Draft: [trigEGam] Integration beteween mongroups and TrigEgammaMonitoring
This MR is to include mongroups inside the TrigEgammaMonitoring framework.
- A method was implemented in the TrigEgammaMonitCategoryMT reading, for now, the mongoups from JSON local file produced by a ART test.
- At this moment, only the primary chains was configured, and then, called inside the TrigEgammaMonitorConfigMT.py file .
- In a next MR, we will include a logic to route chains to shifter and expert folders automatically, according to their respective mongroups.
JIRA Ticket: ATR-25841 .
ping: @safarzad , @cjmeyer , @fernando , @kyjones and @jlieberm
Edited by Edmar Egidio Purcino De Souza
Merge request reports
Filter activity
added 4024 commits
f48fdfcc...7af95f76 - 485 commits from branch
- 813a8df8 - first version of a SysReadSelectionHandle
- 9a811ecd - CxxUtils: add checkergcc plugins config file
- 1a4e7181 - TrigGpuTest: enable thread-checker and fixes
- 11f066a7 - TrigT1EventAthenaPool: enable thread-checker and fixes
- c51bb906 - TrigSteeringEventTPCnv: make Lvl1ResultCnv a const-converter
- b5b660f6 - TrigDecisionEventTPCnv: enable thread-checker and fix warnings
- 2407a882 - TrigTruthEventAthenaPool: enable thread-checker and fix warnings
- ce0421b8 - TrigEvent: enable thread-checker for some TPCnv packages
- 5246c597 - TrigEventAthenaPool: enable thread-checker and fix warnings
- f6776e7c - LumiBlockAthenaPool: enable thread-checker and fix warnings
- d2a58d97 - Update version.txt
- 10cb4044 - Update version.txt
- 290c6a6b - HGTD_EventAthenaPool: enable thread-checker and fix warnings
- bb7a9b5b - HGTD_GeoModelXml: enable thread-checker
- 24745cb9 - HGTD_Digitization: remove mutable pulse shape and enable thread-checker
- ff9b8ca2 - CxxUtils: Try to bundle common checks together
- 32e1f13a - Merge branch 'features_slit_other' into 'master'
- b20693c9 - Merge branch 'fwinkl_20220523T135922' into 'master'
- d370a129 - TrigSteeringEventTPCnv: Fix cppcheck warning.
- f486c214 - Merge branch 'cppcheck.TrigSteeringEventTPCnv-20220523' into 'master'
- 6d841d57 - TrkTruthTPCnv: Fix cppcheck warnings.
- c1e1e7b0 - Merge branch 'cppcheck.TrkTruthTPCnv-20220523' into 'master'
- 4a9a4cec - TrkNeuralNetworkUtils: Fix cppcheck warnings.
- c49822a8 - Merge branch 'cppcheck.TrkNeuralNetworkUtils-20220523' into 'master'
- 0a1ee7de - 22.0-coverity-InDetCoolCoralClientUtils
- 5b0fabbf - Merge branch '22.0-coverity-InDetCoolCoralClientUtils' into 'master'
- a5aaf02f - Merge branch 'trigeap' into 'master'
- fcd93d46 - ATLASRECTS-7064 : cppcheck for IsolationCorrections
- 1a95d226 - Merge branch 'IsoCorrFix' into 'master'
- c9cb9209 - MuonPRDTest: Migrate the Testers
- 2d4a14f1 - Merge branch 'MigrationTester' into 'master'
- 7a7dd979 - Merge branch 'tpcnv_thrchk' into 'master'
- 28495390 - Merge branch 'lumiblock_thrchk' into 'master'
- b4dfd9bf - Merge branch 'fwinkl_20220523T122701' into 'master'
- 7ee67d04 - Allow skipping regular properties when reading the config
- 6039ce7b - Merge branch 'allow-skipping-regular-properties' into 'master'
- f33fc884 - Add Btagging and additional variable to HIGG1D1
- dcfc5ea4 - Merge branch 'UpdateHigg1D1_2' into 'master'
- 308d0ced - Merge branch 'hgtd' into 'master'
- 3d4d331b - TrkValHistUtils: Enable thread-safety checking.
- 41be27e9 - Merge branch 'thread.TrkValHistUtils-20220523' into 'master'
- f87c723e - TrigMissingEtEventTPCnv: Enable thread-safety checking.
- b384571c - Merge branch 'thread.TrigMissingEtEventTPCnv-20220523' into 'master'
- 31c51778 - 22.0-cppcheck-InnerDetector
- 93c56df6 - Merge branch '22.0-cppcheck-PixelCalibAlgs' into 'master'
- 5d953210 - TrigMuonEventTPCnv: Enable thread-safety checking.
- 528cc154 - Merge branch 'thread.TrigMuonEventTPCnv-20220523' into 'master'
- 6c620e94 - TrigParticleTPCnv: Enable thread-safety checking.
- bfca5db0 - Merge branch 'thread.TrigParticleTPCnv-20220523' into 'master'
- ae4f8a6c - Add file ID to context label to handle multiple input files
- 077eb138 - Merge branch 'AthenaIO_PersPerTypeFix' into 'master'
- 8c2502be - Merge branch 'gccchecker_config' into 'master'
- eafd3533 - Cleanup for flavor tagging GNN tool
- bb849216 - Merge branch 'nn-cleanup' into 'master'
- 73c78160 - CxxUtils: update thread-checker configuration
- 8ec18cc0 - Merge branch 'MC21FrozenShowers_master' into '22.0'
- 2dcc84f8 - Merge branch 'master_ATR-25576' into '22.0'
- baae9038 - Merge branch 'ma-hltjet-improve-hypo-timing-mon' into '22.0'
- 0897b429 - Merge branch 'tagnprobe_update' into '22.0'
- cd9259be - Merge branch 'rates-fix-eb-cleanup' into '22.0'
- 1d40f0b2 - Merge branch '22-enableMonGroups' into '22.0'
- b11e1eb5 - Merge branch 'L1Topo-BW3' into '22.0'
- b32fc352 - Merge branch 'fcs' into '22.0'
- ee27eb3e - MuonCondCabling: Fix cppcheck warnings.
- eb66bc9d - Merge branch 'cppcheck.RPC_CondCabling-20220524' into 'master'
- c1b04e8e - CondCont.cxx: Remove spurious cout
- 79a7cecd - Merge branch 'ContCond_nocout' into 'master'
- 9d8daf73 - TrigT1CaloFexPerf, TrigT1MuctpiPhase1, unitialized variables
- 2b1cd24c - Merge branch 'unint' into 'master'
- 79f9cd5c - TrkVKalVrtCore pass by const , and remove stray ^M
- 98773371 - Merge branch 'Tracking_clang_tidy' into 'master'
- 517ab49e - ParticleCaloExtensionTool: Remove deprecated block of code
- 39b387b6 - Merge branch 'ParticleCaloExtensionTool_rm_unused_electron_block' into 'master'
- d8ce9e88 - ISF_FastCaloSimParametrization: Fix clang warning.
- 3a28e018 - Merge branch 'clang.ISF_FastCaloSimParametrization-20220524' into 'master'
- f4dbf60d - fix inverted bool in reading NSW RDOs
- 3a064db9 - Merge branch 'fixNSWRDOreadingBugInCOunts' into 'master'
- f361cf77 - AFP_SiClusterTools: cmake fix
- 119332f5 - Merge branch 'cmake.AFP_SiClusterTools-20220524' into 'master'
- 276fa270 - Remove PFO creator algorithms, which are deprecated.
- 8172c72d - Merge branch 'mhodgkin_removePFOCreators' into 'master'
- 447335a3 - Merge branch 'gccchecker_config2' into 'master'
- 0b5d9ccc - Remove unused string objects in CoolCoralClient.cpp
- 7d2fa726 - Merge branch 'removestringsCool' into 'master'
- d193ce23 - Merge branch 'HW-TrigMuonTruthMon-msonly' into '22.0'
- b8790545 - Merge branch 'cherry-pick-f3f5a916-master' into 'master'
- c86ce2c5 - Merge branch 'cherry-pick-4b879299-master' into 'master'
- e61d2fd6 - TrkVolumes flatten also in opt
- 000a27bb - Merge branch 'TrkVolumes_flatten_opt' into 'master'
- b2a5f034 - Merge branch 'cherry-pick-3d0318cb-master' into 'master'
- 1c200ca3 - Merge branch 'cherry-pick-475af4d4-master' into 'master'
- 2077dcc4 - Merge branch 'cherry-pick-aa474126-master' into 'master'
- c4fd5b50 - Merge branch 'cherry-pick-23f6e367-master' into 'master'
- af34db92 - Merge branch 'cherry-pick-89039eb0-master' into 'master'
- aadf9d65 - Merge branch 'cherry-pick-21e9d084-master' into 'master'
- cecedb53 - RecJobTransforms: Switch RecoSteeringTest to fast PerfMonMT
- 38c73889 - Merge branch 'master-move-reco-test-to-fast-perfmon' into 'master'
- e9b21a83 - Fix ART for photons
- 78bf54b4 - Merge branch 'egValid' into 'master'
- 76ad8dd1 - Updated ESD content for InDet/ITk track reco in CA config
- 9801703e - Merge branch 'ESDInDetContentCA' into 'master'
- b7e41419 - Add flag to OutputStream to write metadata and close after next Event. ATEAM-832
- b4fc1ea8 - Merge branch 'Sequencer.change.transition.SP' into 'master'
- e85dbb2b - Fix bug in btagging config flags
- 4bba3c2c - Merge branch 'configbug' into 'master'
- 6367caae - Merge branch 'cherry-pick-86fb8899-master' into 'master'
- 94496bae - 23.0-cppcheck-CaloRec
- af18aea1 - Merge branch '23.0-cppcheck-CaloRec' into 'master'
- 5edbb61f - Updating HI reference file as response to ATR-24755
- ae985715 - Merge branch 'master-atr24755-update-ref' into 'master'
- 5100d51b - AtlasBuildScripts: fix externals cleanup after build failure
- 9ed72051 - Cleaning up and bug fixes in TileTriggerDefaultCalibTool
- 487d7094 - MissingETD3PDMaker: remove dependency on MissingETGoodness
- bcce8966 - MissingETGoodness: delete obsolete package
- 4a2b97e5 - MissingETMonitoring: enable thread-checker
- 151ade62 - eflowAthenaPool: enable thread-checker and fix warnings
- 72abe38b - egammaAthenaPool: enable thread-checker and fix warnings
- 95d1c94c - Merge branch 'ElectronIDSFFilePathLoose_newoption' into '21.2'
- c6a07580 - JetEventAthenaPool: enable thread-checker and fix warnings
- 1d7ef006 - RecAthenaPool: enable thread-checker and fix warnings
- 2435fa28 - RecEventAthenaPool: enable thread-checker and fix warnings
- a2157525 - TrackParticleTruthAthenaPool: enable thread-checker and fix warnings
- 0b04b76b - tauEventAthenaPool: enable thread-checker and fix warnings
- fc7c8d54 - TrackParticleAthenaPool: enable thread-checker and fix warnings
- 24579d3b - Merge branch 'aebuild' into 'master'
- fe7d0484 - Clean up RIG test files
- bfc8c76c - Merge branch 'mhodgkin_cleanUpRIGTestFiles' into 'master'
- 722dd658 - PixelAlignCondAlg: Use writeHandle.addDependnecy(...)
- 1e0b3e63 - Merge branch 'PixelAlignCondAlg_addDep' into 'master'
- 470eae16 - BeamHaloGenerator: enable thread-checker and const fixes
- d7c8fd3b - Merge branch 'metgoodness' into 'master'
- 4167b459 - Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/22.0' into update_25_05
- 255d91a3 - McEventSelector: enable thread-checker and fix warnings
- fca34543 - CxxUtils: add option to enable pedantic gccchecker plugin settings
- d5e1ede1 - Add PerfMon domain support to CA
- a6a3bc69 - Demonstrate the usage of PerfMon domains in CA-based reconstruction and IO
- e3fed654 - TrkValHistUtils: Fix cppcheck warnings.
- b41c2e5d - L1TopoRDO: Fix cppcheck warnings.
- 2c2bdc3d - Revert "22.0 -> master sweeping rule"
- 45c9ff8a - Merge branch 'update_25_05' into 'master'
- c9be7534 - Merge branch 'cppcheck.TrkValHistUtils-20220525' into 'master'
- 68b86604 - AthenaCommon: Don't pass exctrace preload to subprocesses.
- 17572c55 - Merge branch 'exctraceSubproc.AthenaCommon-20220525' into 'master'
- 7dfd2f37 - TrigTruthEventTPCnv: Enable thread-safety checking.
- 095f2be3 - Merge branch 'thread.TrigTruthEventTPCnv-20220525' into 'master'
- 0ef3dc1b - InDetOverlay: Make tests more reliable.
- d3689db2 - Merge branch 'test.InDetOverlay-20220525' into 'master'
- 38b660fc - TrigT1Result: Fix cppcheck warnings.
- 11dd824b - Merge branch 'cppcheck.TrigT1Result-20220525' into 'master'
- 82d1a448 - MuonPRDTest: Fix compilation with HepMC3.
- 7d54a535 - Merge branch 'hepmc3.MuonPRDTest-20220525' into 'master'
- c4facab9 - RecEventTPCnv: Enable thread-safety checking.
- 478569f0 - Merge branch 'thread.RecEventTPCnv-20220525' into 'master'
- b138de5b - Add T/P for Multicomponent State on Surface
- a0e00ca7 - Merge branch 'MSOS_converter' into 'master'
- 5b919ea3 - Merge branch 'gen_thrchk1' into 'master'
- e718c95b - Merge branch 'recthr' into 'master'
- 315afc97 - LumiBlockComps: use addDependency
- fdd9db27 - Merge branch 'LumbBlockComps_addDep' into 'master'
- 446a979f - Merge branch 'cherry-pick-151d617c-master' into 'master'
- 4039a4b7 - Merge branch 'tilecal-for-22.0' into 'master'
- 761bf536 - Component accumulator in DAODs - part 7: MET association
- 8015ddf7 - Merge branch 'master-DAOD_CA_part7' into 'master'
- 097df213 - Update BTagMuonAugmenter
- 3e2ec16d - Merge branch 'update_btag_muon_augmenter' into 'master'
- c536fd7b - Update version.txt
- 90fcc519 - Update version.txt
- 9d841153 - Merge branch 'checkerall' into 'master'
- 91d5995b - MdtRawDataMonitoring, HIJetRec cppcheck/clang-tidy pass by const ref
- 8a9767aa - Merge branch 'pass_ref' into 'master'
- 650113b4 - IRDBRecord: return strings by const reference
- fd1d1c1f - Merge branch 'master-rdbrecord-strings' into 'master'
- 5990a6eb - Merge branch 'master-ca-perfmon-domains' into 'master'
- b0106a6f - Porting two requested UserHook from 21.6
- d6c33f38 - Merge branch 'gpanizzo-missing-UH-requested' into 'master'
- 33c3a8e7 - AFP Monitoring - post-processing
- da16fe27 - Merge branch '22.0-afp-post-processing' into 'master'
- ab6886f9 - Fixing - maybe - bug in passing of seed parameters
- 62bf69e8 - Merge branch 'master-fix-ntuple-values' into 'master'
- ef8d7da0 - Adding ITk Detailed hit info in TrackParticleCreatorTool
- 49516764 - Merge branch 'DetailedHitInfoTrkPart' into 'master'
- 9d1ee2fe - Manual sweep of merge requests from 22.0 branch to master on 25/05
- e82f5205 - EGammaVariableCorrection: cmake fix
- 13600916 - TrigT1CaloEvent: Fix cppcheck warnings.
- 577b1440 - MuonAnalysisInterfaces: Enable thread-safety checking.
- 2de1261e - AsgAnalysisInterfaces: Enable thread-safety checking.
- 850bd8b7 - EgammaAnalysisInterfaces: Enable thread-safety checking.
- c8ec62a7 - LArGeoBarrel: minor code cleanup
- 991562e6 - Revert "Update version.txt to 22.0.69
- c2fcc014 - Merge branch 'update_26_05' into 'master'
- 214d3f71 - Merge branch 'master-largm' into 'master'
- 6b65ae76 - Merge branch 'cmake.EGammaVariableCorrection-20220526' into 'master'
- 92e7e16d - Merge branch 'cppcheck.TrigT1CaloEvent-20220526' into 'master'
- 02b0e9dc - Merge branch 'thread.MuonAnalysisInterfaces-20220526' into 'master'
- 9a4bb2f1 - Merge branch 'thread.AsgAnalysisInterfaces-20220526' into 'master'
- 2a5e8ac3 - Correct version number that was a result of sweeping from r22 branch
- 6213b13a - Manual sweep of merge requests from 22.0 branch to master on 27/05
- e7ae6977 - Fix the tier 0 tag and probe analyses
- 068a0817 - Merge branch 'tvtnp' into 'master'
- 0f08f2a5 - Merge branch 'update_27_05' into 'master'
- 6b63dab5 - RoiDescriptor: Fix linking in dbg build.
- 5de40e5b - Merge branch 'link.RoiDescriptor-20220527' into 'master'
- b95e7dda - AthenaServices: Fix race in AthTPCnvSvc.
- 6d68e3d6 - Merge branch 'thread.AthenaServices-20220527' into 'master'
- a99ed183 - CoolConvUtilities: python3 fix
- 524399d0 - Merge branch 'py3.CoolConvUtilities-20220527' into 'master'
- 0126341b - LArGeoEndcap: switched to the updated interface of IRDBRecord::getString()
- 0f989068 - Merge branch 'master-largeoendcap' into 'master'
- 2e2e21ef - WorkflowTestRunner: Documentation fix.
- 3f96d842 - Merge branch 'docs.WorkflowTestRunner-20220527' into 'master'
- 7bf19d79 - Bug fix for ITk seeding algorithm
- 889aa87f - Merge branch 'master-itk-seeding-bug-fix' into 'master'
- 96d3c4ea - Manual sweep of merge requests from 22.0 branch to master on 28/05
- 240d5c7e - LArRecUtils: Fix conditions dependencies.
