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Draft: Restructure emulation tool

Carlo Varni requested to merge cvarni/athena:restructure_emulation_tool into master

First restructure of the TrigBtagEmulationTool. The code changes turned out to be more estensive than I was expecting at first. This is mainly just a move around of the code written by @lbeemste and removal of unused pieces of code.

Quite a big MR... it includes the following:

  • TrigBtagEmulationJet only stores the jet quantities, as well as a pointer to the original jet and b-tagging objects (takes no ownership)
  • TrigBtagEmulationChain only parse the trigger chain definition and stores the set of criteria
  • JetManager retrieves jets and stores internally a vector of TrigBtagEmulationJet. This is obtained by merging jets and b-jets collections (<jet-collection-name> + <jet-collection-name>"_bJets")
  • TrigBtagEmulationTool: moved as many methods to this class. It also owns the NN for FlavourTaggingDiscriminant


This needs some testing

tagging @dguest

Edited by Carlo Varni

Merge request reports
