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HLTReprocessing prescale set follow ups

Mark Stockton requested to merge mark/athena:22-hltReproPS into 22.0 - Prescale values shouldn't be stored as strings in the JSON file (spotted by @kkapusci)

before after
"prescale": "-1", "prescale": -1,
"prescale": "10", "prescale": 10,

Changing and to both use the menu Dev_pp_run3_v1_HLTReprocessing_prescale otherwise we have no tests that create the correct JSON files in ART to then be uploaded for a HLT reprocessing (cc @ballbroo, @tnobe, @astruebi, @palacino). This makes these tests different to other Dev menu tests so notifying @khoo @sshaw @vmartin @martindl, but as these tests only dump JSON files I believe the inconsistency is ok.

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