- 95f00447 - Merge branch 'deps.LArRecUtils-20220527' into 'master'
- 5d09f2e5 - InDetByteStreamErrorsAthenaPool: Add TPCnv declarations.
- a06f8b19 - Merge branch 'tpcnv.InDetByteStreamErrorsAthenaPool-20220527' into 'master'
- ffd872aa - Merge branch 'update_28_05' into 'master'
- 14e323a0 - JetUncertainties: enable thread-checker and fixes
- 5ecb4ffe - RecAlgs: enable thread-checker and fix warnings
- 703bedee - StoreGate: Exception classes.
- 42569745 - Merge branch 'exc.StoreGate-20220527' into 'master'
- aa0cec0a - cppcheck / clang-tidy : HIMonitoringPhotonsTool uninit members
- 5516b250 - Merge branch 'HIMonitoringPhotonsTool_uninit' into 'master'
- cd80e181 - ElectronPhotonFourMomentumCorrection: Add check thread safety, fixes, and tidy a bit"
- 91ca16d8 - Merge branch 'FourMom_checker' into 'master'
- a45b5f97 - cppcheck OverlayCopyAlgs uninit members
- 448d963d - Merge branch 'OverlayCopyAlgs_uninit' into 'master'
- 4488c362 - 23.0-cppcheck-GeneratorFilters
- d6ca20d4 - Merge branch '23.0-cppcheck-GeneratorFilters' into 'master'
- 0bb33ed2 - JetAnalysisEDM: delete obsolete package
- 46e3966f - Merge branch 'jetanalysisedm' into 'master'
- 6286b084 - Enlarge CALO envelope to hold JMPlug
- 6654a44a - Merge branch 'master-JMTube' into 'master'
- b78a0c4b - Merge branch '21.6_MGC_DirFix' into '21.6'
- eeb103cb - Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/22.0' into update_30_05
- 86c62619 - Merge branch 'recalgs' into 'master'
- d6cb4f73 - RecTPCnv: enable thread-checker and fix warnings
- 8602ffa9 - TrackParticleTruthTPCnv: const fixes
- 4cc6aec8 - Update Run 3 digests
- 2d93c2b3 - Merge branch 'update_30_05' into 'master'
- a22203c4 - InDetTrackSystematicsTools port from 21.2 to master - part 1
- 202e54d6 - Merge branch 'Port-21.2-InDetTrackSystematicsTools-to-master-part-1' into 'master'
- b939a0ca - Merge branch 'jetuncert' into 'master'
- 0b066c2a - Fix montool path
- b62963a2 - Merge branch 'tfm' into 'master'
- a511b56b - Merge branch 'cherry-pick-f6f85762-master' into 'master'
- d275f43a - ElectronMaterialMixtureConvolution : simplify and streamline a bit the code
- ea8f0c2f - Merge branch 'ElectronMaterialMixtureConvolution_simplify_loop' into 'master'
- 24855704 - Merge branch 'rectp' into 'master'
- a89c8e0f - Merge branch 'tracktp' into 'master'
- 1d6819fa - Fixing PHYSVAL ART
- 26326f9e - Merge branch 'master-FixingPHYSVALART' into 'master'
- c708f7ff - Merge branch 'run3ci' into 'master'
- 9da04282 - Event: enable thread-checker for several packages
- d8b6a5b1 - Merge branch 'evt1' into 'master'
- 142aa619 - Make hltmonitoringJson optional in xAODConfigTool
- bb0fe03d - Merge branch 'tamartin-master-patch-00829' into 'master'
- d839ffd7 - Some cleanup for TrigL2MuonSA
- 2973c1d5 - Merge branch 'muontweak' into 'master'
- 089d0eb5 - Sweeping !53697 (merged) from 21.6 to master.
- d44e6b7c - Merge branch 'cherry-pick-930088ab-master' into 'master'
- 6ddc75a2 - MET config modernization and cleanup
- cdf02da4 - Merge branch 'metflags-220526' into 'master'
- fb7cd197 - Merge branch 'sys_selection_handle' into 'master'
- 7fcbdd6f - Update all Projects to layer LCG_101_ATLAS_22
- 9f8f4ce7 - Daily "22.0 to master" sweep: 31/05/22
- f77fc7a7 - Merge branch 'update_31_05' into 'master'
- 7ceca131 - ISF_FastCaloSimParametrization: Fix warning in hepmc3 compilation.
- 6637df62 - Merge branch 'hepmc3.ISF_FastCaloSimParametrization-20220531' into 'master'
- d14ae761 - InDetByteStreamErrorsAthenaPool: Missing dictionaries.
- 34f12b76 - Merge branch 'dict.InDetByteStreamErrorsAthenaPool-20220531' into 'master'
- 4185f4ce - TrkRIO_OnTrackCreatorConfig comments and tidy
- 03d008e1 - Merge branch 'TrkRIO_OnTrackCreatorConfig_comments_and_tidy' into 'master'
- f9983f82 - Physval display: handle different start paths for different references
- 4494dc51 - Merge branch 'master-dq-physval-multi-ref' into 'master'
- 92a6b6b0 - Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/22.0' into update_01_06_3
- ac45fe7a - Revert "Add Run 3 data digests and update references for 22.0"
- 107b9285 - Update Run 3 digests
- 18991d85 - Revert version.txt updates
- 1049d5a8 - Merge branch 'update_01_06_3' into 'master'
- 40ae66d5 - 23.0-improve-TrkExTools
- 1883b864 - Merge branch '23.0-improve-TrkExTools' into 'master'
- b0b5e003 - Updated the analysis releases to version 22.2.77.
- 7af3d594 - CxxUtils: fix installation of pedantic checkergcc file
- c430f748 - Add additional plots for standard/secondary vertex monitoring
- 755dfa38 - Merge branch 'master-vtx-mon-hists' into 'master'
- 43cdf01e - DynVarFixerAlg Update, master branch (2022.06.01.)
- 7b58c44f - Merge branch 'DynVarFixUpgrade-master-20220601' into 'master'
- 2d59fc17 - Fixing name of variable and related methods for space point details
- 1a113275 - Merge branch 'master-fix-typo-name-variable-sp-details' into 'master'
- a00bdb66 - 23.0-cppcheck-RecAlgs
- 974d7528 - Merge branch '23.0-cppcheck-RecAlgs' into 'master'
- bb0ba2d8 - Bug fix in pix_defect.py
- d1d843cc - Merge branch 'master-PixelPostProcessing' into 'master'
- da61cd4e - Fixes seed eta calculation.
- 0ffd856d - Merge branch 'master-seed-val-eta-fix' into 'master'
- d5b0341f - TriggerJobOpts.Modifiers: Skip adding FPEAuditor on platforms other than x86_64
- ec3b23c5 - Merge branch 'fpeauditor-protect-platform' into 'master'
- ba9b8f78 - TrigT1CaloMonitoring: Minor cleanup.
- 1cef5d07 - Merge branch 'uninit.TrigT1CaloMonitoring-20220601' into 'master'
- c2ebe254 - Trk::Surfaces. Reduce the number of @plt (out-of-line) calls to Eigen::internal methods
- 1f44c0e6 - Merge branch 'CaloEx_test' into 'master'
- f1ce57b6 - Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/22.0' into update_02_06
- 1a548971 - split ISelectionAccessor into ISelectionReadAccessor and ISelectionWriteAccessor
- c21efbea - GeoSpecialShapes: cleanup debug printout in LArWheelCalculator
- 5c269e25 - FileStager: delete obsolete package
- 19082d57 - ICaloSurfaceBuilder rm seemingunused methods
- f983c58a - Merge branch 'update_02_06' into 'master'
- 1a97d299 - WriteCondHandle: Check for ConditonsContainer type mismatch
- 768a783d - Merge branch 'CondCondDepDiagnostics' into 'master'
- 443e7f57 - TrigT1CaloCalibTools: Collapse excessive copy/paste into a table.
- 254ca6c8 - Merge branch 'excessiveDup.TrigT1CaloCalibTools-20220601' into 'master'
- 04a82e16 - Merge branch 'checkergcc' into 'master'
- c153e58a - 23.0-cppcheck-BarcodeServices
- e49eff7c - Merge branch '23.0-cppcheck-BarcodeServices' into 'master'
- c2eeacbc - DetDescrCondTools: delete unused AlignTransTool and enable thread-checker
- 31b0d3d8 - Merge branch 'detdescr' into 'master'
- a9930d53 - GeoExporter+DumpGeo+GeoAdaptors: enable thread-checker and fix warnings
- 1f9bb61e - Merge branch 'geomodel' into 'master'
- 9253fdcb - Fix indices in AtlListBSEvent
- 7d41e658 - Merge branch 'AtlListBSEvt_indices' into 'master'
- 5aaf668e - Add matching of LRT electrons and muons to triggers to LLP1
- 6fc9797c - Merge branch 'llp1_trigmatch' into 'master'
- 2e17b2aa - DataQualityUtils; DataQualityInterfaces: Сompatibility with the V2.3 version of han files
- ac8c8c79 - Merge branch 'master-dq-han-output-file-mod' into 'master'
- c30cc6a4 - Revert possibly unindented change prb causing ATLASSIM-5770
- 83f448d8 - Merge branch 'fast_calo_tool_revert_unindented_change' into 'master'
- 41f0f265 - Merge branch 'delete_filestager' into 'master'
- 0a537f06 - LAr calib patching extension
- f2b62787 - Merge branch 'calib_patch_from_reference' into 'master'
- 3bdd54df - 23.0-cppcheck-LArCalibDataQuality
- 7f699455 - Merge branch '23.0-cppcheck-LArCalibDataQuality' into 'master'
- fa8572f5 - AtlCoolConsole: Rely on python's normpath module to make the cd command more functional
- 6c44f318 - EvgenJobTransforms: add printout for ecmEnergy
- 28fa45be - Merge branch 'master-e2ecm' into 'master'
- bdb87d93 - make LArHVCondAlg non-reentrant
- 53516291 - Merge branch 'LArHVCondAlgNotReentrant' into 'master'
- d39f599f - GeneratorFilters: corrext xAOD common fragments
- 97b3b57d - Merge branch 'master-xaodf' into 'master'
- 34770e12 - Fixing electron tier0 TnP nightly art test
- ddf32041 - Merge branch 'tnp_nightly_fix' into 'master'
- 4c963488 - Merge branch 'geoshapes' into 'master'
- 5ef14ae8 - Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/22.0' into update_03_06
- 6b9c9de8 - ComponentAccumulator: remove leftover traceback import
- 319ff901 - AppMgr: print athMasterSeq in DEBUG
- 162d33c6 - AthenaConfiguration: merge AthAlgSeq into TopAlg for legacy support
- fe8c1153 - STEP propagator move getField helpers in anonymous namespace. Also we compile...
- 2f8e6b4a - RecExCommon: cleanup usage of CaloRecoCfg and BackgroundAlgsCfg
- a9f4bf1c - Remove setting of TopAlg as CA sequence
- 000eef77 - Merge branch 'selection_accessor_split' into 'master'
- 370e411f - TauAnalysisTools: Enable thread-safety checking.
- 84c9899c - Merge branch 'thread.TauAnalysisTools-20220601' into 'master'
- a644b071 - Matching TRT hits to corresponding L1 RoI eta
- 5d431409 - Merge branch 'rectifyingTRTEtaMatch' into 'master'
- 5e45224d - DB tools for AFP ToF
- 6c8fae68 - Merge branch 'afp-add-db-for-tof-parameters' into 'master'
- 6c6dead6 - LArWheelCalculator: cleanup parameterization code
- 6b7d6571 - Merge branch 'lcg101atlas22_20220601' into 'master'
- c856cc53 - Merge branch 'update_03_06' into 'master'
- ba10f4da - Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/22.0' into update_04_06
- 0c7ba5be - Keep --no-output-checks as discussed in !53897 (merged)
- 2081a7b7 - squashed commits
- c1cabbca - Merge branch 'update_04_06' into 'master'
- 5bbcc60e - Check containers exist in evtStore before using them
- 626a1d1f - Merge branch 'CoolConsoleDetails' into 'master'
- aae5fed0 - FTagAnalysisInterfaces+xAODBTaggingEfficiency: Fix circular dependency.
- a4793661 - Merge branch 'cirdep.FTagAnalysisInterfaces-20220603' into 'master'
- 6476b64b - Merge branch 'ICaloSurfaceBuilder_rm_seeming_unused_methods' into 'master'
- f689b2d8 - DQ - Enable regex named backreferences in algorithm references
- f9662566 - Merge branch 'master-dq-regex-named-backreferences' into 'master'
- 16c216f5 - Merge branch 'ca_topalg' into 'master'
- 27f1c0e9 - Merge branch 'TrkExSTEP_helper_in_anonymous_namespace' into 'master'
- 3a644617 - 23.0-cppcheck-EventLoopGrid
- 1cdacb4d - Merge branch '23.0-cppcheck-EventLoopGrid' into 'master'
- 958075a3 - Merge branch 'LArCalib_fixes' into 'master'
- 28809173 - Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/22.0' into master-swapfrom22_06_06
- 084ccf23 - MuonEventTPCnv: Fix unit tests.
- ddd17e8c - introduce SysWriteSelectionHandle
- 9afb2247 - Merge branch 'master-swapfrom22_06_06' into 'master'
- f3f39d6d - Merge branch 'test.MuonEventTPCnv-20220606' into 'master'
- a4473e65 - Master update evtgen external
- 6794dc1f - Merge branch 'master-update-EvtgenExternal' into 'master'
- e6d797a6 - master: LHEFilters updates for AthGeneration
- 3a05dbac - Merge branch 'master-Updating-LHEFilters' into 'master'
- e742e426 - Add hooks for DQ histogram creation to CA Reco_tf configuration
- 9cf56627 - Merge branch 'master-dq-ca-config' into 'master'
- ec05bbf3 - AtlasBuildScripts: add prepare_release_notes.py
- 0f8fb85e - Minor fixes to release notes script
- 39347975 - Update JetInputs config to adjust eta ranges in threshhold plots.
- d2703466 - DetDescrCondExample: delete ReadTopTrans example
- 740ec516 - Change keyword for setting output formats in Derivation_tf
- da702b45 - DetDescrCondExample: enable thread-checker
- 189166e5 - DQ - add the backreference test in han_results_print_test.ref
- b4a72b11 - make CaloBCIDCoeffsCondAlg non-reentrant
- d0f5f29d - EventBookkeeperAthenaPool: enable thread-checker and fix warnings
- e4c5b6b6 - GeneratorObjectsAthenaPool: enable thread-checker and fix warnings
- a133bfaf - LArAthenaPool: enable thread-checker and fix warnings
- 7305baaf - MuonEventAthenaPool: enable thread-checker and fix warnings
- 45a93ac2 - MuonSimEventAthenaPool: enable thread-checker and fix warnings
- 1e861c7e - AnalysisTriggerEventAthenaPool: enable thread-checker and fix warnings
- 730cff2d - McParticleEventAthenaPool: enable thread-checker and fix warnings
- cd2c6ed8 - TBEventAthenaPool: enable thread-checker and fix warnings
- 875a4404 - TileEventAthenaPool: enable thread-checker and fix warnings
- cc4239e3 - TrkEventAthenaPool: enable thread-checker and fix warnings
- eac028f8 - TrkTruthAthenaPool: enable thread-checker and fix warnings
- c4db3401 - Merge branch 'geoshapes2' into 'master'
- 7f3a9f4e - Merge branch 'fc-artfix-5jun' into 'master'
- cc0e5e38 - Merge branch 'master-dq-regex-named-backreferences-fix' into 'master'
- e1578cc9 - MuonGMdbObjects: The use of RDBQuery is eliminated in favor of RDBRecordset
- 03bec896 - Merge branch 'MuonDBReform' into 'master'
- c91643e8 - Merge branch 'detdescex' into 'master'
- ee300c94 - More optimisations of AtlCoolConsole
- d28cde84 - Merge branch 'CoolConsoleDetails1' into 'master'
- 54aa38d0 - Fixes for Truth derivations in master
- 341b6053 - Merge branch 'TruthDerivationFix_master' into 'master'
- b433e29f - Merge branch 'sys_write_selection_handle' into 'master'
- f4125017 - Merge branch 'sawyer-master-patch-76800' into 'master'
- 1d94ce05 - Add new array class for systematic decor handles
- c91c756c - Merge branch 'SysDecorHandleArray' into 'master'
- adcf8525 - ATLASG-1635: CA track iso in derivation
- f41590de - Merge branch 'master_TrkIsoDeriv' into 'master'
- 96d7c3a3 - FastSimulationConfig: Remove references to nonexistent package FatrasExample.
