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TriggerMenuMT Jet: Consistency fixes in jet code (ATR-25449)

Claire Antel requested to merge cantel/athena:master_trigjet_fixes into 22.0

Some consistency fixes:

  • making new shallow copy, HLT_AntiKt4EMTopoJets_subjesIS_fastftag, of EMTopo jets for fast jet tagging hypo step, to avoid incomplete EDM for EMTopo jets (ATR-25449)
  • moving all track reco sequence getters (oldJO) from to
  • moving imports to top of file
  • running JetViewAlg also for calo f-tag presel step & nojcalib chains (no more jets < 10 GeV in hypos).
    • New getJetViewAlg to simplify step.
  • renaming JetRoITracking... reco/hypo/chainstep getter functions to JetRoITrackJetTag... for clarity.
  • replacing doTracking query with doFSTracking query whenever FS tracking meant (not RoI tracking).

Trigger count changes from removing hacky HLT_j2000 chain introduced for ATR-25449 in interim. Otherwise, no changes in hypo decisions expected.

Tagging @khoo @valentem @ayana @peter @dguest @cpollard

Edited by Claire Antel

Merge request reports
