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Disable CUDA support in AthAnalysis, master branch (2022.07.07.)

Turned off CUDA support for ONNXRuntime in AthAnalysis. Following up from !54769 (merged).

As @gouighri noticed while building the AthAnalysis-22.2.81 release, it became a whole lot bigger than AthAnalysis-22.2.80. Which may be okay on CVMFS, but it's not okay for the Docker container.


This is because of:

[bash][atspot01]:~ > docker run -it --rm atlas/athanalysis:22.2.81
             _ _____ _      _   ___ 
            /_\_   _| |    /_\ / __|
           / _ \| | | |__ / _ \\__ \
          /_/ \_\_| |____/_/ \_\___/

This is a self-contained ATLAS AthAnalysis image.
To set up the analysis release of the image, please

          source /

[bash][atlas]:workdir > du -sh /opt/lcg/* | sort -h
44K     /opt/lcg/LCG_101_ATLAS_24
92K     /opt/lcg/pytest_runner
579M    /opt/lcg/ROOT
612M    /opt/lcg/mysql
635M    /opt/lcg/oracle
5.7G    /opt/lcg/cuda
8.8G    /opt/lcg/cudnn
[bash][atlas]:workdir >

It would've been cool to have CUDA support for ML like this by default in AthAnalysis, but it really just makes these containers unusable. 😦 @dbakshig, I'm still curious what you think. But I don't think we can do anything other than this (for now at least).

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