTool->isPassed(chainNames[ith], TrigDefs::requireDecision)

However, after this change ALL chains in all events are categorised as passed, which is obviously wrong. And the HLT_*_L1All chains are listed as prescaled. The prescale is 0 (maybe we don't want to monitor chains with prescale 0? I don't know).

Issues solved. Code behaves as expected now. Some L1All chains pass, no chains are prescaled.

Edited by Elin Bergeaas Kuutmann

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