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PhysVal CA config (FTAG + Tracking)

Thomas Strebler requested to merge tstreble/athena:PhysValCA into master

This MR aims at introducing CA configurations to run the PhysVal monitoring. This is required in particular for Upgrade geotags, which cannot rely on --inputAODFile $INPUTAOD --outputNTUP_PHYSVALFile NTUP_PHYSVAL.root --validationFlags noExample doBtag

nor on

athena -b PhysValMonitoring/ --filesInput=""

Standalone executable is provided for FTAG and IDPVM Tracking config is updated. The main production workflow for NTUP_PHYSVAL will be interfaced with Derivation_tf in a subsequent MR by @jcatmore (thanks a lot!).

FYI @npetters @tadej

Edited by Thomas Strebler

Merge request reports
