MetaReader Update, 22.0 branch (2022.09.14.)
In order to address the situation described in ATLASRECTS-7126, taught the code to take the lumiblock info from the first event if it's not in the BS metadata. Which can be the case for special runs.
With this included the correct lumiblock is presented to the job described in the ticket. Though unfortunately I'm still not able to run that job correctly, even after the update.
[bash][pcadp02]:run > --AMI=f1225 --inputBSFile=../data/ --outputAODFile=AOD.pool.root --outputESDFile=ESD.pool.root --outputHISTFile=HIST.root
11:59:37 LArAlignCondAlg 0 0 INFO recorded new GeoAlignmentStore object for LAr with key LArAlignmentStore and range {[347453,l:0] - [428945,l:0]}
11:59:37 AppStopAlg 0 0 INFO Handling signal: 15
11:59:37 HLTResultMTByteStreamDecoderAlg 0 0 ERROR Failed to retrieve HLT ROBFragments from ROBDataProvider
11:59:37 TileRChMaker.TileRawChannelBuilderOptATLAS 0 0 WARNING Problem in applying noise corrections: DSP container (TileRawChannelCntCorrected) seems to be emtpy!
11:59:37 PixelConfigCondAlg 0 0 INFO recorded new CDO PixelModuleData with range {[t:0,b:4294967295] - [t:4294967294.4294967294,b:4294967295]} into Conditions Store
11:59:37 PixelHitDiscCnfgAlg 0 0 INFO recorded new CDO PixelHitDiscCnfgData with range {[375810,l:0] - [INVALID]} into Conditions Store
11:59:37 MdtCalibDbAlg 0 0 INFO recorded new MdtRtRelationCollection with range {[426139,l:4294541156] - [426140,l:4294541155]} into Conditions Store
11:59:37 MdtCalibDbAlg 0 0 INFO recorded new MdtCorFuncSetCollection with range {[426139,l:4294541156] - [426140,l:4294541155]} into Conditions Store
11:59:37 PixelReadoutSpeedAlg 0 0 INFO Size of AthenaAttributeList ( 'AthenaAttributeList' , 'ConditionStore+/PIXEL/ReadoutSpeed' ) readCdo->size()= 2
11:59:37 PixelReadoutSpeedAlg 0 0 INFO Range of input is {[375810,l:0] - [INVALID]}
11:59:37 PixelReadoutSpeedAlg 0 0 INFO recorded new CDO PixelReadoutSpeedData with range {[375810,l:0] - [INVALID]} into Conditions Store
11:59:37 MdtCalibDbAlg 0 0 WARNING buildMdtTubeCalibContainer() - Ignoring nonexistant station in calibration DB: MuonSpectrometer BML -6 stationPhi 7 MDT multiLayer 1 tubeLayer 1 tube 1, cf. ATLASRECTS-6035
11:59:37 MdtCalibDbAlg 0 0 INFO Size of CondAttrListCollection ( 'CondAttrListCollection' , 'ConditionStore+/MDT/T0BLOB' ) readCdoTube->size()= 1098
11:59:37 MdtCalibDbAlg 0 0 INFO Range of input is {[426139,l:4294541156] - [426140,l:4294541155]}
11:59:37 PixelChargeLUTCalibCondAlg 0 0 INFO Size of CondAttrListCollection ( 'CondAttrListCollection' , 'ConditionStore+/PIXEL/ChargeCalibration' ) readCdo->size()= 1
11:59:37 PixelChargeLUTCalibCondAlg 0 0 INFO Range of input is {[368995,l:0] - [INVALID]}
11:59:37 CaloAlignCondAlg 0 0 INFO recorded new CaloDetDescr Manager condition object with key CaloDetDescrManager and range {[347453,l:0] - [428945,l:0]}
11:59:37 LArFlatConditionsAlg<LArShapeFlat> 0 0 INFO recorded new LArShape with range {[414727,l:0] - [427548,l:0]} into Conditions Store
11:59:37 HLTResultMTByteStreamDecoderAlg 0 0 ERROR Maximum number of errors ( 'ErrorMax':1) reached.
11:59:37 AlgTask 0 0 WARNING Execution of algorithm HLTResultMTByteStreamDecoderAlg failed
11:59:37 AtlasTrackin...CaloTrackingGeometryBuilderCondCond 0 0 INFO 16 volumes retrieved from LArVolumeBuilderCond
But I believe this is completely independent of the luminosity block reading issue. So this update should hopefully still be good.