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Fix MonGroup lookup for Coral implementation

Mark Stockton requested to merge mark/athena:22-monGroups into 22.0

Single MonGroup query was getting incorrectly translated in getCoralQuery and readMaxTableKey ( This stopped us from being able to use the MonGroup uploaded as part of the DB reprocessing attempt in ATR-25647, which is needed to confirm we can run this at Tier0 on data next.

Reworked into two queries and added relevant code to handle this case. Also added an extra info printout for easier understanding of what is being processed in case further problems occur.

cc @ballbroo @ebergeas @tnobe @astruebi @palacino ATR-23720

Tested with:

asetup Athena,22.0,2022-05-24T2101 --dqOffByDefault Input.Files="['/afs/']"  "Concurrency.NumThreads=1" DQ.Steering.doHLTMon=True Output.HISTFileName=HIST_run3.pool.root Trigger.triggerConfig="DB:TRIGGERDBREPR_RUN3:43,44,80,1"
Edited by Karolos Potamianos

Merge request reports
