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Implement configuration for L1Calo phase-1 data decoding in reco/monitoring jobs

Rafal Bielski requested to merge rbielski/athena:l1calo-bscnv-reco-cfg into 22.0

Implement feature request ATR-26026. Add eFex decoder for xTOBs + inputs (eTowers) + multi-slice data, jFex decoders for xTOBs and inputs (jTowers), and gFex decoder for inputs (gTowers) in reconstruction/monitoring jobs.

Additional changes needed for this:

  • The flag Trigger.enableL1CaloPhase1 is auto-configured to True if running offline reconstruction (i.e. not HLT jobs) on Run-3 data. -> postponed to a future MR, so the decoding remains disabled by default
  • A new flag Trigger.L1.doCaloInputs is added to steer the addition of the [ej]Fex inputs decoding as it might get disabled at some point.
  • Some helper functions are added in TrigEDMConfig.Utils to reduce code duplication and clients are adapted. This includes a generic function to create the output EDM list from all WriteHandles of a list of components.
  • Minor fixes are also applied in the and in the executable part of (used for testing).
Edited by Rafal Bielski

Merge request reports
