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Write campaign information into metadata

Tadej Novak requested to merge tadej/athena:campaign-metadata into master

It's clear we need to have campaign information written in metadata. The initial client is pile-up reweighting autoconfiguration (ATLASG-1628).

Some details:

  • add dedicated flags
  • disable PRW in PHYSLITE for data for now - I see no reason why it should be enabled there, but do we need RandomRunNumber also for data?
  • r-tags are really the fallback method if this metadata is not available
  • add information to xAOD::FileMetaData
  • make sure that this is also readable in AnalysisBase

/cc @tadej, @hrussell, @vimartin, @jcatmore, @calpigia, @schaarsc, @nstyles, @elmsheus, @jchapman, @tlari, @mbandier, @cjmeyer

Edited by Tadej Novak

Merge request reports