- 8984341c - Add comment for calo ring domain and small formatting change
- ec87b03e - Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/22.0' into master-sweepfrom22_07_06
- dc281b84 - rm practically unimplemented setCaloDepth
- f6f0fa9d - Optimizations for truth derivations on AOD
- aaad0930 - Add missing comma
- 35c77aaa - Merge branch 'master-sweepfrom22_07_06' into 'master'
- c42da215 - Merge branch 'CaloBCIDCoeffs_nonReentrant' into 'master'
- 9d6a660c - Merge branch 'fatrasexample.FastSimulationConfig-20220607' into 'master'
- e13704c6 - Merge branch 'RecoSteering_add_ringer_comment' into 'master'
- a96c9a86 - Merge branch 'setCaloDepth_rm' into 'master'
- 476272b2 - Merge branch 'idpvm-data-fix' into 'master'
- 7c49b370 - GeoModelSvc+GeoModelInterfaces: make getMaterial non-const
- 0422d4e9 - TileGeoModel+TileAncillary: make MaterialManager non-const
- abb60e0d - LArGeoModel: make MaterialManager non-const
- 75c60804 - InDetDetDescr+InDetSimUtils: make MaterialManager non-const
- 103b9c24 - ForwardDetectors: make MaterialManager non-const
- 4aabaa86 - Geo2G4: retrieve non-const MaterialManager
- 171b9c5a - AtlasGeometryCommon: make MaterialManager non-const
- a7c86c28 - MuonGeoModel+AGDD: make MaterialManager non-const
- 41f21fad - Add HIST outputs and a HIST comparision of CA vs. RecExCommon
- e7d5dc59 - Update all projects to LCG_101_ATLAS_24
- ddb712e3 - fixed bug in unused code
- 83d16edd - Fix broken URL in CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md
- c138bae7 - Some memory management cleanup in TrkAlignment
- 0b7f5f4f - Correct setting a string from the string_view token
- d9876e98 - Update to 22.6.17
- ee8f5782 - DataModelTest: enable thread-checker and fix warnings
- 64d6df7e - Merge branch 'geomodelsvc1' into 'master'
- dd84d9cd - Merge branch 'trftestsart_20220608' into 'master'
- 4b644349 - StoredMaterialManager: make addMaterial non-const
- 558a5b89 - StoredMaterialManager: make getElement non-const
- 462aa7b2 - GeoModelSvc: enable thread-checker and fix warnings
- 48d4b56f - Remove some more dynamic_cast-SiClusterOnTrackTool
- d5e87ef5 - Merge branch 'clustonTrack' into 'master'
- e4385b1f - Merge branch 'fixjpsi' into 'master'
- 11c10adc - 23.0-cppcheck-MuonRPC_CnvTools
- a3dc2ceb - Merge branch '23.0-cppcheck-MuonRPC_CnvTools' into 'master'
- 0dfc9ebc - Derivations BPHY: Reduce unnecessary const_casts
- 9d01a1de - Merge branch 'reducePVconst' into 'master'
- d1992228 - 23.0-remove_dynamic_cast-SiClusterOnTrackTool
- c84bd6b8 - Merge branch '23.0-remove_dynamic_cast-SiClusterOnTrackTool' into 'master'
- e8b4b0dc - remove the cmake option and compile cuda part as default
- f16eb47c - Merge branch 'changecmakeopt' into 'master'
- e8789a0b - Merge branch 'relnotes' into 'master'
- f01b98e0 - Merge branch 'evtpool' into 'master'
- fecf169d - Merge branch 'master-change_Derivation_flag' into 'master'
- d3cba533 - Merge branch 'TruthDerivOpt_master' into 'master'
- e2130905 - Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/22.0' into master-sweepfrom22_08_06
- e2eff2af - Fix runIDPVM handling of comma-separated input list
- d2d1186d - Merge branch 'master-sweepfrom22_08_06' into 'master'
- 21de5f76 - Merge branch 'runIDPVM-input-fix' into 'master'
- c9f6dae6 - Merge branch 'geomodelsvc2' into 'master'
- aaf0df9e - Merge branch 'dev_revision' into 'master'
- 4f38b173 - Merge branch 'dmt' into 'master'
- 2b736bba - CaloGeometryFromCaloDDM: removed printouts to std::cout
- 9c5784c5 - Update version.txt to 23.0.1
- fddb8743 - Update version.txt to 23.0.1
- 9b734d49 - Use static cast in release builds
- a61ea48e - solve uninitialised result, p
- 177c01ff - athenaHLT: instantiate COOL connection early in job
- 068e3146 - Cleaned up the CMake configuration of CoralUtilities.
- b35f5fe5 - Fixed the configuration of xAODTriggerCnv.
- 43979fb7 - Stopped linking LumiBlockComps against LumiBlockCoolQuery.
- 0f36625e - Added an explicit AthAnalysisBaseComps dependency to JetTileCorrection.
- c47f9d25 - Correct number of events compared with diff-root (ATLASSIM-5845)
- cf8cbf0b - Merge branch '23.0-coverity-GeoSpecialShapes' into 'master'
- 5be503e6 - Updating collision reference run
- 9c835b98 - Merge branch 'master-FCSV2ParamSvc' into 'master'
- 498b0375 - Merge branch 'fixcast' into 'master'
- efc860cb - 23.0-cppcheck-CscCalibAlgs
- 4edcdad4 - Merge branch '23.0-cppcheck-CscCalibAlgs' into 'master'
- 969640b3 - Make PHYS derivation run on Run4 AOD
- ba347ca3 - Merge branch 'CADerivUpg' into 'master'
- a9d057ac - ACTS seeding configuration (updates ACTS to v19.2.0)
- f312f101 - Merge branch 'master-acts-pixel-config' into 'master'
- ddcbb3df - Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/22.0' into master-sweepfrom22_09_06
- c69722ff - Fixing small issue in derivation PHYSVAL ART
- 9c0d2a77 - Merge branch 'master-sweepfrom22_09_06' into 'master'
- 5d5f1d24 - Setting trigger matching prefix to TrigMatch_ in CA version of DAOD building
- eba2f0a6 - Merge branch 'master-fixTrigMatchingNames_PHYS_CA' into 'master'
- 6ec99682 - Support wildcards in filesInput
- 03b9e15c - Merge branch 'inputFiles-wildcard' into 'master'
- a7b85b25 - Merge branch 'hltcool' into 'master'
- 0436f6af - 23.0-coverity-DataQualityUtils
- a9091521 - Merge branch '23.0-coverity-DataQualityUtils' into 'master'
- 8be81528 - Merge branch 'lessref' into 'master'
- 91d5a434 - Merge branch 'masterFixingPHYSVALART220609' into 'master'
- 5f5af7e4 - Merge branch 'CoralUtilitiesFix-master-20220609' into 'master'
- 464db847 - Merge branch 'xAODTriggerCnvFix-master-20220609' into 'master'
- 8e3f8232 - Merge branch 'LumiBlockCompsFix-master-20220609' into 'master'
- 9806d9fb - Merge branch 'JetTileCollectionFix-master-20220609' into 'master'
- 4f028083 - update ID ART tests configs
- 44f2f0f8 - Merge branch 'updateIDARTconfig' into 'master'
- bc9d9ffc - Merge branch 'FixNumberOfEventsToCompare' into 'master'
- e4d85663 - Some Muon initialization fixes
- 17878ab8 - Updated all projects to atlasexternals-2.0.136.
- d761c7b4 - Update version.txt
- 09c2a76e - Update version.txt
- d9fdadb8 - CscValidationUtil: delete unused and obsolete package
- 42d250b9 - CscClusterPerformance: delete unused and obsolete package
- 84ac4bae - CscClusterization: delete obsolete testing scripts
- 40abc77d - HadronicRecoilData: delete unused package
- 13f5d668 - Merge branch 'dq_r22_master' into 'master'
- f50f303a - Forward Dectectors: Some improvements
- 18ba763c - Merge branch 'AFPimprov' into 'master'
- 3741449e - Merge branch 'del_hrd' into 'master'
- 0bfeaf78 - Merge branch 'mastermuonfix' into 'master'
- 5b956e8a - Merge branch 'ewelina-master-patch-80222' into 'master'
- e6c1999a - 23.0-bugfix-TRT_StandaloneTrackFinder
- 167d0a34 - Merge branch '23.0-bugfix-TRT_StandaloneTrackFinder' into 'master'
- eaa80b32 - Run 4 100 GeV single muons IDART
- 39d1cdf9 - Merge branch 'run4-mu100-idpvm-art' into 'master'
- b88f5b07 - Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/22.0' into master-sweepfrom22_10_06
- 2777cbc2 - Reverted commits 7041b3d5 and 44dd1a66
- dfab106f - Defined the AthDerivation project for the master branch.
- 3b2921fb - Merge branch 'lcg101atlas24_20220608' into 'master'
- 7e77de2d - Merge branch 'ExternalsUpdate-master-20220610' into 'master'
- c34e220c - Merge branch 'master-sweepfrom22_10_06' into 'master'
- 7d1e62b2 - Merge branch 'AthDerivation-master-20220607' into 'master'
- f719e505 - Fix FastChain ART test
- 934fa773 - Merge branch 'fc-artfix-10jun' into 'master'
- 6a96fe8d - Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/22.0' into master-sweepfrom22_12_06
- 1c2e7f05 - Dropped the dependency on GaudiKernel from FlavorTagDiscriminants package
- b6521581 - WorkflowTestRunner: update overlay references
- 3b687455 - Make test_run4_mu100_reco.sh executable
- 4f1961af - Merge branch 'make-itk-art-test-exec' into 'master'
- 42df7c8c - Merge branch 'master-sweepfrom22_12_06' into 'master'
- b06ec953 - Fix missing contents in CA version of DAOD_PHYS
- 5560be0c - Merge branch 'master-fix_EventInfo_DAODs_CA' into 'master'
- b672a5fa - 23.0-cleanup-InDetAlignmentMonitoring
- c3bfa3b6 - Merge branch '23.0-cleanup-InDetAlignmentMonitoring' into 'master'
- 0fd345c0 - Enable muon removal tau AOD re-reco in DAOD_PHYS
- 7cd62eee - Merge branch 'MR-ReRecoInPHYS' into 'master'
- c9366f0d - Change CondAlg to not re-entrant III
- fd705fd2 - Merge branch 'TEAM-836_make_condAlg_noReEntrantant_III' into 'master'
- 9962de72 - Update Pixel han-config file to use Normalised error histograms
- a733ee1d - Merge branch 'norm_error_pix' into 'master'
- 4b1da7f7 - Change CondAlg to not re-entrant IV
- bc8c4d75 - Merge branch 'ATEAM-836_make_condAlg_noReEntrantant_IV' into 'master'
- 5315e004 - Move CondAlg to isRe-entrant false part V
- c6be870d - Merge branch 'ATEAM-836_make_condAlg_noReEntrantant_V' into 'master'
- b79605c1 - Fix vexing parse error in clang14
- ca09e3c1 - Merge branch 'fixclangerror' into 'master'
- ce811dc6 - Merge branch 'cscval' into 'master'
- bf88aa32 - Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/22.0' into sweep_22.0_master_2022-06-13
- 2125cc2e - First steps to EventLoop based AnalysisTop
- a58fb544 - Merge branch 'AT-port-to-EventLoop' into 'master'
- 7dc2e5d8 - KLGaussianReduction organise and comment the code better
- 23691d53 - Merge branch 'KLGaussianReduction_comments_clenup' into 'master'
- b2f66528 - change OutFileName for TrigHTT to be modifiable
- 830c4b3f - Merge branch 'wrapperFileName' into 'master'
- d097a673 - WorkflowTestRunner: port changes to Checks.py to master
- 02c8859f - Update version.txt to 23.0.1
- 7ee555ac - Merge branch 'sweep_22.0_master_2022-06-13' into 'master'
- 2292e4f2 - RecTPCnv: Enable thread-safety checking.
- 7b005d7a - Merge branch 'thread.RecTPCnv-20220613' into 'master'
- 4b0f6641 - PyUtils: Fix for python 3.10.
- abd969a8 - Merge branch 'py310.PyUtils-20220613' into 'master'
- 322f9528 - Update ITkPixelOfflineCalibCondAlgCfg database interface
- 97f209ed - Merge branch 'ITkPixelOfflineCalibTag' into 'master'
- 02de9ef4 - Add Run3 data test with RAWtoALL/AODtoDAOD
- f69e3a8a - Modifying PYTHONPATH so that MadGraph uses patched shutil
- 99054fdf - Merge branch 'master-shutil-patch' into 'master'
- 716710c7 - CxxUtils: Update stack trace test for newer glibc.
- bb306d2e - Merge branch 'glibc.CxxUtils-20220613' into 'master'
- a460d175 - TrigCompositeUtils: Const fix.
- 5d86d984 - Merge branch 'const.TrigCompositeUtils-20220613' into 'master'
- 98b031c1 - update LArFCalTowerBuilderTool.ref for new Gaudi version
- 6c664304 - CondCont_test.cxx: More assert statements adjusted
- 573e5f8d - adjust assert in CondCont_test.cxx
- 3734b72d - LuminosityCondAlg_test.cxx: Update assert in prepration of of Gaudi v36r5.002
- fd16a7ff - TrigServices: set a valid EventContext during start
- 67babe65 - AtlasFieldMapCondAlg: apply LoadMapOnStart only when running HLT
- 4afc53f1 - CaloTowerBuilderTool_test: Update reference file location
- 36739fd9 - ASCIICondDbSvc::parse: Set run-number of IOV start to 0
- 5589ca90 - Update reference files in prepartion of Gaudi v36r5.002
- e24e4507 - Update all projects to Gaudi v36r5.002
- a8cafd1a - MuonTesterTree: Fix stationEta Variable Type
- af66fc3f - Merge branch 'VariablesType' into 'master'
- b8937dae - Manual sweep (!53986 (merged)):...
- 8b7ceb7b - Merge branch 'bouquet_master_workerFinalCommand' into 'master'
- bf4a3616 - Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/22.0' into sweep_22.0_master_2022-06-14
- 77bc820b - Merge branch 'q449_20220614' into 'master'
- 78a77d4f - Update to 22.6.18
- 048529c4 - Merge branch 'ewelina-master-patch-51126' into 'master'
- 94d08b0a - Merge branch 'sweep_22.0_master_2022-06-14' into 'master'
- 5a458f5e - D3PDMakerCoreComps+D3PDMakerUtils: enable thread-checker
- 3a0a7c3f - Merge branch 'unitTestUpdatesGaudiv36r5.002' into 'master'
- d8ee1ee9 - JetEvent+JetEventTPCnv: Allow for a const JetKeyDescriptor.
- 93c9c5d8 - Merge branch 'constStores.JetEvent-20220615' into 'master'
- de16aa0d - Turn on HGTD simulation in run 4 ART test
- 04153bb6 - Merge branch 'idart-run4-hgtd' into 'master'
- fc3b933b - AnalysisTop: Add back asymptotic matrix method for fake estimate in R22
- c53ab50b - Merge branch 'AT-R22-IFF-AsymptMatrixTool' into 'master'
- 8103e4c2 - 23.0-cppcheck-ActsTrkSeedingTool
- 757565e4 - Merge branch '23.0-cppcheck-ActsTrkSeedingTool' into 'master'
- cb13e229 - TrigInDetValidation: use current nightly for offline release
- f30174db - Merge branch 'adye-master-patch-04958' into 'master'
- 086a1a70 - PerfMonComps: delete empty directory that contains .gitignore
- b8a6232c - PerfMonComps: initial thread-checker fixes
- d9d94cc1 - MuonSimEvent: make HitIdHelpers const
- b6824eea - Merge branch 'thrchk_muonsimevent' into 'master'
- e624db46 - Added RNNTight Histograms, as for Loose and Medium
- 51b1207d - Merge branch 'master' into 'master'
- 51345aeb - Make L1CaloPprDisabledChannelContainerRun2 a mixed-range ConditionsContainer
- 2c3482ff - Merge branch 'master-my-cond-mixed' into 'master'
- 556c74f5 - Merge branch 'd3pd' into 'master'
- f57bf494 - BPhysTools: enable thread-checker and fix warning
- 7deb47ae - ActsTrkEvent: cmake fix
- 7d0525d2 - Merge branch 'cmake.ActsTrkEvent-20220615' into 'master'
- 676013d1 - TrigT1NSWSimTools: Fix clang warnings.
- 6f511f79 - Merge branch 'clang.TrigT1NSWSimTools-20220615' into 'master'
- 2cb9c54e - MissingETD3PDMaker: delete obsolete D3PD maker
- 2da2353f - Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/22.0' into sweep_22.0_master_2022-06-15
- 078808e1 - TrigT1CaloMonitoring: Fix clang warnings.
- 61cb36c1 - TrigJetMonitoring: Fix clang warnings.
- 5c9f091e - TrigMETMonitoring: Fix clang warnings.
- 7b63a7dc - ClassIDSvc Output Silencing, master branch (2022.06.13.)
- e1e934b7 - Merge branch 'ClassIDSvcSilencing-master-20220613' into 'master'
- 77f1f1e4 - Merge branch 'sweep_22.0_master_2022-06-15' into 'master'
- 8cc7832f - LArCalibUtils: Fix clang warning.
- eef2bee2 - Merge branch 'clang.LArCalibUtils-20220615' into 'master'
- afdf5501 - Merge branch 'clang.TrigT1CaloMonitoring-20220615' into 'master'
- 9be9027b - PFO bug fix june2022
- 0359bf1e - Merge branch 'Sawyer_PFOBugFix_June2022' into 'master'
- 4294b712 - Truth derivations - fixing metadata import
- 2d6810ed - Merge branch 'master_TruthDerivationPatch' into 'master'
- c7a08b76 - SCTErrMonAlg: added modulemap histos back into DQ
- f5587176 - Merge branch 'csebasti_modulemaps' into 'master'
- d475dc75 - Merge branch 'bphystools' into 'master'
- 5d54c8fb - Merge branch 'perfmon1' into 'master'
- e3ee16f4 - PerfMonComps: enable thread-checker and fix warnings
- 0c707815 - PerfMonKernel+PerfMonTests: deleted unused ScopedMonitor
- 91ee18f2 - PerfMonKernel: enable thread-checker
- 81fa226f - PerfMonEvent: enable thread-checker and fix warnings
- 1a54aff9 - PerfMonTests: enable thread-checker and fix warnings
- 03f35af5 - Correctly configure track thinning in CA based DAOD building
- fb00e791 - Merge branch 'master-fix_TrackThinning_DAOD_CA' into 'master'
- b61997cf - Minor clean up of OnlyTrackingPreInclude
- 1bdc16d2 - Merge branch 'tstreble-master-patch-61741' into 'master'
- 95684849 - TriggerMenuMT: Fixes for python 3.10.
