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MuonCondAlg - Add NSW conditions test as ctest & misc clean-up

Johannes Junggeburth requested to merge jojungge/athena:NSW_ctest into 22.0

Hello everybody,

this MR is another step to chasing the irreproducibility reported in ATLASRECTS-7107.

  • The joboptions have been ported to ComponentAccumulator in order to include them in the ctests of the package. Since there was the hypothesis that maybe the calibration constants themselves might be irreproducible, a test script has been added which executes 5 times in a row the test and ensures that the dump of the constants remains the same. The test has been locally executed 100 times with no hint of irreproducibility. So this one is fine

  • Add NSWPassivationAlg ctest. Twice execution of the NSWPassivationAlg to ensure that the readout of the passivation constants remain the same.

  • The MdtCablingTest is moved to the MuonCondTest package. An extra test on the Run 3 geometry has been added (cf. ATLASRECTS-7016)

  • Improve the data navigation in NswCalibDbTimeChargeData & NswCalibDbThresholdData. So not call the map find operation multiple times in a row. Ensure that the threshold is set to 0 if no key could be found in the database.

  • Remove various deprecated testing algorithms.

Tagging: @cheidegg, @pscholer

Edited by Johannes Junggeburth

Merge request reports
