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Make LArG4ValidationGenerate work with latest releases

Tadej Novak requested to merge tadej/athena:LArG4ValidationGenerate into master

Make LArG4ValidationGenerate work with latest releases:

  • SimBarcodeOffset flag needs to be set on
  • EventSelector.FirstEvent needs to be set to 1 or larger (1 is the default)

Note that I did not fix the reproducibility but you should always set --firstEvent when running multiple jobs as simulation is seeded using event number.

Tested with --pid=11 --nevents=10 --condition=OFLCOND-MC21-SDR-RUN3-05 --geometry=ATLAS-R3S-2021-03-00-00 --runNumber=410000 --physlist=FTFP_BERT_ATL --parameterize=0 --outputFile=FullSim --firstEvent 100

and --autoConfiguration everything --conditionsTag "default:OFLCOND-MC21-SDR-RUN3-07" --geometryVersion "default:ATLAS-R3S-2021-03-00-00" --multithreaded --postInclude "default:PyJobTransforms/" --preInclude "all:Campaigns/" --inputHITSFile FullSim.HITS.pool.root --outputAODFile test.root --steering doRAWtoALL

/cc @jchapman @ahrynevi @aglazov @ludovica

Merge request reports