- f3c0dbfe - Merge branch 'py310.TriggerMenuMT-20220615' into 'master'
- a598f3ae - InnerDetector: Sweep changes for strip endcap polar co-ordinates from 21.9
- e7a20225 - Merge branch 'dev/master/PCintegration' into 'master'
- 479c8c1f - Revert "Merge branch 'hltcool' into 'master'"
- 59f77a7a - Update version.txt
- 67f58293 - Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/22.0' into sweep_22.0_master_2022-06-16
- 1bcec40f - Update version.txt
- 1424350e - Bump main projects to 23.0.2
- c1248a2d - Last of TrigHTTAlgorithms updates
- 0c13122a - Merge branch 'EFTrackingHTTAlgsLast' into 'master'
- 287dbd79 - TrigGlobalEfficiencyCorrectionTool Run 3 trigger support
- a84b45cb - Merge branch 'master-TrigGlobEffCorrTool-run3' into 'master'
- bbfb20d0 - Merge branch 'sweep_22.0_master_2022-06-16' into 'master'
- b64077be - Merge branch 'perfmon2' into 'master'
- 8a519d6c - Adding DerivationFrameworkAnalysisTests back to master
- 92366795 - Merge branch 'master_DerivationFrameworkAnalysisTests' into 'master'
- e92d083b - Merge branch 'revert-a7b85b25' into 'master'
- e615e3ea - JETM3 skimming update
- c3dff581 - Merge branch 'master-JETM3-fixes' into 'master'
- 1ed149ba - D3PDMakerCoreComps: Fix for python 3.10.
- dd20db36 - Merge branch 'py310.D3PDMakerCoreComps-20220616' into 'master'
- 33def5b9 - 23.0-cleanup-MuonD3PDMaker
- 8b7c6eeb - Merge branch '23.0-cleanup-MuonD3PDMaker' into 'master'
- 8a497745 - Updating j45_boffperf chain in configs in-line with menu update
- aa541fea - Merge branch 'ttbar_nightly_fix' into 'master'
- 9e071319 - McParticleEventTPCnv: enable thread-checker
- 1e0e57c5 - RegistrationServices: enable thread-checker and fix warnings
- 0d96b5c0 - AsgMessaging: remove duplicate code in MessageCheck
- b92dac81 - AsgMessaging: enable thread-checker and fixes
- 19df9403 - TrigHTTAlgorithms: enable thread-checker and fix warnings
- dcd727b8 - Merge branch 'mcparttp' into 'master'
- 2dbbb4ec - 23.0-unique_ptr-InDetAlignmentMonitoring
- ea8eb088 - Merge branch '23.0-unique_ptr-InDetAlignmentMonitoring' into 'master'
- 30fb8e91 - TrkTrack: Fix cppcheck warnings.
- 9683c107 - Merge branch 'cppcheck.TrkTrack-20220617' into 'master'
- 7caac7be - Remove Athena dependency on TrigHTTObjects
- 84391c98 - Merge branch 'drop-athena-dependencies-from-trighttobjects' into 'master'
- c3ac3680 - StoreGateBindings: enable thread-checker
- f9e5989d - PROCTools: cmake fix
- 01e85d8d - Merge branch 'cmake.PROCTools-20220617' into 'master'
- 1c551d6a - Add GRL support to IDPVM
- 2482341e - Merge branch 'idpvm-grl' into 'master'
- 89c18957 - Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/22.0' into sweep_22.0_master_2022-06-17
- 6f015665 - Merge branch 'asgmsg' into 'master'
- 6e1e6da8 - AthenaKernel: Suppress a bogus cppcheck warning.
- 3ebf45f3 - Merge branch 'cppcheck.AthenaKernel-20220617' into 'master'
- a49fddee - Fix further memory leaks in NswCalibDbAlg
- 3772ead3 - Merge branch 'NswCalibDB_FixMemLeak' into 'master'
- 07ae3a7a - Merge branch 'asgmsg2' into 'master'
- fd33dae7 - Update References.py to fix merge
- c436d17c - Update exception list for the HIST output comparison
- eac50841 - Merge branch 'sweep_22.0_master_2022-06-17' into 'master'
- 673c0254 - Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/22.0' into 22.0tomaster19Jun_4
- 3b98288e - First step towards switching FastShowerCellBuilderTool to reading CaloDD manager from CondStore
- 3cca403b - Moved the declaration of CellInfoContainer into a separate header
- 0c4b29b7 - BasicCellBuilderTool: several private data members moved to CellInfoContainer
- ac24b1ec - CellInfoContainer became a condition object
- 9c2a8a6f - Introduced a new condition algorithm: CellInfoContainerCondAlg
- 92a2fae4 - Updated BasicCellBuilderTool and FastShowerCellBuilderTool
- de10cb20 - Fixed configuration for FastShowerCellBuilderTool_test and updated ref file
- d4112545 - Added the configuration of CellInfoContainerCondAlg to FastCaloSimFactory.py...
- 8c98af03 - Deleted two obsolete scripts from FastCaloSim/share
- a44faef2 - Fixed FastShowerCellBuilderTool interface
- c95db6ea - Introduced CellInfoContainerCondAlgConfig.py
- 7606d1b2 - Revert "CI: Updated for q449, q445,q442 + adding a new test for express processing"
- 9e343ab8 - Revert unnecessary changes from 22.0
- d087b73b - Merge branch 'httalg' into 'master'
- 4a01031f - Fix the bug reported in ATLASRECTS-7110.
- b64a290f - Merge branch 'atlasrects-7110' into 'master'
- d4e21715 - Clear LArCalibTest
- a4406ff6 - Merge branch 'clear_LArCalibTest' into 'master'
- a25df5d5 - Fix FastChain legacy vs CA-based config diffs
- 827d35ae - Merge branch 'fc-artfix-17jun' into 'master'
- 5bf495f9 - xAODTau+tauRecTools: Const-correctness
- f1232412 - Merge branch 'const.xAODTau-20220617' into 'master'
- f1aaeab0 - Merge branch 'regsvc' into 'master'
- f2347f92 - Remove obsolete flag
- 3c08917d - Merge branch 'removeObsoleteActsFlag' into 'master'
- bed1df65 - Merge branch 'sgpy' into 'master'
- 9b8a868f - Cleanup/updating derivation ARTs for master and AthDerivation,22.2
- 42275d03 - Merge branch 'cleanupDerivationARTsMaster' into 'master'
- 2681f22b - 23.0-cppcheck-TileCalibAlgs
- 4475fa64 - Merge branch '23.0-cppcheck-TileCalibAlgs' into 'master'
- 2e15a83a - Improvements to Jet Monitoring in DQ Web Display
- ac351066 - Merge branch 'Sawyer_JetFixes_June2022' into 'master'
- b77ceb75 - Merge branch '22.0tomaster19Jun_4' into 'master'
- 4cdf14d4 - 23.0-cppcheck-ActsTrkSeedingTool
- 30585bac - Merge branch '23.0-cppcheck-ActsTrkSeedingTool' into 'master'
- 98b6007d - 23.0-cppcheck-DerivationFrameworkAnalysisTests
- 6fd6a952 - Merge branch '23.0-cppcheck-DerivationFrameworkAnalysisTests' into 'master'
- 10e2b103 - Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/22.0' into master_20Jun_22.0
- cf7ff3af - Adding LAr ROD energies to SC dump
- 252ac97b - Merge branch 'LArSCDump_rawenergies' into 'master'
- ad9e424a - cppcheck/clang-tidy : EFTrackingSim uninit variables and pass by const ref. To...
- 9a320808 - Merge branch 'httalg_unit' into 'master'
- b30f29e9 - Merge branch 'trftestsart_20220619' into 'master'
- 577cb820 - solve cppcheck defects
- 75bab2ee - Merge branch 'master_20Jun_22.0' into 'master'
- f8ece34e - ATLASRECTS-7113 : fix linking for clang14
- 9f003ba0 - Merge branch 'clang14_fix_PerfMonComps' into 'master'
- e79918ca - Merge branch '23.0-cppcheck-Prophecy4fControl' into 'master'
- fce39b30 - adding muon+jet calibration chains to b-jet trigger online monitoring
- 562055ea - Merge branch 'ATR-2031-2006' into 'master'
- df89d3fd - Use Read/WriteDecorHandle to get data-dependency btw LArTimeVetoAlg and LArFebMonAlg right
- f824a0f5 - Merge branch 'TimeVetoDecorHandle' into 'master'
- 461dcb3e - Merge branch 'master-fscbt-refactoring' into 'master'
- b533fe62 - Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/22.0' into 22.0tomaster21Jun
- 631640e2 - Updates DCube monitoring scripts
- b465c5b7 - Use 2022 data22_900GeV inputfile until q449 AMI tag is fixed
- 1348d959 - Merge branch '22.0tomaster21Jun' into 'master'
- 02ce7e09 - InDetTrackSystematicsTools port from 21.2 to master - part 2
- 363444ab - Merge branch 'Port-21.2-InDetTrackSystematicsTools-to-master-part-2' into 'master'
- 0b3e9474 - Updating the electron ID for run-3 data taking
- 89ecae50 - Merge branch 'philip_electronIDRel22' into 'master'
- 6914b663 - Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/22.0' into 22.0tomaster22Jun
- efcdaf8e - Change indexes name in HGTD GeoModelXML
- 66609faf - Merge branch 'HGTD-change-name-indexes' into 'master'
- b5f507c0 - Remove obsolete MET flag
- 4afcdfa5 - Merge branch 'metflags-220621' into 'master'
- 142ae8e6 - Updated postprocessing plot
- fae37988 - Protection against vertices outside ID in VKalGetImpact
- ca266a9e - suppress/resolve cppcheck warnings
- 5e5eb9d0 - Synchronisation of the vertex selection in MinBias DQ
- a2f2db1c - Merge branch 'clarify-track-vtx-slection-in-minbias-monitoring' into 'master'
- d694ea92 - Merge branch '22.0tomaster22Jun' into 'master'
- 85beb182 - added chain dependent SV1 and JetFitter variables, added monitoring for bb-tagger in Alg
- 606e5ce5 - 23.0-cppcheck-CaloCondPhysAlgs
- 1b75d746 - Merge branch '23.0-cppcheck-CaloCondPhysAlgs' into 'master'
- ce686095 - InDetART run 4 test: don't auto-fail after each step
- 31b9a707 - Merge branch 'idart-dcube-run4' into 'master'
- 752b9b97 - Merge branch 'trftestsart_20220622' into 'master'
- e093f02f - Add variables for LAr timing calibration to LLP1 derivation
- ab7d7f48 - Merge branch 'master-add-timing-calib-vars' into 'master'
- 13b32322 - correct cppcheck warnings
- 2d026fd5 - 23.0-cppcheck-AthenaDBTestRec
- c5968979 - Merge branch '23.0-cppcheck-AthenaDBTestRec' into 'master'
- 80361f2c - Merge branch 'DCube_Updates' into 'master'
- 69ababf4 - Merge branch 'csebasti_pp' into 'master'
- 1453fa37 - Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/22.0' into 22tomaster_23Jun
- 30134bbd - Support large-R UFO jets in PHYS derivation
- 6f320c16 - Merge branch 'ufoDeriv22' into 'master'
- 3d3c3b05 - Merge branch 'LFeligioniMR' into 'master'
- 89f41934 - Merge branch '22tomaster_23Jun' into 'master'
- a757f0ab - 23.0-bugfix_dbg-TileConditions
- 5d8a5f60 - Merge branch '23.0-bugfix_dbg-TileConditions' into 'master'
- fb768a70 - Merge branch 'Protect_GetImpact' into 'master'
- 9c2736fa - Merge branch '23.0-cppcheck-AthenaServices' into 'master'
- 5104cfd7 - 23.0-cleanup-PixelDigitization
- b5ec7858 - Merge branch '23.0-cleanup-PixelDigitization' into 'master'
- fceb3790 - Update version.txt
- 549af9f3 - Update version.txt
- 3effeaf5 - Adding channels vector to NSW trigger RDO
- f8645506 - Merge branch 'nsw_trigrdo' into 'master'
- 612eeb9a - Merge branch '23.0-cppcheck-PerfMonTests' into 'master'
- 8ff83319 - AnalysisTop: R22 Migration. Electron trigger efficiency SF config
- eca69381 - Merge branch 'analysistop-r22-SFdev' into 'master'
- e1222aab - 23.0-cppcheck-Hephaestus
- 046127be - Merge branch '23.0-cppcheck-Hephaestus' into 'master'
- 95da8a48 - Update AODtoDAOD postExecs in q442/3/5/9 tests to prevent crash in UFOInfoAlgCSSK
- 291de1fa - Merge branch 'trftestsart_20220624' into 'master'
- 4b7cca96 - Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/22.0' into 22tomaster_24Jun
- bcaf8b62 - Update version.txt to 22.6.19
- 81c13302 - Merge branch 'ewelina-master-patch-52172' into 'master'
- 1c92490e - upgrade Gaudi v36r5.003
- c6145b4c - Merge branch '22tomaster_24Jun' into 'master'
- 9ac0c482 - Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/22.0' into 22tomaster_25Jun
- 52725e71 - Merge branch 'dev/updateGaudi_v36r5.003' into 'master'
- e69c3cb0 - AsgMessaging: always create MessgeSvc
- db55d439 - ElectronEfficiencyCorrection: More patterns to ignore.
- 7be93bb4 - Merge branch 'test.ElectronEfficiencyCorrection-20220624' into 'master'
- ae4f6712 - TrackRecord: Enable thread-safety checking.
- 54560745 - Merge branch 'thread.TrackRecord-20220624' into 'master'
- c2285bed - TrigT1EventTPCnv: Fix thread-safety warnings.
- dcea07a7 - Merge branch 'thread.TrigT1EventTPCnv-20220624' into 'master'
- 025c6d1e - AthenaMonitoring: Update for python 3.10.
- f1959a9a - Merge branch 'py310.AthenaMonitoring-20220624' into 'master'
- 7e6bba2b - AthLinks: dataDataNonConstPointer() should check for a locked object.
- 9d7376cc - Merge branch 'constCheck.AthLinks-20220623' into 'master'
- 3de58766 - OutputStreamAthenaPool: Use CreateLumiBlockCollectionFromFile in MP jobs...
- 9a658246 - Merge branch 'master-fix-derivation-lumi-crash' into 'master'
- e0c9b8fd - updated LArMonitoring configuration file for adding normalized noise bursts plots
- f5a57ebb - Merge branch 'master-update-LArMonitoringConfiguration' into 'master'
- 658b6134 - AthenaServices: Rethrow MetaDataSvc exceptions for early job termination
- 16891f9e - Merge branch 'master-metadatasvc-updates' into 'master'
- 4371dd7c - Fix test incompatibility found in daily 22.0 merge
- 79b1cc90 - ISF_Fatras: fix memory leaks in ISF_FatrasToolsG4/G4HadIntProcessor
- b730ce85 - Merge branch 'master_FATRAS_memleak_t4' into 'master'
- 7dbddd9d - Fix postExec configuration for jets and run it only for AODtoDAOD step
- cb4e2fbe - GoodRunsLists: fix thread-checker warnings in TMsgLogger
- 6ec33e9f - GoodRunsLists: delete TUniqueGRLString and DQHelperFunctions
- 39560a15 - PhotonID : Implementation of mu-dependent menu
- 44e93a95 - Merge branch 'PhotonIDPileupDependentMenu-20220607' into 'master'
- 549edda4 - First Bank generation code for HTT simulation merging into master
- afb0da70 - Merge branch 'EFTrackingHTTBankGen' into 'master'
- 17802a1e - Merge branch 'anamsg' into 'master'
- d59f5f2b - Update Run 4 digitization tests
- a46e2a10 - Always run pile-up digi with MP using Reco_tf
- 7e4551de - CA: fix pile-up in MP
- 1295d399 - CA: Silence HepMcParticleLink warnings in RAWtoALL skeleton
- 9c9111e8 - EgammaAnalysisAlgorithms: fix thread-checker warning
- 91cdf924 - SystematicsHandles: enable thread-checker and fix warnings
- c1317a50 - TilePulseSimulator: use AthMessaging in TilePulseShape
- 2be78810 - G4DebuggingTools: fix thread-checker warnings
- 8df9cc64 - Merge branch '22tomaster_25Jun' into 'master'
- acbdbef2 - Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/22.0' into master22.0merge_27Jun
- b989478b - McParticleUtils+McParticleTools: thread-checker fixes
- b089bf88 - G4PhysicsLists: enable thread-checker and const fixes
- 917e09ec - Merge branch 'master22.0merge_27Jun' into 'master'
- 24775b70 - G4ProfilingTools: migrate to AthMessaging and thread-checker fixes
- a15572eb - adding RUN3_NSW_MONITORING_TRIGGER - not yet used
- 7a97a00b - EventTagAthenaPOOL: const fixes and enable thread-checker
- 9f075b00 - AnalysisTriggerEvent[AthenaPool,TPCnv]: const fixes
- 02a2e94b - FlavorTagDiscriminants: Fix clang warning.
- 2ed7405f - Merge branch 'clang.FlavorTagDiscriminants-20220627' into 'master'
- 03cee3a4 - InDetAlignmentMonitoring: Fix clang warnings.
- e367e93e - Merge branch 'clang.InDetAlignmentMonitoring-20220627' into 'master'
- a4dee907 - ISF_FastCaloGpu: Fix clang warning.
- 1e3eed31 - Merge branch 'clang.ISF_FastCaloGpu-20220627' into 'master'
- 872e0e0e - TrigT1CaloCalibTools: Fix cppcheck warnings.
- d04fea79 - Merge branch 'cppcheck.TrigT1CaloCalibTools-20220627' into 'master'
- 42df961f - AnaAlgorithm: const fixes for metaStore accessors
- 713a76b2 - AFP_DBTools: Fix clang warnings.
