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TauTrig : move to use tracktwoMVA as Primary chains and keep only few...

Antonio De Maria requested to merge ademaria/athena:tautrig_menu_change into 22.0

This MR will:

  • switch to use tracktwoMVA chains as primary chains for tau trigger
  • remove most of the tracktwoMVABDT chains and keep only few of them for testing/development purpose
  • move tracktwoLLP triggers to use the same ROIs as tracktwoMVA chains

More discussion in :

Tagging @khoo and @sshaw for menu coordination

Tagging @iriu, @gipezzul and @martindl from tau trigger

Tagging @ebergeas and @shanisch for monGroup changes

Tagging @ggonella for the express stream changes

Merge request reports