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ATR-23061: Adding two beamspot chains based on jet tracking to Dev_run3_pp_v1 menu

Catrin Bernius requested to merge bernius/athena:newBeamspot into 22.0

Adding up two PEB beamspot chains to the Dev_run3_pp_v1 menu that make use of the jet tracking and then run the beamspot vertexing algorithm. Some changes needed to be made in the TriggerMenuMT package so that the jet steps are called from the beamspot part of the code.

The reference files for the failing CIs have been updated (TrigValidation).

Tagging @khoo and @sshaw as menu coordinator.
Thanks for @tamartin, @khoo, and @salnikov for the help with this!

Some log files and root files can be found here: /afs/

Associated jira: ATR-23061 Superseeding MR ! 50843 Tagging also @salnikov and @bartoldu, as well as ID coordinators @hartj and @nagano and @sutt.

Edited by Catrin Bernius

Merge request reports