- fd4f664a - Merge branch 'clang.AFP_DBTools-20220627' into 'master'
- 52f2ffa3 - Merge branch 'g4debug' into 'master'
- 2799e593 - AthenaMP: enable thread-checker and fixes
- 698a18a0 - Merge branch 'tilepulse' into 'master'
- f6e2d350 - RpcRawDataMonitoring: cmake fix
- 9b435e52 - Merge branch 'cmake.RpcRawDataMonitoring-20220627' into 'master'
- f0bc1f00 - Merge branch 'algsys' into 'master'
- de22fd6a - 23.0-cppcheck-MuonPhysValMonitoring
- 9ec137f9 - Merge branch '23.0-cppcheck-MuonPhysValMonitoring' into 'master'
- 4a5bf249 - Merge branch 'ca-mp-pile-up' into 'master'
- 2dc65355 - Merge branch 'trf-pile-up' into 'master'
- ca82400b - Merge branch 'ca-hepmcwarning' into 'master'
- f1d6c02e - Merge branch 'upgrade/digi-test' into 'master'
- e96587b5 - Merge branch 'mcutils' into 'master'
- bc4221f3 - Merge branch 'metd3pd' into 'master'
- a15ce228 - 23.0-cppcheck-CaloMonitoring
- 6eb2f7b7 - Merge branch '23.0-cppcheck-CaloMonitoring' into 'master'
- aa6c586f - update access to COOLUtils in Rel22
- 67940b0c - Merge branch 'fix_COOLaccess_Rel22' into 'master'
- 94ed9e92 - Merge branch 'tpcnv' into 'master'
- f2ca5998 - Merge branch 'g4utils' into 'master'
- abaedc9e - D3PDMakerTest: enable thread-checker and fix warnings
- b0a1d95b - D3PDMakerReader: enable thread-checker and fix warnings
- 1c5c7ebb - TrackD3PDMaker: enable thread-checker and fix warnings
- 60ac6bd6 - Merge branch 'czodrows-master-patch-69743' into 'master'
- b215db97 - Merge branch 'grl' into 'master'
- 50f460e4 - Merge branch 'anaalg' into 'master'
- e8623113 - Merge branch 'trftestsart_20220627_2' into 'master'
- 4c3c8d97 - Merge branch 'athenamp' into 'master'
- 706ee558 - GeoMaterial2G4: cleanup link dependencies
- b7b9d458 - GeoMaterial2G4: move static maps to implementation
- bf29ab7e - Merge branch 'd3pdtest' into 'master'
- efae18a2 - New MCP calibration tool
- 8d785b70 - Merge branch 'MCASTdevel' into 'master'
- 38de11a8 - Fixing passThrough option in AODtoDAOD
- 315c8838 - Merge branch 'fixingPassThroughAODtoDAODOption' into 'master'
- 37af28b7 - Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/22.0' into master22.0merge_28Jun
- 616f4b54 - PhysVal CA config (FTAG + Tracking)
- c2e88051 - Merge branch 'PhysValCA' into 'master'
- 5444b5ac - added mu-jet chains to muon online monitoring group
- 6a6826b8 - Merge branch 'ATR-20301-2706b' into 'master'
- ffc27f38 - ISF_Event: const fixes
- 170756fb - Update DAOD_PHYS tests in TCT
- 2b139341 - Merge branch 'master-ATLASRECTS-7123' into 'master'
- 61de9c9d - SelectionHelpers: thread-checker fixes
- 41c2ff3c - TrigJetMonitoring: Fix clang warnings.
- e63c3e04 - LArCalibDataQuality: Fix clang warning.
- 59d940d7 - SelectionHelpers: Fix clang warning.
- c98d593c - Merge branch 'master22.0merge_28Jun' into 'master'
- e0118764 - TrigHTTBankGen: Fix compilation in dbg build.
- b6820d03 - Merge branch 'dbg.TrigHTTBankGen-20220628' into 'master'
- 7257e201 - TrigHTTObjects: Fix clang warnings.
- 48fac741 - Merge branch 'clang.TrigHTTObjects-20220628' into 'master'
- f34d09ed - TrigHTTBankGen: Fix clang warnings.
- aaa26321 - Merge branch 'clang.TrigHTTBankGen-20220628' into 'master'
- 60bbaeba - TrigHTTAlgorithms: Fix clang warnings.
- f2394c97 - Merge branch 'clang.TrigHTTAlgorithms-20220628' into 'master'
- f0e57484 - Fix catalog issues when sharing it for SharedWriter.
- 57f34e3f - Merge branch 'AthenaIO_ShareWriter_CatalogFix' into 'master'
- 68a8b74d - Set relevant BTagging CA flags for PHYSVAL derivation
- 4b6d64b9 - Merge branch 'PhysVal_FTAG_CAflags' into 'master'
- 60f5e77e - Merge branch 'geomat' into 'master'
- 40a36e50 - Merge branch 'isfevent' into 'master'
- 03408a40 - MuonAlignmentData: Fix cppcheck warnings.
- 7ee6136d - Merge branch 'cppcheck.MuonAlignmentData-20220628' into 'master'
- 867fac72 - AthenaMPTools: disable thread-checker
- 7a72d43b - fix for the FPEs reported in ATR-25770
- 37429099 - Merge branch 'master-trig-ftf-fpe-fix' into 'master'
- ce6b606d - xAODRootAccess: const fixes for statics
- 855a544a - xAODRootAccess: use const TClass pointers
- b2abbd71 - Merge branch 'selhelpers' into 'master'
- 201ea77f - Merge branch 'mptools' into 'master'
- 8ecb88bd - TrigHTTBankGen: cmake cleanup
- e9825ebd - TrigHTTAlgorithms: cmake and package cleanup
- 7c74869e - TrigHTTBanks: cleanup cmake dependencies
- dc4990e6 - TrigHTTConfTools: cleanup cmake dependencies
- 841290f0 - TrigHTTHough: cleanup cmake configuration
- 65a7785d - TrigHTTInput: cmake cleanup
- 316e3571 - TrigHTTLRT: cmake cleanup
- f77b04f5 - TrigHTTMaps: cmake cleanup
- a9ccbd54 - TrigHTTSGInput: cmake cleanup
- b3310460 - HDF5Utils: enable thread-checker and fixes
- 11adfdb2 - LUCID_EventTPCnv: enable thread-checker and fix warnings
- 39c12a31 - ALFA_EventCnv: migrate to const-converters
- a82829d6 - ALFA_Ntuple: delete obsolete package
- 107c0fb0 - ALFA_RawDataByteStreamCnv: remove caching of ROB IDs
- d5cd5623 - Check on module ID introduced in test program to avoid confusion with TP data.
- 6443f35b - Merge branch 'nsw-decoder-features-and-fixes' into 'master'
- 2b5f8cc6 - EventBookkeeperMetaData+TPCnv: enable thread-checker and const fixes
- 6b8dab14 - Add missing TruthJets containers to the legacy FC config
- 36560567 - Merge branch 'fc-fix-jun24' into 'master'
- 7cf09d4d - LArTTCellMap: add const accessor to persistent map
- 560ee738 - TestLArHardwareID: enable thread-checker and fixes
- 75793bf1 - Merge branch 'lucid' into 'master'
- 4359a73c - Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/22.0' into master22merge_29June
- 7cb8631d - GoodRunsLists: thread-safety fixes and code cleanup
- 91844e64 - LumiCalc: annotate thread-unsafe code
- 5086eb90 - Merge branch 'httcmake' into 'master'
- 3ab3ac0f - VP1Base: const fixes for static flags
- 12958624 - TileD3PDMaker: const fixes for TileTrackFilterAlg
- d4a8763e - RHadrons: use const initialization in CustomParticleFactory
- 4b098246 - RHadrons: thread-checker fixes
- 8e6a852b - HanConfigGenerator: ignore code in thread-checker
- 0166650f - MuonG4SD: const fixes and enable thread-checker
- 7d7d388c - CxxUtils: disable JetEvent in pedantic checkergcc build
- 224df2f5 - TBMonitoring: delete TestBeam monitoring package
- 4226888c - AthenaMonitoring: delete MonitorToolBase
- 91c7b518 - TauRecTools: Check CellLinks before use in TauPi0ClusterCreator
- 03de03da - Merge branch 'dev_bugfix_2301' into 'master'
- 007e516d - FTAG Run4 updates for derivation CA config
- cc27152e - Merge branch 'FTAG_CalibTag' into 'master'
- 01ac7f72 - Merge branch 'master22merge_29June' into 'master'
- 288258b3 - 23.0-cppcheck-AthenaMPTools
- b299bcbe - Merge branch '23.0-cppcheck-AthenaMPTools' into 'master'
- ce6258a7 - Merge branch 'hdf5' into 'master'
- da500e71 - Merge branch 'xaodroot' into 'master'
- 9bc61d10 - Merge branch 'MuonG4SD' into 'master'
- ad80a259 - Merge branch 'clang.TrigJetMonitoring-20220628' into 'master'
- 02914016 - MuonEventTPCnv: const fix
- ea2029a3 - Merge branch 'const.MuonEventTPCnv-20220629' into 'master'
- cf46fcd2 - ISF_Interfaces: add const-correct StoreGate accessors and remove mutable
- d311dd96 - Replace deprecated sgSvc() with evtStore()
- 28faf5d7 - AthCommonDataStore: remove deprecated sgSvc accessor
- 20cd92f7 - TrigConfigSvc: Fix cppcheck warnings.
- 55d5ae88 - Merge branch 'cppcheck.TrigConfigSvc-20220628' into 'master'
- 19afc7df - Merge branch 'alfatp' into 'master'
- ca526603 - TrigMinBiasMonitoring: Fix clang warning.
- 150993b5 - Merge branch 'clang.TrigMinBiasMonitoring-20220629' into 'master'
- f8dcb89f - CxxUtils: Disable use of dlfcn_hook for glibc >= 2.34.
- 5f928702 - Merge branch 'dlfcnDisable.CxxUtils-20220629' into 'master'
- 10e602c4 - D3PDMakerRoot: add const correct accessor for TTree
- ac860a0d - Add a dummy merge in digi test to allow RDO comparison (ATLASSIM-5929)
- 5ae237af - Merge branch 'MergeSTRDOforComparison' into 'master'
- 6f9f741e - PrimaryDPDMaker: enable thread-checker and fix warnings
- 18b478f8 - Merge branch 'alfa_ntuple' into 'master'
- 765fe340 - Merge branch 'alfabs' into 'master'
- 15389fd8 - Merge branch 'evtbook' into 'master'
- f6ec193f - Merge branch 'lartt' into 'master'
- 50600cd3 - G4UserActions: const and static fixes
- bad42876 - Ensuring truth filter output is included in PHYS/LITE derivations
- dc7731d7 - Merge branch 'master_FilterInclusionInPhys' into 'master'
- f12fc074 - Atomic_flag is more appropriate here than atomic_bool
- a5530f0f - Merge branch 'vp1msg' into 'master'
- eed2b7e4 - Fix typo in runIDPVM.py
- 151bdc44 - Merge branch 'runIDPVM-fix' into 'master'
- 74f9bbe3 - Merge branch 'tbmon' into 'master'
- ed74a922 - Merge branch 'hanconfig' into 'master'
- 84d0f7a5 - Merge branch 'rhadron' into 'master'
- ec0e1000 - TrigT1CaloTools: Fix clang warnings.
- d833128b - Merge branch 'clang.TrigT1CaloTools-20220629' into 'master'
- e1163127 - TrackRecord: Fix cppcheck warnings.
- 8683b67e - Merge branch 'cppcheck.TrackRecord-20220630' into 'master'
- 066e86e3 - Merge branch 'threadconfig' into 'master'
- 5e86108a - G4SimTPCnv: Enable thread-safety checking.
- f3b9d0a2 - Merge branch 'thread.G4SimTPCnv-20220629' into 'master'
- c02df177 - Hephaestus: Disable for glibc 2.34.
- 034bdc01 - Merge branch 'disableHook.Hephaestus-20220629' into 'master'
- 779444ae - Merge branch 'isfint' into 'master'
- b3a2cd86 - DerivationFrameworkTrainsART: Fix broken DAOD ART tests
- 4e59a5f1 - Merge branch 'master-fix-derivation-art-tests' into 'master'
- d504d1a8 - Add single pion run 4 InDetART test
- a7a6b06b - Merge branch 'idart-run4-pi1' into 'master'
- cf8e668a - TrigHTTBankGen: add missing Boost dependency
- 1f31cddc - LArG4H6SD: enable thread-checker and fixes
- 60258449 - Update version.txt
- 2417f280 - Update version.txt
- 03378f4b - 23.0-cppcheck-dqm_algorithms
- 9627d36e - Merge branch '23.0-cppcheck-dqm_algorithms' into 'master'
- c5ee31cb - APRTests: fix thread-checker warnings
- c8bd7ffb - AthenaPoolTestData: remove unnecessary mutable
- f807a682 - Merge branch 'doc_update' into '21.6'
- 20a72bf0 - Merge branch 'athstore' into 'master'
- cdd550f3 - add EgEfficiencyCorr_dumpNPs utility from branch 21.2
- ba8eb409 - Merge branch 'master-EEC-dumpNPs' into 'master'
- ecdecd16 - xAODBTaggingAthenaPool: Fix use of call_once.
- eedc149f - Merge branch 'once.xAODBTaggingAthenaPool-20220629' into 'master'
- 0cbb5f5f - TrkAlignment: const fixes
- dc83ae11 - MuonG4SD: fix thread-checker warning
- e47a633a - Merge branch 'muong4sd_2' into 'master'
- d9805700 - ZdcEventTPCnv: migrate to const TPCnv
- 49fcd11b - Merge branch 'montoolbase' into 'master'
- e67946b8 - Merge branch 'atomicflagchange' into 'master'
- a60b12d9 - Update Readme.md
- 9c0163b2 - Merge branch 'gfacini-master-patch-55954' into 'master'
- 106d051f - 23.0-cppcheck-StorageSvc
- f4617fdf - Merge branch '23.0-cppcheck-StorageSvc' into 'master'
- 4f732ee6 - Merge branch 'dpdmaker' into 'master'
- 8ef59505 - Merge branch 'd3pdroot' into 'master'
- 6af0380d - Merge branch 'httbank' into 'master'
- 6de4f6bd - Merge branch 'g4user' into 'master'
- 8296f9a0 - Merge branch 'tild3pd' into 'master'
- c59fb897 - Adding Overlay to FastChain
- 4cd82927 - Merge branch 'fc-overlay3-2june' into 'master'
- 829328cd - Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/22.0' into master_22.0_June30
- c97f5694 - AFP_G4_SD: enable thread-checker and fixes
- 734c93ff - AFP_EventTPCnv: enable thread-checker and const fixes
- 861b9298 - Merge branch 'aptd' into 'master'
- 5bec9ebe - Merge branch 'aprtest' into 'master'
- 2d2274e7 - TruthD3PDAnalysis: const fixes and enable thread-checker
- c3ae16bb - LWHists: const fixes
- 05dbfc42 - Disable RecoRun3Data_Collisions output checks to allow divergence from branch 22
- 0b308bc6 - CaloRec: const fixes
- b61a8fe0 - Update Projects/Athena/version.txt, Projects/AthSimulation/version.txt,...
- 70c72695 - Add additional ROOT dependency that seems missing for CentOS9 build
- bb4ab759 - LArG4FastSimulation: const fixes and enable thread-checker
- 34600a98 - Groundwork for adaptation of Muon Geometry to the newDD model. This is the...
- 98d17ca0 - Add reference for new overlay test
- 0bebcfd9 - AthenaPoolTestData: Enable thread-safety checking.
- e7e5c705 - AthenaPoolTestAthenaPool: Enable thread-safety checking.
- 0f4f2104 - MonteCarloReactUtils: const/mutable fixes
- 1b27e86f - ParticleJetTools: const/mutable fixes
- 2fa919d7 - ISF_FastCaloSimServices: Fix clang warning.
- eb184ac0 - Update ref files after BMG removal
- 4f693216 - Merge branch 'master_22.0_June30' into 'master'
- 19f72a38 - Merge branch 'grl2' into 'master'
- 05b896b0 - 23.0-cppcheck-APRTests
- 2f35c770 - Merge branch '23.0-cppcheck-APRTests' into 'master'
- 609cac71 - Merge branch 'larg4h6sd' into 'master'
- 52fdda2a - Merge branch 'cherry-pick-d0f9f8e7-master' into 'master'
- 43d4622c - Further fixes for DAOD_PHYS tests in Tier0ChainTests
- 5dbcdbed - Merge branch 'master-ATLASRECTS-7123-v3' into 'master'
- 1334abd9 - Merge branch 'MuonNewDD' into 'master'
- 0935c8cc - eT in Electron and PhotonEfficiencyCorrection
- 7747f51d - Merge branch 'philip_immutableEfficiency2' into 'master'
- 2f818d77 - IDPVM improvement for tracking recommendations
- ae8de19b - Merge branch 'idpvm-for-tracking-rec' into 'master'
- 6e905649 - Merge branch 'clang.ISF_FastCaloSimServices-20220702' into 'master'
- c23e50aa - Merge branch 'AthenaPoolCnvSvc_20220701' into 'master'
- 3bc13737 - Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/22.0' into master22.0_2Jul
- 097aa118 - TruthHelper: Fix clang warning.
- fd53ee69 - Merge branch 'clang.TruthHelper-20220702' into 'master'
- c41b30ff - Migrate OverlapRemovalAlg to SysWriteSelectionHandle
- bfbe6e2c - Add missing zlib dependency for CentOS9
- 55ba58f3 - Revert "applying fix for gap/crack scintillators in 22.0.X branch - reading...
- a8a7f0cd - 23.0-cppcheck-OutputStreamAthenaPool
- b72e7f15 - Merge branch '23.0-cppcheck-OutputStreamAthenaPool' into 'master'
- bd3fb868 - Merge branch 'trkalign' into 'master'
- 9c3b59c4 - Merge branch 'zdctp' into 'master'
- 041af4fb - Merge branch 'afpg4' into 'master'
- e17bdf24 - Merge branch 'afptp' into 'master'
- 74e09f8a - TrigHTTBankGen: clang-tidy , cppcheck unint member variables
- 88dbd373 - Merge branch 'TrigHTTBankGen_unit_member' into 'master'
- 334b5205 - Merge branch 'truthpart' into 'master'
- 9f9cc2bb - Merge branch 'lwhists' into 'master'
- 9e14ac32 - Merge branch 'fwinkl_20220701T142638' into 'master'
- da5cfe0d - Merge branch 'larg4fast' into 'master'
- 596d22d3 - AnaAlgorithm: Fix cppcheck warnings.
- 948c42b9 - Merge branch 'cppcheck.AnaAlgorithm-20220701' into 'master'
- bbbb0479 - TrigDataAccessMonitoring: Fix cppcheck warnings.
