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CaloJiveXML: update package to use DataHandles, cleanup and fixes

Liaoshan Shi requested to merge lshi/athena:CaloJiveXML-MT into 22.0

Updated CaloJiveXML to use DataHandles following the example of !49660 (merged). With this MR, the following WARNINGs are gone when running with athenaMT with one thread:

RAWtoALL 15:16:27 StoreGateSvc                                                   WARNING CaloCellContainer/AllCalo [JiveXML::AlgoJiveXML/AlgoJiveXML]
RAWtoALL 15:16:27 StoreGateSvc                                                   WARNING CaloClusterContainer/egClusterCollection [JiveXML::AlgoJiveXML/AlgoJiveXML]
RAWtoALL 15:16:27 StoreGateSvc                                                   WARNING TileCellContainer/MBTSContainer [JiveXML::AlgoJiveXML/AlgoJiveXML]
RAWtoALL 15:16:27 StoreGateSvc                                                   WARNING TileDigitsContainer/TileDigitsCnt [JiveXML::AlgoJiveXML/AlgoJiveXML]
RAWtoALL 15:16:27 StoreGateSvc                                                   WARNING TileRawChannelContainer/TileRawChannelFixed [JiveXML::AlgoJiveXML/AlgoJiveXML]

Fixed AA-23. xAOD::CaloClusterContainer is now properly retrieved.

Improved the tile retriever and configure the containers to be retrieved based on the availability in the input.

Thanks a lot to the help from @tamartin @harkusha @solodkov @solovian .

This MR targets 22.0 because it is one step of the athenaMT migration for the online event displays.

cc @konstant @emoyse for information.

Merge request reports