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Externals Update, master branch (2022.07.05.)

Updated all projects to atlasexternals-2.0.138. The changes wrt. atlasexternals-2.0.137 are (atlasexternals@2.0.137...2.0.138):

  • Multiple updates to CheckerGccPlugins (thanks to @ssnyder);
    • Added more possibilities for specifying "configuration files" for the GCC plugin, made the plugin compatible with GCC 11.3, and made it ignore files coming from paths specified with -isystem;
    • @ssnyder, @fwinkl, I decided not to make any changes to the CxxUtils code in this MR. It should be cleaner to update how we handle the configuration file specified in that package, in a separate MR.
  • Made FindFastJet.cmake set up linking against the gfortran library, even when it's not available through the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable.

I'm setting up a full-build to see if the updated checker code would throw up any new warnings. It shouldn't, but let's be safe...

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