- 21a4c525 - Merge branch 'cppcheck.TrigDataAccessMonitoring-20220701' into 'master'
- 956de089 - Merge branch 'thread.AthenaPoolTestData-20220701' into 'master'
- cdc7cf2a - AtlasBuildScripts: more cleanup on external build failures
- 9846ca20 - Merge branch 'mcreact' into 'master'
- cf1f4885 - AthenaAuditors: Disable for glibc 2.34.
- e36ec193 - Merge branch 'disableHook.AthenaAuditors-20220702' into 'master'
- 04e0c2f8 - PerfMonEvent: Disable for glibc 2.34.
- 38a33c68 - Merge branch 'disableHook.PerfMonEvent-20220702' into 'master'
- 45d3e186 - Merge branch 'partjettools' into 'master'
- 882e2a4b - AnalysisTop: Add a flag for Run3 setup
- 309ceade - Merge branch 'AnalysisTop-Run3Setup' into 'master'
- 5d48b9e4 - xAODCoreCnv: const fixes
- 3e414682 - xAODEventInfoCnv: Enable thread-safety checking.
- ec0e1f05 - Merge branch 'thread.xAODEventInfoCnv-20220702' into 'master'
- c1dd68a9 - TrigOutputHandling: Fix cppcheck warning.
- 291ec1c3 - Merge branch 'cppcheck.TrigOutputHandling-20220702' into 'master'
- 4efc3a74 - AthenaPoolTest: Enable thread-safety checking.
- 1b37a8cb - Merge branch 'thread.AthenaPoolTest-20220702' into 'master'
- 881b4a90 - MuonEventAthenaPool: Additional thread-safety fixes.
- bc7c995a - Merge branch 'thread.MuonEventAthenaPool-20220702' into 'master'
- 5df0f8ac - AthenaKernel: RCUObject updates
- 5ace421e - Merge branch 'rcuo.AthenaKernel-20220701' into 'master'
- 885abbef - tauEventTPCnv: enable thread-checker and const fixes
- e29ff4b7 - merge upstream/22.0 into master
- c37593cd - TrackParticleTruthTPCnv: ignore thread-checker warnings
- bf35ab0a - CoralUtilities: Bugfix for readBlobAsTTree
- 7afa24a6 - Merge branch 'master-ATLASRECTS-7099' into 'master'
- 6fe2e2b0 - fix another DAOD_PHYS test
- 79dd8503 - Merge branch 'master-moreTCTFixes' into 'master'
- 71e968f7 - Updating derivation ARTs in master
- c672c3c8 - Merge branch 'master-UpdatingDerivationARTs' into 'master'
- f4a7a82d - Externals Update, master branch (2022.07.01)
- 5296bd1e - Merge branch 'ExternalsUpdate-master-20220701' into 'master'
- 8d17a518 - ControlTest: enable thread-checker and fixes
- 70d94b8b - Merge branch 'xaodcore' into 'master'
- 620b871a - Merge branch 'cp/or-sys' into 'master'
- 1c20c6ad - Prophecy4fControl: enable thread-checker and fixes
- a7511491 - Vertex fitter configuration correction
- 4a715fbc - Merge branch 'NVSI_vertex_fitter_config_correction' into 'master'
- 1fec3e64 - Merge branch 'athenaauditors_20220704' into 'master'
- 08c63206 - Merge branch 'ext_cleanup' into 'master'
- 0b8906c6 - Update InDetGlobalTrackMonTool to use TrackParticle + general cleaning
- 337c8c95 - Merge branch 'TrackPart_IDGlobMon' into 'master'
- 4bbeec4c - Merge branch 'master22.0_2Jul' into 'master'
- b755770e - fix AFP pixel numbering and particle propagation
- c0a27c5d - Merge branch 'afp-fix-pixel-numbers' into 'master'
- 6149825b - Merge branch 'tautp' into 'master'
- 86c82527 - Merge branch 'tracktp' into 'master'
- 8db18eba - Merge branch 'controltest' into 'master'
- c60de5ae - Fixed a missing - in argument to a transform in test (ATLASSIM-5939)
- 3fed1d53 - Merge branch 'MissingDashInTransformTest' into 'master'
- d2610422 - Merge branch 'proph' into 'master'
- 8e18fd96 - JetCalibTools: cmake cleanup
- 45528efd - JetCalibTools: ignore thread-checker warnings
- bfeeb7eb - TileG4DetDescr: enable thread-checker and fixes
- b7585bcc - Updated PixelAthMVAMonAlg to use TrackParticle
- c836680b - Merge branch 'TrackPart_PixelMon' into 'master'
- f4967b83 - POOLRootAccess: enable thread-checker
- e982101e - merge upstream/22.0 into master
- d82489e2 - Merge branch 'rel22ToMaster_Jul4' into 'master'
- 35db8fb4 - added one more missing normalized plot
- 4037d26e - Merge branch 'master-LArMonitoring-Updateconfig' into 'master'
- a8c9f0f3 - CaloTPCnv: Fix roundtrip issue with CaloClusterCellLinkContainer.
- c9df6fc2 - Merge branch 'pers.CaloTPCnv-20220705' into 'master'
- 56cf21ca - Add TrackState - part of backend for Acts::MultiTrajectory
- ffc3abc8 - Merge branch 'mtj-backends-1' into 'master'
- de5d8a99 - Update InDetGlobalMonitoringRun3Test to use TrackParticle + general cleaning
- 3ee434ed - Merge branch 'TrackPart_IDGlobMonRun3' into 'master'
- aa9111ca - Revert "introduce a new set of ASG test files (ATLASG-1636)"
- 33a02f3f - Revert "Updated expected output of FastShowerCellBuilderTool_test after !54593 (merged) (ATLASSIM-5934)"
- cf999c08 - Introduce two classes to build the muon geometry from "newDD" sqlite inputs.
- 5678e2f2 - Merge branch 'MuonNewDDPart2' into 'master'
- 2667eeea - Migration of PHYSLITE to the component accumulator
- 04e11c39 - Merge branch 'master-DAOD_CA_part9' into 'master'
- 9ab1c940 - Merge branch 'jetcalib' into 'master'
- bcf3307e - add an option (default is false) for cuda part for fast calorimeter simulation
- 6769c3df - Merge branch 'notcompilecudabydefault' into 'master'
- 94d5284d - Merge branch 'tileg4dd' into 'master'
- f9b60f80 - update the dcube xml and add hit residual plots
- 8c81e96e - Merge branch 'updatedatatests' into 'master'
- 789745c3 - Add upgrade config in DL2 tagger tracks selection
- 4b371a91 - Merge branch 'master' into 'master'
- cfe5a29b - correct xAODVBFMjjIntervalFilter_Common.py -add correct filter name
- 8d3cf34d - Merge branch 'ewelina-master-patch-28948' into 'master'
- a23434ec - Revert "fixing medium wp, calotagmuons selection and adding some expert...
- e8ea468e - Added a class to the offline helper to allow to build the ROB source ID from...
- b5cb0623 - Merge branch 'nsw-decoder-features-and-fixes' into 'master'
- f2adbd40 - Merge branch 'pra' into 'master'
- 14a3192b - ViewAlgs: Fix clang warning.
- d25fea2e - Merge branch 'clang.ViewAlgs-20220705' into 'master'
- 1837a2c8 - Use right histogram reference file for run4 pi10 IDART test
- 04a23d32 - Merge branch 'fix-run4-art-ref' into 'master'
- e8412c9f - EGamma PhysVal CA config
- da97195c - Merge branch 'EGPhysVal' into 'master'
- fbfa6ddf - missing TileBadChannels conditions algorithm configuration... partially fixes ATR-25535
- 184499de - Merge branch 'newBranch.1657018331' into 'master'
- b50612b9 - LumiBlockTPCnv: Fix thread-safety warnings.
- ac4e1b89 - Merge branch 'thread.LumiBlockTPCnv-20220705' into 'master'
- 40e9b5d1 - EventBookkeeperTPCnv: Enable thread-safety checking.
- 7924f0f6 - Merge branch 'thread.EventBookkeeperTPCnv-20220705' into 'master'
- d4f5ec22 - EventBookkeeperMetaData: Fix cppcheck warnings.
- 0e19b1aa - Merge branch 'cppcheck.EventBookkeeperMetaData-20220705' into 'master'
- 1e97f956 - remove trigID ART test, fsjet_actsvtx_pu55
- ae512557 - Merge branch 'tidv1' into 'master'
- 06c81599 - fix test failure in CaloBCIDLumiCondAlg_test.cxx
- 76bd6548 - Merge branch 'fixCaloRecUT' into 'master'
- 707c59ba - Merge branch 'rel22ToMaster_Jul5' into 'master'
- 403f774b - merge upstream/22.0 into master
- a540b766 - GeneratorFilters add attribute filterWeight to MCEventCollection_p6, correct some common fragments
- 1928cede - Merge branch 'master-weightFromFilter' into 'master'
- d720f993 - Externals Update, master branch (2022.07.05.)
- b7fe5aed - Merge branch 'ExternalsUpdate-master-20220705' into 'master'
- 66effc18 - Remove __unbounded keyword for CentOS9 migration
- b0699f99 - Revert "Merge branch 'pantau' into '22.0'"
- 8300562b - Remove unused Mon Tool and use namespace
- af01f21b - Merge branch 'RemoveUnusedMonTool' into 'master'
- c410320e - Retrieve PixelID and SCT_ID only once
- 0a65c840 - Merge branch 'RetrieveOnlyOnce' into 'master'
- 9ea2fd5c - Add UFO jets to some JETMX formats and include missing UFO substructure variables
- e6d962ed - Merge branch 'master-jet-derivations' into 'master'
- b19c1f13 - Added CA config for MET PhysValMonitoring
- 010403d4 - Merge branch 'METPhysVal' into 'master'
- ecdcefda - L1CaloFEXByteStream: Fix linking in dbg build.
- c56d4a6b - Merge branch 'dbg.L1CaloFEXByteStream-20220706' into 'master'
- a7387aa4 - Add single 10 GeV electron IDART test with ITk geometry
- 465caf95 - Merge branch 'run4-idart-el10' into 'master'
- f7802834 - introduce a new set of ASG test files (ATLASG-1636)
- 1b6f97ac - Add ttbar without pileup InDetART test with ITk geometry
- 3b6b27c1 - Merge branch 'run4-idart-ttbar-pu0' into 'master'
- 47cddb1d - Updating derivation FTAG/PHYS/trains ARTs in master
- b6236e0c - Merge branch 'master-updatingFTAGARTs220706' into 'master'
- 4f923609 - Merge branch 'hephaestus_20220706' into 'master'
- d6aa1343 - Update version.txt
- 2f8213aa - Update version.txt
- 9f77c640 - Merge branch 'rel22ToMaster_Jul6' into 'master'
- 0ff468e9 - TrigT1CaloEvent: Fix clang warnings.
- e5ca74b9 - Merge branch 'clang.TrigT1CaloEvent-20220705' into 'master'
- 4bc2003c - 2022-07-06: Daily merge of 22.0 into master
- 5a2ef8c8 - Merge branch 'rel22ToMaster_Jul7' into 'master'
- 98a4c27b - DF-level trigger matching: Allow saving links not from owning containers
- 4356e8f4 - Merge branch 'DFTrigMatchLinks' into 'master'
- a25d810f - ExpressionEvaluation: Fix cppcheck warnings.
- f801c0f5 - Merge branch 'cppcheck.ExpressionEvaluation-20220706' into 'master'
- fd9f15e9 - Electron ID for early run-3 data taking
- 2ec35269 - Merge branch 'philip_revertingBackElectronID' into 'master'
- bd81b962 - Standalone track fitting demo using CUDA
- 3621d013 - Merge branch 'TrigCudaFitterStandalone' into 'master'
- dbc1425e - Merge branch 'test_files_master' into 'master'
- 90cd99a8 - merge upstream/22.0 into master
- 030ccf29 - bugfix from coverity in NSWOfflineHelper.cxx
- 955ae32f - Merge branch 'sroe-master-patch-55440' into 'master'
- c68a6501 - CalorRec: const-correctness fixes
- 6dcf2e95 - Merge branch 'rel22ToMaster_Jul8' into 'master'
- faa0bf7b - Don't build TrigCudaFitter packae if cuda is not available as it is right now...
- 00ed224e - Fix for gcc12 compilation
- d8a3a473 - merge 22.0 into master
- 4c971acf - Merge branch 'rel22ToMaster_Jul10' into 'master'
- c2dcf5bf - Attempting to fix symmetric R3 fullchain ART test
- 1802b7b3 - Merge branch 'muonrtt-fixing-tests' into 'master'
- 3f1e643e - cppcheck uninitialised member
- 1477aba8 - Merge branch 'sroe-master-patch-90688' into 'master'
- 99cd0c78 - DerivationFrameworkTrigger: Fix clang warning.
- 8ae42134 - Merge branch 'clang.DerivationFrameworkTrigger-20220709' into 'master'
- 459b7ff0 - fix variable name
- 642c2ad6 - Merge branch 'afp-fix-TDMaxQEff' into 'master'
- 4909280d - EventBookkeeperTPCnv: Fix cppcheck warnings.
- 649a847a - Merge branch 'cppcheck.EventBookkeeperTPCnv-20220709' into 'master'
- 7da2902f - Merge branch 'trigcudafitter_20220709' into 'master'
- b01332c9 - Manually sweep 54430
- 0506679e - Merge branch 'ManuallySweep_54430' into 'master'
- 1fcb704b - writeout Container if SeparateLargeD0Container is requested
- 7c7bc8e0 - Merge branch 'stand_along_LRT_if_requested' into 'master'
- ed6d7936 - add missing class name to ITk
- 9139fee7 - Merge branch 'innerdet_config_ITk_typofix' into 'master'
- eb203568 - Fixing residual issues in derivation EGAM ARTs
- 5daaab8d - Merge branch 'master-fixingEGAMArts' into 'master'
- 625b66c7 - Disable CUDA support in AthAnalysis, master branch (2022.07.07.)
- 7e1923a6 - Merge branch 'AthAnalysisOnnxCuda-master-20220707' into 'master'
- c666842d - Add a const getCopy method to the SysCopyHandle and use it in the AsgSelectionAlg
- 00c75bef - Merge branch 'CPAlgsFixRequiredCopies' into 'master'
- 1093325f - cppcheck uninitialised members in LArCalorimeter/LArG4/LArG4H6SD/src/RadLenNtuple.h
- 6fcecd55 - Merge branch 'sroe-master-patch-56268' into 'master'
- 32029990 - Harmonize MET settings for CA vs RecExCommon ARTs
- 426b35e1 - Merge branch 'metART-220708' into 'master'
- fd1371fb - Update MVAMonAlg arguments with TrackParticle container
- 1dd54610 - Merge branch 'tstreble-master-patch-50091' into 'master'
- b210e485 - Merge branch 'lwhists_20220709' into 'master'
- 79e4c64f - TrigCudaFitter: Fix clang warning.
- 30f6a8f0 - Merge branch 'clang.TrigCudaFitter-20220709' into 'master'
- 42294062 - Used IDPVM safe decorator for ParameterErrDecoratorAlg
- d049c94c - Merge branch 'IDPVMDecor' into 'master'
- 66d69f22 - BUG FIX: changed three input variables of the nntc
- e8889a25 - Merge branch 'master_dev' into 'master'
- f37051a2 - fix standalone config
- fab21401 - Merge branch 'efexBSRawDecoder' into 'master'
- 77515b3a - Update release candidate version to 23.0.4
- 2ddd18ac - 23.0-cppcheck-LArCondTools
- 4c43a955 - Merge branch '23.0-cppcheck-LArCondTools' into 'master'
- ddea9794 - Merge branch 'calorec2' into 'master'
- 53f9e2e5 - CI: Update Run 4 geometry tag, add digest check and enable PHYS test
- 92fdd88e - AthenaKernel+StoreGate: Dependency tracking for conditions containers.
- dcdd5b55 - Merge branch 'deps.AthenaKernel-20220709' into 'master'
- dfb20103 - Updated InDetMonitoringPixel config with bunch filter tool
- 852b11c0 - Merge branch 'PixMonFilter' into 'master'
- 56d4da6a - AthDerivation Updates, master branch (2022.07.08.)
- 9056794d - Merge branch 'AthDerivationUpdate-master-20220708' into 'master'
- 91dba61e - improvements to confTool.py --structured
- a9cdc081 - Merge branch 'confTool1' into 'master'
- bd32a7c9 - 23.0-crest-LArROD
- 59808cd7 - Merge branch '23.0-crst-LArROD' into 'master'
- 16beeb38 - Merge tag 'nightly/22.0/2022-07-11T2101' into master
- 069b3e8b - Migrate trigger matching to using a tool to calculate DR
- cf7534ca - Merge branch 'TriggerMatchingScores' into 'master'
- 6bcf9ab3 - Update CTIDE fake rate uncertainty recommendation for Rel22
- 2d02e408 - Merge branch 'update-CTIDE-fake-rate-uncertainty-recommendation' into 'master'
- 8e7f0714 - Migrate TauPhysicsValidation config to CA for NTUP_PHYSVAL
- 01d8d0d1 - Merge branch 'npetters-physval-tau' into 'master'
- 2b7326e4 - Fix TruthClassificationTool test input
- a16617f2 - Merge branch 'truthclasstoolfix' into 'master'
- 038ac200 - Merge branch 'sweep-2022-07-11' into 'master'
- 4f05394d - Migrate JetPhysicsValidation config to CA for NTUP_PHYSVAL
- a351a6ee - Merge branch 'npetters-physval-jets' into 'master'
- febba42d - Fix RDO Merging for Run4 RDOs
- 32b54795 - Merge branch 'Fix_RUN4_repro_job_master' into 'master'
- 3c0503d7 - fixing bug with gap/crack cell dimensions for RUN2/RUN3 - reading actual...
