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Write event shapes to disk in CA configuration

Merged Chris Malena Delitzsch requested to merge cdelitzs/athena:master-event-shapes-CA into master
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@@ -233,15 +233,17 @@ class JetContentDetail:
class detailLevel(JobProperty):
""" Toggles detail level for AOD jet reconstruction
1. Reduced: This will disable the building of jet containers other than:
AntiKt4EMTopoJets, AntiKt4EMPFlowJets, AntiKt4LCTopoJets
2. Full: This corresponds to the r21 default prior to AOD size reduction:
AntiKt10LCTopoJets, AntiKt2PV0TrackJets, AntiKt4PV0TrackJets,
AntiKt4TruthJets, AntiKt4TruthWZJets, AntiKt10TruthJets, AntiKt10TruthWZJets
3. Validation: This adds to the Full content the building of jet containers:
with substructure moments included
""" Toggles detail level for AOD jet reconstruction when running with RecExCommon
If doWriteESD is set to True, then all built jet collections are written
to the AODs otherwise as specified below:
1. Reduced: This will build jet containers needed for monitoring:
AntiKt4EMTopoJets, AntiKt4EMPFlowJets, AntiKt4LCTopoJets, AntiKt4TruthJets, AntiKt10LCTopoJets
If writing to AOD turned on, only R = 0.4 reco jets will be written to disk
2. Full: Same building of jet collections as 'Reduced'
If writing to AOD turned on, all jet collections will be written to disk
3. Validation: Not supported in r22
4. Trigger: Same building of jet collections as 'Reduced' + trimmed R = 1.0 LCTopo jets
All reco jet collections (R = 0.4, R = 1.0 ungroomed and groomed) are written to disk
statusOn = True
allowedTypes = ['int']