TrigJetMon: Temporarily removing dependence on AntiKt10LCTopoTrimmedPtFrac5SmallR20Jets in monitoring (ATR-25800)
This is a temporary fix for ATR-25800 to avoid Tier0 jet trigger monitoring so that the jet slice can be enabled in the HLT.
The fix temporarily removes dependence on AntiKt10LCTopoTrimmedPtFrac5SmallR20Jets
as configurations need to be fixed so that they are transiently built during Tier0 reco.
Tier0 monitoring for jet trigger slice:
- Change of distributions: Modified some histogram inputs to rely on matching to small-R PF jets instead
- Removed distributions:
offline jet monitoring removed, turn-on curves for HLT large-R jet chains removed.
tagging @ayana (I hope this doesn't mess with the han configs)
Edited by Claire Antel