Turn on HGTD simulation in run 4 ART test
What is says in the title. Otherwise, we get the following error at RAWtoALL stage for recent nightlies:
05:23:23 VarHandle(StoreGateSvc+HGTD_RDOs[1218198717]) WARNING StoreGate/src/VarHandleBase.cxx:848 (void*SG::VarHandleBase::typeless_dataPointer_impl(bool)): could not get proxy for key HGTD_RDOs
05:23:23 VarHandle(StoreGateSvc+HGTD_Clusters[1124691928]) WARNING StoreGate/src/VarHandleBase.cxx:848 (void*SG::VarHandleBase::typeless_dataPointer_impl(bool)): could not get proxy for key HGTD_Clusters
05:23:23 TrackTimeExtensionAlg ERROR [TrackTimeExtensionAlg] HGTD_ClusterContainer not found, aborting execute!