Bug fix for neutral FlowElement created in jet finding
Currently during jet finding JetPFlowSelectionAlg creates new neutral FlowElements. In the first version of this code only a 4-vector was set - this lead to crashes in AODtodAOD jobs which was previously fixed by adding a needed missing moment. This MR adds all standard data to these newly created FlowElements, because some of it is required for jet calibration etc. The fix migrates code to set this data to a helper class in PFlowUtils which is used from both PFNeutralFlowElementCreatorAlgorithm in eflowRec and JetPFlowSelectionAlg in the jet packages. Thus there is no code duplication. The migration uncovered a bug whereby ENG_BAD_CELLS had been set twice in PFNeutralFlowElementCreatorAlgorithm, instead of setting both ENG_BAD_CELLS and N_BAD_CELLS. Thus ESD/AOD content changes due to this fix. Furthermore jet level quantities change due to the fix and hence all trigger jet based quantities.