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ATR-24875: Start of TLA Offline Monitoring

Karol Krizka requested to merge kkrizka/athena:Run3TLA_22.0.70 into 22.0

Start work on ATR-24875.

Added a TrigTLAMonitoring package for monitoring the TLA stream for Run 3. The primary goal is to make sure that all objects are being saved to the output. The triggers to monitor are decided via the new tlaMon group. The package is based on the athena monitoring framework.

The tlaMon group has been also added to all the TLA chains inside

Currently there is no per-event trigger decision available. So all triggers get entries from all events. Potentially due to ATR-25111.

The main algorithm is TrigTLAMonitorAlgorithm. There are four properties corresponding to the four collections that are planned to be used at some point in Run 3:

  • JetContainerName (HLT_AntiKt4EMTopoJets_subjesIS_TLA)
  • PFJetContainerName (HLT_AntiKt4EMPFlowJets_subresjesgscIS_ftf_TLA)
  • PhotonContainerName (HLT_egamma_Photons_TLA)
  • MuonContainerName (HLT_MuonsCB_RoI_TLA)

The algorithm makes histograms of the kinematics (pt, eta, phi) of all objects and the leading object in a given collection. The dR between the leading two jets (x2, histograms for jets and PF jets) and between leading photon and jet (x2, histograms for jets and PF jets).

The TrigTLAMonitorAlgorithm module contains a few functions to set everything up using CA. It also acts as a script that runs over an AOD to make the histogram output.

  • TrigTLAMonConfig: Add the histogram algorithm, decide which to monitor, and configure the histograms themselves.

The decodeBS_TLA_AOD module contains a few functions to decode a bytestream into an AOD (uses CA). It also acts as a script that runs over an BS to create an AOD.

  • decodingCfg: Configure deserialization of RAW byte stream.
  • outputCfg: Configures output to AOD.

An example of usage. The first two lines are for generating a test file. -n 10 -o output -c "setMenu='Physics_pp_run3_v1';doL1Sim=True" --dump-config-reload -f /cvmfs/ -f /cvmfs/ TriggerJobOpts/ -s TLA
python -m TrigTLAMonitoring.decodeBS_TLA_AOD --filesInput
python -m TrigTLAMonitoring.TrigTLAMonitorAlgorithm --data AOD.pool.root TrigTLAMonitorOutput.root
Edited by Karol Krizka

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