TrigGlobalEfficiencyCorrectionTool Run 3 trigger support
Mostly adding a few Run 3 trigger chains to the configuration files, and porting a few minor fixes from 21.2 that happened after the original sweep to master. For the moment these triggers are simply added to the same configuration files as Run 2 trigger; whether using different files is useful is left for future consideration.
Testing: the updated configuration loads properly, and the SF calculation examples with Run 2 triggers run properly over a DAOD_PHYS sample (ttbar r13167_p5057) in 22.02.76, although only electrons are really tested as no muons get selected post truth-matching (used in the examples but unrelated to this tool). Trigger matching seems more problematic (no crash but no match), but not because of the particular changes in this MR, perhaps again the sample I used or an obsolete configuration of the matching tool. I did not try to run examples with Run 3 triggers either. In short testing of the tool functionalities needs to continue, but it would be useful to have these changes in the release already now.