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Enable RoI based data decoding for sTGCs (ATR-25917)

Mark Andrew Owen requested to merge markowen/athena:MO_220_sTGC_Roi_July22 into 22.0

Changes made:

  • sTgcRawDataProvider: get ROB IDs from region selector and pass these to decoding tool
  • StgcRdoToStgcPrepData: add region selector and seeded decoding mode
  • STGC_RawDataProviderToolMT: add conversion method that takes ROB IDs
  • sTgcRdoToPrepDataToolCore: modify processRDOContainer function so it takes a list of hash IDs to convert
  • Enable seeded decoding for RDO->PRD for sTGCs

Merge request reports
