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BPHY22: decreasing output size

Merged Laily Sultanaliyeva requested to merge lsultana/obsolete_athena:bphy22_test2.2 into 21.2
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@@ -483,7 +483,7 @@ ToolSvc += BPHY22MuLambdaC
print BPHY22MuLambdaC
@@ -494,7 +494,8 @@ CascadeCollections += BPHY22MuDs.CascadeVertexCollections
CascadeCollections += BPHY22MuLambdaC.CascadeVertexCollections
## 6/ select the event. We only want to keep events that
## contain certain vertices which passed certain selection.
if not isSimulation: #Only Skim Data
from DerivationFrameworkTools.DerivationFrameworkToolsConf import DerivationFramework__xAODStringSkimmingTool
BPHY22_SelectBMuDxEvent = DerivationFramework__xAODStringSkimmingTool(
@@ -516,7 +517,7 @@ if not isSimulation: #Only Skim Data
print BPHY22SkimmingOR
##10/ track and vertex thinning. We want to remove all reconstructed secondary vertices
##7/ track and vertex thinning. We want to remove all reconstructed secondary vertices
## which hasn't passed any of the selections defined by (Select_*) tools.
## We also want to keep only tracks which are associates with either muons or any of the
## vertices that passed the selection. Multiple thinning tools can perform the
@@ -525,8 +526,8 @@ if not isSimulation: #Only Skim Data
## a) thining out vertices that didn't pass any selection and idetifying tracks associated with
## selected vertices. The "VertexContainerNames" is a list of the vertex containers, and "PassFlags"
## contains all pass flags for Select_* tools that must be satisfied. The vertex is kept is it
## satisfy any of the listed selections.
## contains all pass flags for Select_* tools that must be satisfied. The vertex is kept if it
## satisfies any of the listed selections.
from DerivationFrameworkBPhys.DerivationFrameworkBPhysConf import DerivationFramework__Thin_vtxTrk
BPHY22_thinningTool_Tracks = DerivationFramework__Thin_vtxTrk(
name = "BPHY22_thinningTool_Tracks",
@@ -565,7 +566,6 @@ print BPHY22MuonTPThinningTool
thiningCollection = []
print thiningCollection
# The name of the kernel (BPHY22Kernel in this case) must be unique to this derivation
@@ -606,7 +606,6 @@ svcMgr += BPHY22ThinningSvc
# Slimming
# Added by ASC
from DerivationFrameworkCore.SlimmingHelper import SlimmingHelper
BPHY22SlimmingHelper = SlimmingHelper("BPHY22SlimmingHelper")
@@ -641,21 +640,21 @@ StaticContent += ["xAOD::VertexAuxContainer#%sAux.-vxTrackAtVertex" % BPHY22MuPi
## K+K-, Kpi, D0/D0bar candidates
StaticContent += ["xAOD::VertexContainer#%s" % BPHY22DiTrkSelectAndWrite.OutputVtxContainerName]
StaticContent += ["xAOD::VertexAuxContainer#%sAux.-vxTrackAtVertex" % BPHY22DiTrkSelectAndWrite.OutputVtxContainerName]
#StaticContent += ["xAOD::VertexContainer#%s" % BPHY22DiTrkSelectAndWrite.OutputVtxContainerName]
#StaticContent += ["xAOD::VertexAuxContainer#%sAux.-vxTrackAtVertex" % BPHY22DiTrkSelectAndWrite.OutputVtxContainerName]
## D+ / Ds candidates
StaticContent += ["xAOD::VertexContainer#%s" % BPHY22Dh3SelectAndWrite.OutputVtxContainerName]
StaticContent += ["xAOD::VertexAuxContainer#%sAux.-vxTrackAtVertex" % BPHY22Dh3SelectAndWrite.OutputVtxContainerName]
#StaticContent += ["xAOD::VertexContainer#%s" % BPHY22Dh3SelectAndWrite.OutputVtxContainerName]
#StaticContent += ["xAOD::VertexAuxContainer#%sAux.-vxTrackAtVertex" % BPHY22Dh3SelectAndWrite.OutputVtxContainerName]
## B+>J/psi D_(s)+/-, J/psi D*+/- and J/psi D_s1+/- candidates
## B+>mu D_(s)+/-, mu D*+/- and mu Lambda_c+/- candidates
for cascades in CascadeCollections:
StaticContent += ["xAOD::VertexContainer#%s" % cascades]
StaticContent += ["xAOD::VertexAuxContainer#%sAux.-vxTrackAtVertex" % cascades]
# Tagging information (in addition to that already requested by usual algorithms)
AllVariables += ["GSFTrackParticles", "MuonSpectrometerTrackParticles" ]
AllVariables += ["MuonSpectrometerTrackParticles" ]
# Added by ASC
# Truth information for MC only