Partial Event Building (PEB) for jets and AFP
This MR introduces some new trigger chains with Partial Event Building (PEB) to the dev menu. The first one is PEB for jets and includes the TLA objects reconstructed by TLA triggers that also fired in the same event, motivated by dark QCD resonances decaying into non-standard jets below the TeV (ATR-21596), and the second one is PEB for AFP which will eventually target invisible particles (ATR-23945) and at the moment attempts to build a validation dataset while the physics studies are ongoing. With @mmontell, we have checked that the two chains produce a new data stream that contains both TLA and raw data using the following command: -l DEBUG -c "setMenu='Dev_pp_run3_v1';doL1Sim=True;rewriteLVL1=True; selectChains=['chain name'];" -o output --imf --perfmon --threads=1 --concurrent-events=1 --nprocs=1 --number-of-events=1000 --file=/cvmfs/ TriggerJobOpts/
and then extracting/checking the stream content with: -s TLAJetPEB --hltres --sizeSummary
python -p -S TLAJetPEB -i
where get_stream_info is in
Update 10/06: after modifications following Rafal's example, the PEB ROIs are there but the TLA content is not propagated, will have to look into that and ask for expert help if I don't find the reason.
Update 11/06: found and fixed the problem as now it works on a single TLA+PEB trigger. I'll continue doing the other necessary tests before removing the Draft: mention, but no need for anyone to look into this until Monday