- 390b3619 - Merge branch 'tilecal-for-22.0' into 'master'
- fb775b13 - Initial CI artifacts copying prototype
- 93ee4c3e - Merge branch 'ci-r4' into 'master'
- 43e27a6d - TrkAlignEvent: const fixes for AlignTrack and AlignVertex
- d51fac0f - TrkAlignInterfaces: const fixes for accumulate
- fb491cea - Fix xAOD Pixel/StripCluster problem
- 0f407329 - Merge branch 'FixClusterProblem' into 'master'
- b11c4074 - ISF_ActsTools: secondaries for ISF
- f7959998 - Merge branch 'dev-ISF_Acts' into 'master'
- a05a8978 - Fix warnings from AODMerge on RUN4 samples
- 4edf071e - Merge branch 'npetters-aodmerge' into 'master'
- 526f51d3 - Fix ATR-25908 crash on IDPVM::decorateOrRejectQuietly
- 1a58a6b7 - Merge branch 'ATR-25908' into 'master'
- be068c29 - Add missing QDebug include for master--dev4LCG/LCG_102_ATLAS_2 compilation
- f89ca6bd - MuonByteStreamCnvTest - Silence the RDO -> MdtDigit conversion in Run 4 geometries
- 620f1e1b - Merge branch 'silence_Run4' into 'master'
- a8e73c9f - CI: Sync master and 22.0 Run 3 tests
- 283f3f74 - Merge branch 'ci-r3' into 'master'
- 1f77527e - Updating bs-streamerinfos in master (ATR-25602)
- 9fd0d0e0 - Merge branch 'updateBSstreamerInfoMaster' into 'master'
- 5b7ed781 - AODMerge_Skeleton.py: Set AthenaEventLoopMgr.EventPrintoutInterval = 100
- 9b9a8151 - Merge branch 'aodMergeLoopMgrCnt' into 'master'
- 997e3c71 - Merge branch 'geoexporter_20220712' into 'master'
- dcab599f - Merge branch 'ci-artifacts' into 'master'
- c8d303a2 - Merge tag 'nightly/22.0/2022-07-12T2101' into sweep-2022-07-12
- df399d9b - Merge branch 'trkalign' into 'master'
- 61f623e9 - Ignore additional spurious words in events flagged as null. Fix null event...
- e5b9c414 - Merge branch 'tolerate-corrupted-null-events' into 'master'
- 45e01a09 - Patch to truth derivation configuration
- f35c5ad2 - Merge branch 'TRUTHPatch' into 'master'
- 7dd1147b - Fix muon detector cond alg
- a9d41506 - Migrate TopoCluster and Zee PhysicsValidation config to CA for NTUP_PHYSVAL
- a04e2274 - Merge branch 'npetters-physval-calo' into 'master'
- 165c9c30 - Merge branch 'sweep-2022-07-12' into 'master'
- bc5a869a - EFTracking small fixes to allow Hough Transform to run successfully
- 3d8540ea - Merge branch 'EFTrackingJahredUpdates' into 'master'
- ae73b944 - Manual sweep of !54812 (merged) from 22.0 to master: Updated expected output of...
- 73b823c3 - Merge branch 'cherry-pick-0180096d' into 'master'
- dc575455 - Adding the 'balance JVT' (bJVT) tool to JetMomentTools and Derivation Framework for R22
- 4645325f - Merge branch 'dev-balanceJVT' into 'master'
- fdf6303f - Updating DESDM_MCP selection
- 618acf93 - Merge branch 'desdm_fix' into 'master'
- 5d4b88be - ByteStreamCnvSvc: Fix some thread-safety checker warnings.
- 5fdd9249 - Merge branch 'thread.ByteStreamCnvSvc-20220713' into 'master'
- 715f3022 - MuonEventAthenaPool: Thread-safety warning cleanup.
- d5028b2c - Merge branch 'thread.MuonEventAthenaPool-20220713' into 'master'
- 41fb9e1b - JetRec: Remove duplicate header
- 3d7f57d3 - Merge branch 'pjalg-220713' into 'master'
- df671efe - Adding EventInfo back into TRUTH3 Derivation
- b8afb179 - Merge branch 'TruthDerivEventInfo' into 'master'
- f94b4f40 - Use ComponentFactory in CA version of DAOD common truth augmentations
- c6bb910e - Merge branch 'master-fix_TRUTH1_3_CA' into 'master'
- 4b1d046b - Update rundmc_printdist to python 3 syntax
- 55dd427c - Merge branch 'FixRunDMCPrintScript_master' into 'master'
- e6e7e075 - Merge tag 'nightly/22.0/2022-07-13T2101' into master
- b6ec1c04 - TrkAlignEvent: const/mutable fixes
- 3fd3fabf - TrkAlignEvent: migrate AlignModule to AthMessaging
- 997899cd - LLP1 electron container merging, variables, and algorithms
- 616ae938 - Merge branch 'LLP1_mergeLepContainers' into 'master'
- 57e0c3bd - TrkDetDescrAlgs: remove unnecessary mutable in MaterialManipulation
- 9fd2596f - TrkValAlgs: enable thread-checker and fixes
- 445d4a63 - TrigExAlgs: remove unnecessary mutables and const-fixes
- c6ad75dd - TrkExAlgs: use thread-safe RngSvc in ExtrapolatorComparisonTest
- 3594264e - Merge branch 'sweep-2022-07-13' into 'master'
- 19e7b5d3 - Update version.txt
- c75d37a1 - Update version.txt
- b814fbe6 - Merge branch 'trkalignevent3' into 'master'
- d17a2ed4 - AthenaServices: Work around conditions dependency issues.
- 915f7edc - Merge branch 'deps.AthenaServices-20220713' into 'master'
- 3102a8e1 - Merge branch 'trigvalalgs' into 'master'
- cc929e62 - Merge branch 'trkdetdescr' into 'master'
- e4ee6e8a - Merge branch 'trigexalgs' into 'master'
- 457f8fc4 - Enable RoI-based decoding for MM when running trigger ATR-25917
- 268642aa - Merge branch 'MO_NSW_RoIaccess_0722' into 'master'
- 6c23c16c - Configuration for two different electron ID menus in run-2 and run-3
- 9c76409e - Merge branch 'philip_separateRun2Run3EleID' into 'master'
- 32d01441 - Merge tag 'nightly/22.0/2022-07-14T2101' into master
- 2c6e2399 - Copy run number / event number into mcChannelNumber / mcEventNumber
- 0e8f5331 - Merge branch 'fix-mc-channel-number' into 'master'
- 4ba4a608 - Merge branch 'sweep-2022-07-14' into 'master'
- 84025149 - TrkAlignGenTools: enable thread-checker and fixes
- 9c3d001c - TrkAlgebraUtils: enable thread-checker and fixes
- 51be2e31 - MuonAlignErrorTool: enable thread-checker and fixes
- df273234 - Update VSITrackParticleThinning to allow for multiple aux suffixes
- fde2cb21 - Merge branch 'update-VSITrackParticleThinning' into 'master'
- 6697af36 - Add preliminary version of run 4 IDART ttbar full PU test
- c0c6cf67 - Merge branch 'run4-idart-ttbar-pu200' into 'master'
- ff920e78 - Add truth variables to acts seed monitoring
- 5b1b4d40 - Merge branch 'Add_Truth_Variables_to_Acts_Seed_Monitoring' into 'master'
- 0c0d6f5f - 23.0-cppcheck-VP1Systems
- b36856c7 - Merge branch '23.0-cppcheck-VP1AODSystems' into 'master'
- 8f9d3a09 - update ID art tests and fix way to launch RDO analysis for sim+rec tests
- a7249d14 - Merge branch 'updatemctest' into 'master'
- 1ca592aa - Increase test time of MuonSegmentFindingConfigTest
- deb9dc40 - Increase test time of HIRec_test
- 99bf68ce - update Gaudi to v36r6.000
- b3355394 - Merge branch 'dev/updateGaudi' into 'master'
- 69e6003e - Do not set geotool as public
- 6b6690de - Merge branch 'followup-jo' into 'master'
- 9f77836f - Move tracking expected hit info computation from TrackSummaryHelper to TrackParticleCreator
- 2bddd608 - Merge branch 'ExpHitTrkPart' into 'master'
- 1c023f80 - nntc: a few updates
- d0ec3c4b - Merge branch 'master_dev_2' into 'master'
- 4b184d11 - Merge branch 'trkaligntools' into 'master'
- 4692ca11 - Merge tag 'nightly/22.0/2022-07-15T2101' into master
- 4fbab543 - Migrate PFlow and Muon config to CA for NTUP_PHYSVAL and cfg error in ZeeValidation
- c8db5474 - Merge branch 'npetters-physval-pflow' into 'master'
- 355cb315 - Merge branch 'trkalgebra' into 'master'
- 2762d6c5 - Merge branch 'muonalignerror' into 'master'
- 19166e4e - Merge branch 'test-hi' into 'master'
- b317801c - Merge branch 'test-muon' into 'master'
- 7d90fc5d - Merge branch 'sweep-2022-07-15' into 'master'
- c7dc5709 - NSWCalibTools: Fix clang warnings.
- c606b712 - TrkAlignGenTools: Fix clang warnings.
- 23e06276 - CA-based Misalignment generation for master
- d1ddbce5 - Merge branch 'master-itkalignment' into 'master'
- 242570d2 - MuonAlignEvent: enable thread-checker and fixes
- 1b70ee29 - 23.0-cleanup-dqm_algorithms
- 43bd4a93 - Merge branch '23.0-cleanup-dqm_algorithms' into 'master'
- fc3d789f - Update master to atlasexternals 2.0.139
- 74e0e5bf - InDetGlobalMonitoringRun3Test: Migrate TIDE histograms and add filled bunch...
- 6071a209 - Merge branch 'dqmaster' into 'master'
- 0165f6cd - Migrating large-R precision truth label to r22
- 94e9c541 - Merge branch 'master-derivations-r22' into 'master'
- bb3e5a9f - Unique naming of JetCalibTool instances
- c854e561 - Merge branch 'master-CA-jets-derivations' into 'master'
- cdfa26c1 - Update JetInputs/collisions_run.config to fix errors noted in ATLLARSWDPQ-419
- c6513546 - Merge branch 'sawyer-master-patch-98764' into 'master'
- 5ef8bd37 - BarcodeServices: cmake fix
- eb6e6a36 - Merge branch 'cmake.BarcodeServices-20220718' into 'master'
- 9969c5ae - LArCalibTest: cmake fix
- 99d4df00 - Merge branch 'cmake.LArCalibTest-20220718' into 'master'
- ab49fc03 - AFP_SiClusterTools: cmake fix
- d1689cf3 - Merge branch 'cmake.AFP_SiClusterTools-20220718' into 'master'
- d8503726 - MMClusterization: Fix clang warnings.
- fe396cbe - Merge branch 'clang.MMClusterization-20220718' into 'master'
- 1a2de356 - DerivationFrameworkBPHY: Use EventInfo instead of BeamSpotCond
- 20dd98c9 - Merge branch 'beamspotmigrBPHY' into 'master'
- 3db5e8ef - 23.0-coverity-TrkAlgebraUtils
- c9740801 - Merge branch '23.0-coverity-TrkAlgebraUtils' into 'master'
- f21e282f - sTGC_Digitization: Fix clang warnings.
- 324f2b25 - Merge branch 'clang.sTGC_Digitization-20220718' into 'master'
- 9d77c933 - RecExCommon: delete unused JiveXML_config.py
- 617f1ba7 - RecJiveXML: delete obsolete package
- c9e53884 - Merge branch 'clang.NSWCalibTools-20220718' into 'master'
- cfbcce92 - DumpEventDataToJSON: Add support for NSW.
- 8379f674 - Merge branch 'master-update-dumpjson' into 'master'
- def620f6 - 23.0-cppcheck-RPC_LinearSegmentMakerTool
- c817d6f4 - Merge branch '23.0-cppcheck-RPC_LinearSegmentMakerTool' into 'master'
- d9b24d29 - Merge branch 'muonalign' into 'master'
- 9d19a900 - fix output container name for GPFlowCSSK
- ea548b5c - Merge branch '23.0_UFOCSSKAndIsoIssue' into 'master'
- 5010d2aa - Removing unnecessary warnings in HGTD::ClusterTruthTool
- ebf1bbed - Merge branch 'master_removeTruthToolWarnings' into 'master'
- 682940c8 - Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/22.0' into rel22ToMaster_Jul18
- 3191922b - Electron efficiency recommendations and CI test for run-3
- 090261c0 - Merge branch 'philip_eleEfficiencyPrerec' into 'master'
- aa7a57c5 - 23.0-coverity-MuonLayerHough
- 9f44cce7 - Merge branch '23.0-coverity-MuonLayerHough' into 'master'
- 66613bfa - Make the package compile if QT_NO_SSL is defined and treat like...
- 35652220 - Merge branch 'rel22ToMaster_Jul18' into 'master'
- 61884c99 - Add protection against track nullptr for expected hit computation (fix ATR-25962)
- d0452bb8 - Merge branch 'tstreble-master-patch-62810' into 'master'
- 2a5e4365 - Updating the DCSC Calculator for run 3 for the MDT and TGC
- 597045bd - Merge branch 'master' into 'master'
- 15f7a4bc - MuonCombinedToolInterfaces: Fix thread-safety checker flag file.
- f8ecb8c1 - Merge branch 'thread.MuonCombinedToolInterfaces-20220718' into 'master'
- 29f1809d - CscCalibAlgs: Fix clang warnings.
- 809977ea - Merge branch 'clang.CscCalibAlgs-20220718' into 'master'
- 3b36d5dc - Store in-time pile-up truth in AODs by default if digi ran in such a way
- 5d86227f - Update version to 22.6.20
- 9ef6f997 - Merge branch 'ewelina-master-patch-04249' into 'master'
- b0e2f8d6 - HIEventUtils: thread-checker fixes
- dcb4c765 - CA-tracking configuration per package: TRT_DriftCircleOnTrackTool + InDetTrtDriftCircleCutTool
- d155d1cd - Merge branch 'TrkConfigJul7' into 'master'
- 69543413 - Merge branch 'jivexml' into 'master'
- 0b3bea86 - ByteStreamCnvSvcBase: Fix cppcheck warnings.
- 47dc0dd8 - Merge branch 'cppcheck.ByteStreamCnvSvcBase-20220718' into 'master'
- 475953ca - Add ci tests for acts
- eace1b09 - Merge branch 'AddTestCI' into 'master'
- fabfddf3 - Add TrackFilterTool
- f8aa150a - Merge branch 'master-TrackFilterTool' into 'master'
- ee7818d2 - Making ConfigFlags.Sim.SimBarcodeOffset available in the AthDerivation project
- c9aa8390 - Merge branch 'SimulationConfig_master' into 'master'
- 4f5d1d32 - Pushing AdaptiveMultiSecVertexFinderTool and InDetSecVertexValidation...
- dba83e66 - Merge branch 'neza-MB-fix' into 'master'
- d33d83f8 - merge upstream/22.0 into master and resolve conflicts
- d163e130 - revert MR 55145 as it creates conflicts
- 9db7b512 - GammaORTools: remove const_cast and enable thread-checker
- 592a415e - Change directory paths for hist files in LArQuickHistMerge
- 4a51a5cc - Merge branch 'lar-quickhistmerge-changes' into 'master'
- 09ce4bc4 - Add a new SCT online strip defect in SCT_ReadCalibDataCondAlg
- edcf39c0 - Merge branch '22.0-SCT-addNewDefect' into 'master'
- 2c4c3391 - Move PileUpHashHelper to PileUpTools
- a5529087 - Merge branch 'move-pileup-hash-helper' into 'master'
- 0da90fcd - Merge branch 'pile-up-truth' into 'master'
- 8f0c5492 - 23.0-coverity-MuonIdHelpers
- 9791c0af - Merge branch '23.0-coverity-MuonIdHelpers' into 'master'
- ba55edca - xAODTriggerAthenaPool: remove "reset" workaround
- d1db873a - Merge branch 'ext_2.0.139' into 'master'
- 7fa2092d - Update References.py d1759 -> v3
- 5891152d - Update RetagRenameInputContainerCfg
- 754c7efb - Merge branch 'master-updateRetagRenamer' into 'master'
- 909dfc90 - Merge branch 'hieventutils' into 'master'
- 0916c744 - DQUtils: thread-checker fixes
- b4692a30 - 23.0-cppcheck-CscOverlay
- cc9df56a - Merge branch '23.0-cppcheck-CscOverlay' into 'master'
- e7bcd574 - Do less when importing TruthDerivationToolsConfig
- ff1bcf98 - Merge branch 'SimulationConfig_master' into 'master'
- 042edef3 - AnalysisTop: Updates for R22 electron recommendations
- 40c7b12f - Merge branch 'R22-AnalysisTop-EgammaRecommendations' into 'master'
- 4edd5b9e - Merge branch 'gammaor' into 'master'
- 59eb56f6 - JetEvent: Fix cppcheck warnings.
- c62416d6 - Merge branch 'cppcheck.JetEvent-20220719' into 'master'
- 5ead7000 - ISF_FastCaloSimParametrization: Fix cppcheck warning.
- 23b21202 - Merge branch 'cppcheck.ISF_FastCaloSimParametrization-20220719' into 'master'
- 1c086160 - Ensuring event number is >=0 in evgen
- dea15730 - Merge branch 'evgenPositiveEventNumbers' into 'master'
- cc88e795 - Merge branch 'vp1gui_20220719' into 'master'
- 324274fd - DQUtils: cmake cleanup
- 4a53dd3e - LArCalibTools: Fix cppcheck warnings.
