The sTGC Posx vs Posy and R vs Posz histograms had their name changed to Posy vs Posx and Posz vs R , respectively. The sTGC Strip Time histogram was rebinned with 1 ns bins and had its name changed to Strip Cluster Time.
The sTGC Posx vs Posy and R vs Posz histograms had their name changed to Posy vs Posx and Posz vs R , respectively. The sTGC Strip Time histogram was rebinned with 1 ns bins and had its name changed to Strip Cluster Time.
added 22.0 MuonSpectrometer labels
That's again including a ton of cmake files. How do you compile your code btw?
Hello, I am sorry that my request is not satisfactory. I create a build directory outside athena and I compile there with cmake. I made a mistake in the file so I will close this request. I am sorry for wasting time.
It's not a waste of time