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TrigTauRec and tauRecTools: deploy MVA TES for Run3 tau triggers


This MR is deploying the MVA tau energy scale calibration for Run3 tau triggers (ATR-24300). A few variables changed or were added compared to the 2018 setup. The calibration file is on EOS. A temporary trigger configuration file was dropped as no longer needed. The offline reconstruction should be unchanged.

The Run3 MVA TES performance is summarised here:

To minimise the number of MRs changing trigger counts, I take this opportunity to deploy the new FTF BDT calibration file (ATR-25547).

Adding the 'urgent' flag as we'll need to validate the new tunes in time for MC21a (private validation was done and things look good). And more tau trigger changes (menu-related) are expected shortly.

Tagging @iriu , @gipezzul , @ademaria , @tmathise , @adsalvad .

Cheers, Bertrand

Edited by Bertrand Martin Dit Latour

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