- 0cc7428b - Merge branch 'cppcheck.LArCalibTools-20220719' into 'master'
- 479c8aaa - Merge branch 'rel22ToMaster_Jul19' into 'master'
- 3d08398b - Make sure pt is not used in preselection if not enabled at this point
- 1102a85e - LArCalibDataQuality: enable thread-checker
- 07cf22db - LArCalibTools: enable thread-checker and fixes
- fad82d3d - LArMonTools: enable thread-checker and fixes
- 150bcb16 - LArG4FastSimSvc: enable thread-checker and fixes
- 74bce1eb - merge upstream/22.0 into master and resolve conflicts
- 5e0c9d1b - LArSCellTest: thread-checker fixes
- 06e0cdf3 - Updated map file for phID SFs & lower min ET
- c7c7f532 - Merge branch 'phID_rel22' into 'master'
- 9e9681b6 - Merge branch 'xaodtrig' into 'master'
- b8a4fdb0 - Bump ACTS to v19.4.0
- acd32f29 - Merge branch 'NewActsTag' into 'master'
- a8b8e07e - DigitizationTests: enable thread-checker and fixes
- 9b359915 - CA-tracking configuration per package: PixelToTPIDTool + TRT_TrackExtensionTool
- def07442 - Merge branch 'TrkConfigJul19' into 'master'
- 01a044c1 - 23.0-cppcheck-InDetAdaptiveMultiSecVtxFinderTool
- 698c7840 - Merge branch '23.0-cppcheck-InDetAdaptiveMultiSecVtxFinderTool' into 'master'
- af9d0956 - 23.0-cppcheck-FPTracker
- 44831980 - Merge branch '23.0-cppcheck-FPTracker' into 'master'
- 9a3f15a8 - Merge branch 'rel22ToMaster_Jul20' into 'master'
- e8a02f2f - Merge branch 'cp/fix-output' into '21.2'
- e5919686 - Added ATLAS Ready and Bad LAr LB filters to PFO and MissingET monitoring.
- 7ba2bf4e - Merge branch 'Sawyer_addFilters_July2022' into 'master'
- fb737b0d - Merge branch 'dqutils' into 'master'
- 74697ef0 - Fix LArLATOMEMapping
- 296cb8aa - Merge branch 'fix_latomeMapping_master' into 'master'
- 8b99390d - Merge branch 'cp/pt-master' into 'master'
- c9ee0bd7 - Merge branch 'lardq' into 'master'
- 70d68198 - Merge branch 'larparam' into 'master'
- 9ee01512 - Merge branch 'larmon' into 'master'
- a9907c8b - StoreGate: Fix conditions dependency propagation.
- 3de382cd - Merge branch 'deps.StoreGate-20220720' into 'master'
- 588de6ae - TrkDetDescrInterfaces, etc: Propagate TrackingGeometry conditions dependencies.
- af3912e6 - Merge branch 'deps-tg.TrkDetDescrInterfaces-20220720' into 'master'
- f5322036 - Merge branch 'larg4fastsim' into 'master'
- d1936f6d - Merge branch 'larscell' into 'master'
- e333bafa - MultiTrajectory xAOD backend, track parameters storage
- ae76d71e - Merge branch 'add-xaod-mtj-track-paramters' into 'master'
- 97553cbe - CxxUtils: improve checkergcc configuration
- 6d2614d9 - Projects: configure checkergcc plugins
- 33f9e545 - 23.0-cppcheck-MuonCalibMonitoring
- 510ccce4 - Merge branch '23.0-cppcheck-MuonCalibMonitoring' into 'master'
- f593390b - Merge branch 'cherry-pick-8366b913-master' into 'master'
- 61e760b7 - 23.0-cppcheck-LArGeoBarrel
- d55434d8 - Merge branch '23.0-cppcheck-LArGeoBarrel' into 'master'
- 81e2e6d5 - 23.0-cppcheck-TruthTools
- c49f0855 - Merge branch '23.0-cppcheck-TruthTools' into 'master'
- 28ab4efc - xAODTauAthenaPool: Enable thread-safety checking.
- a50e0f2a - Merge branch 'thread.xAODTauAthenaPool-20220720' into 'master'
- 5e23089f - GeneratorModules: Fix cppcheck warnings.
- 95648f2c - Merge branch 'cppcheck.GeneratorModules-20220720' into 'master'
- 3df937ba - AsgExampleTools: enable thread-checker and fixes
- 3ae76799 - Update version.txt
- 5fc8d74f - Update version.txt
- 028cfe1e - merge upstream/22.0 into master and resolve conflicts
- 4466d10a - InDetSecVertexValidation: thread-checker fixes
- 4812bb86 - PixelCalibAlgs: enable thread-checker and fixes
- c4bb865d - StripGeoModelXml: replace exit() with exception
- c96c3fe1 - IOVDbTestAlg: Enable thread-safety checking.
- 4b58cae2 - Merge branch 'thread.IOVDbTestAlg-20220720' into 'master'
- 13ba37ee - TileGeoG4Calib: const fixes
- cfd7a309 - TileCosmicAlgs: enable thread-checker and const fix
- 3b2650c3 - LArG4MiniFCAL: enable thread-checker and fixes
- df1d1362 - LArG4MiniFCAL: use AthMessaging and cmake cleanup
- 33414b44 - LArG4Barrel: make barrel sampling arrays const
- 76a70444 - Added MV2c10 to Run4 tagger list
- 3a727aa2 - Merge branch 'tstreble-master-patch-61314' into 'master'
- fe3aedf5 - MuonCalibEventBase: Enable thread-safety checking.
- 4e8ffa0b - MuonCalibITools: Enable thread-safety checking.
- a62f928f - MuonCalibEvent: Enable thread-safety checking.
- 3a7722b3 - MuonCalibTools: Enable thread-safety checking.
- ba4acc2c - Add CP::AsgUnionSelectionAlg
- 53491123 - Add AsgPriorityDecorationAlg
- be271ba1 - InDetConditionsSummaryService: Propagate detelt status conditions dependencies.
- a13b4c1d - PixelConditionsTools: Propagate detelt status conditions dependencies.
- 24a37310 - SCT_ConditionsTools: Propagate detelt status conditions dependencies.
- 1c3ab3fe - InDetPrepRawDataFormation: Propagate detelt status conditions dependencies.
- 3c570ca8 - LArG4Barrel: make AccMap and PsMap const singletons
- d6f9be95 - LAr and L1Calo cond db fixes
- c685ce68 - Merge branch 'LArDB_fixes_2' into 'master'
- bd82939a - Merge branch 'thrchk0' into 'master'
- 718f783d - Multithreaded Pileup Digitization
- 554246ac - Merge branch 'mt-pileup-cpp' into 'master'
- 68ef2224 - LArHVCondAlg: Use labmdas with trailing-return-type
- 4cd07ab4 - fix for HGTD surfaces not being found (ATLSWUPGR-158)
- 5749c133 - Merge branch 'master-HGTDRecoFix' into 'master'
- 83b9e4a9 - JiveXML: update build dependency for RPC for CentOS7 and CentOS9
- 0d38522b - Merge branch 'jivexml_20220719' into 'master'
- 63e13845 - Update default bunch crossing info source
- 3086e787 - Merge branch 'master-bunchcrossingcondalg' into 'master'
- 6855a1ef - Merge branch 'asgex' into 'master'
- 12bded2a - Merge branch 'indetval' into 'master'
- 3d6db5c6 - Remove import of Enums.BeamType TrackingCommonConfig.py
- 5b382889 - AtlasBuildScripts: Update release notes script
- 201023fe - Merge branch 'update-release-notes' into 'master'
- 397e9136 - Merge branch 'pixelcalib' into 'master'
- 6e2b178b - Merge branch 'stripgmx' into 'master'
- c9c6e111 - Merge branch 'tileg4' into 'master'
- 2e13bf15 - Merge branch 'tilecosmic' into 'master'
- ffb9776c - Merge branch 'larg4mini' into 'master'
- 64737022 - Merge branch 'thread.MuonCalibEventBase-20220721' into 'master'
- c2f433d0 - Update standard tracking efficiency maps to preliminary Rel22 recommendations
- 89917cf5 - Merge branch 'update-standard-track-efficiency' into 'master'
- d6cd1083 - MdtCalibData: Fix cppcheck warnings.
- 5a3f22a4 - MdtCalibFitters: Fix cppcheck warning.
- 435eb4a5 - MdtCalibInterfaces: Enable thread-safety checking.
- cfffc6bb - MdtCalibUtils: Enable thread-safety checking.
- 8f599897 - LArG4Validation: thread-checker fixes
- cf8f118d - Merge branch 'cp/master-sweep' into 'master'
- 3a313a0c - Modify PYTHONPATH on import of MadGraphUtils [AGENE-2049]
- 8da2dde0 - Merge branch 'master-shutil-patch2' into 'master'
- 44633129 - Merge branch 'rel22ToMaster_Jul21' into 'master'
- 83c1b69e - merge 22.0 into master
- 4ac3ef93 - Merge branch 'deps-status.InDetConditionsSummaryService-20220721' into 'master'
- e0b71676 - Merge branch 'thread.MdtCalibInterfaces-20220722' into 'master'
- 632102a9 - Merge branch 'cppcheck.MdtCalibData-20220722' into 'master'
- e9535ca5 - Merge branch 'rel22ToMaster_Jul24' into 'master'
- a7d481b1 - fix default value for flag LArCalib.BadChannelDB
- a8ebeedc - LArHVCorrMaker: Remove useless include, eliminate constructor
- 664eba18 - LArHVCorrMaker: do not rescale, write only flat blob
- 567a9e99 - CA-style config of job calculating semi-stable HV corrections
- ac90a322 - CA-based config of LArHVScale2Ntuple dumper
- 7b268101 - CxxUtils: fix checkergcc plugin configuration
- 0c0120c3 - Read AFP ToF parameters from DB
- e22d716c - Merge branch 'afp-use-db-for-tof-parameters' into 'master'
- 5e9909a3 - Merge branch 'digitest' into 'master'
- 58102d62 - InDetDetailedTrackSelectorTool: Option to get BeamSpot info from xAOD::EventInfo
- 043ca670 - Merge branch 'useEventInfo' into 'master'
- c5d32d5d - Improvment of OutputCondAlgConfig
- 8ff0d5ce - Merge branch 'OutputCondAlgCfgUpdate' into 'master'
- 4b69829a - Make JetPFlowSelectionAlg dual-use
- 9f8a4fb7 - Merge branch 'pflowAlg-220721' into 'master'
- 5378b814 - Merge branch 'fixATLASRECTS-7173' into 'master'
- 53a5be55 - update the RDO and reference plots the ID ART tests
- c0030666 - Merge branch 'testmulticores' into 'master'
- 5c702358 - Clean up TrackingCommonConfig.py following 2022-07-21 Daily merge
- ae1b9ea1 - Merge branch 'tstreble-master-patch-35096' into 'master'
- d71f1da2 - Merge branch 'larg4val' into 'master'
- 04be8232 - Add IOV mode to MetaReader to inspect IOV containers in detail
- fdccd97f - Merge branch 'metaReader.iovs' into 'master'
- 94e41f7d - 23.0-cppcheck-ElectronEfficiencyCorrection
- a503baba - Merge branch '23.0-cppcheck-ElectronEfficiencyCorrection' into 'master'
- d3b78117 - Break dependency form LArCalibUtils to Testbeam/TBEvent
- 08c8a049 - Merge branch 'LArCalibUtilsNoTB' into 'master'
- 411c0841 - Use static AFP constants
- 158addab - Merge branch 'afp-fix-afp-constants-AFPSOFT-140' into 'master'
- 105248b3 - Making VSI versatile
- 6a593555 - Merge branch 'VSI-Lep-Compatibility' into 'master'
- 3afe9d75 - Improve handling of invalid links by the trigger matching tool
- da3b27c3 - Merge branch 'TrigMatchBetterError' into 'master'
- 63da9685 - CxxUtils: Add ConcurrentPtrSet.
- 9967d188 - Merge branch 'concurrentPtrSet.CxxUtils-20220721' into 'master'
- 4ae206cd - Merge branch 'larg4barell' into 'master'
- 643d568f - Fixing test failures after MR 55220
- 08e45179 - Merge branch 'fix_ATLASRECTS-7176' into 'master'
- db222601 - Enhancements to InDetSecVertexValidation
- 8d7985d3 - Merge branch 'SecVtxVal-changes' into 'master'
- 92caab27 - Merge branch 'LArHVScaleCorrToDB1' into 'master'
- 03b34e78 - Add more AFP Si layers for Kalman track seeds
- 1a4f7df1 - Merge branch 'afp-add-more-init-layers-for-kalman' into 'master'
- f4fcaef1 - Fix LArSuper CellMonAlg
- e22b909a - Merge branch 'fix_LArSuperCellMonAlg' into 'master'
- ab5a8a2d - Improve robustness of HGTD_IterativeExtensionTool
- 04cce6c1 - Merge branch 'master_ATLSWUPGR-158_aleopold' into 'master'
- 7d6093ac - AnalysisTop: Teach the code about year 2022 in MC and Data
- c86ffba9 - Merge branch 'AnalysisTop-YearSetup' into 'master'
- 3c65bd84 - Fix for storing HGTD RDO collection(ATLSWUPGR-155)
- aa931da9 - Merge branch 'HGTD_digi_RDOcoll_fix' into 'master'
- 3d5fe19e - remove testbeam-related code from Calorimeter/CaloLocalHadCalib
- b578fbe1 - Merge branch 'LocalHadCalibNoTB' into 'master'
- 9db5264d - MuonNSWCommonDecode: Fix cppcheck warnings.
- 4b33fe9b - Merge branch 'cppcheck.MuonNSWCommonDecode-20220726' into 'master'
- 4e3fffa1 - CaloSimEventAthenaPool: Enable thread-safety checking.
- bc1b6eb3 - Merge branch 'thread.CaloSimEventAthenaPool-20220725' into 'master'
- 44c27f65 - InDetAdaptiveMultiSecVtxFinderTool - Fix indentation
- e1d11966 - Merge branch 'ATLASRECTS-7170' into 'master'
- 19420b11 - JetTagInfo: Fix cppcheck warnings.
- 863cfd54 - Merge branch 'cppcheck.JetTagInfo-20220726' into 'master'
- 34784c31 - CA configuration of LLP1 derivation
- a8b04616 - Merge branch 'master-LLP1-CA' into 'master'
- 9a6c60a1 - 23.0-cppcheck-LArMonTools
- aba73d9e - Merge branch '23.0-cppcheck-LArMonTools' into 'master'
- 148cff06 - JetTagEvent: Fix cppcheck warning.
- c021ea88 - Merge branch 'cppcheck.JetTagEvent-20220726' into 'master'
- 098273de - Clean up of CA configuration for PhysVal
- 5690cadf - Merge branch 'npetters-cleanup-physval-capackages' into 'master'
- a780d850 - Fix relocation issues after !53933 (merged)
- ec3f4bf7 - Merge branch 'fix-non-relocatable-after-MR53933' into 'master'
- 42e94af8 - TRT DAF cleanup
- 5d414595 - Merge branch 'TRT_DAF_cleanup' into 'master'
- 1e46371d - MdtCalibUtils: Fix cppcheck warnings.
- 664aa616 - MuonCalibEventBase: Fix cppcheck warning.
- 4510fb2a - TCT: Adding two new tests with 13.6 TeV stable beams collisions
- d87f984a - Fix missing leg multiplicity when reading Run2 config
- 7472681b - [TrigOutputHandling] Replace warnings about disabled subdets/robs in PEB...
- 6e02e8ed - [TrigOutputHandling] Skip serialisation of Trigger EDM in events where HLT...
- 12212658 - Removing LC calibration from RoI and FS offline topoclusters
- 12078f89 - Fix ToF channels
- 372f44d7 - Fix T_AnalysisConfigR3_Tier0.h for HepMC3 builds
- 71a818e1 - Adding jFEX input data decoders
- ceb8a173 - Add mistimemon chain to the menu
- bdd9d8df - Change the method to produce offline HIST
- a532f4ee - Call BuildIndex() when opening APR IndexContainer for reading
- c1d524b4 - OverlayConfiguration: Update PerfMonMT output file name in legacy Overlay
- 1a855103 - ZdcRec: enable thread-checker
- 1e27efd8 - StoreGate+SGTools: Merge string pools on start().
- 387a8819 - Adjust MT settings for DQ ART tests
- 5ccc5464 - Only fill MET histograms if MET container is valid and non-empty
- 12465c75 - TrigCost: Don't use COOL database for MC jobs
- 45cf0c18 - RatesAnalysis: Save metadata for online rates
- d7813b14 - Enable test_trigID_tauLRT_staustau.py to run in ART 22.0
- 5c0f1d36 - MuonClusterSegmentFinder - Catch invalid pad access
- bd9b1925 - Implement monopole triggers in HI menu
- d7df21a6 - Restructure emulation tool for r22.0
- a1a0c76e - LArRecUtils: update LArFCalTowerBuilderTool reference
- 4083ae42 - HitAnalysis: fix thread-checker warnings
- b2ce7e83 - CaloSamplingFractionAnalysis: thread-checker fixes
- 59fef12f - tauEventTPCnv: Thread-safety cleanup.
- 07c0d027 - Merge branch 'thread.tauEventTPCnv-20220726' into 'master'
- 6a15f59a - McParticleKernel: Enable thread-safety checking.
- b0b909f5 - Merge branch 'thread.McParticleKernel-20220726' into 'master'
- 7377c5f4 - InDetEventAthenaPool: Fix thread-safety checker warnings.
- e88086f2 - Merge branch 'thread.InDetEventAthenaPool-20220726' into 'master'
- 12e8bb37 - McParticleEventTPCnv: Fix thread-safety checker warnings.
- d6b87978 - Merge branch 'thread.McParticleEventTPCnv-20220726' into 'master'
- 257f3a02 - Merge branch 'simtools' into 'master'
- 5ee2adce - Merge branch 'sweep_22.0_master_2022-07-26' into 'master'
- b5b4d52b - Merge branch 'cppcheck.MdtCalibUtils-20220726' into 'master'
- 98e72359 - Adding/updating some derivation ARTs tests in master
- 01d536df - Merge branch 'master-addingMoreJETMARTs' into 'master'
- f2407404 - update of default r22 calib area for MuonEfficiencyCorrection tool
- 91560463 - Merge branch 'master-mvmuoneffcor' into 'master'
- 77981658 - 23.0-cleanup-LArG4H8SD
- e9669cc0 - Merge branch '23.0-cleanup-LArG4H8SD' into 'master'
- 475a0d98 - FastChain skeleton running simulation and MC-overlay in one Athena job
- 49b3e917 - Merge branch 'master-FastChain-EVNTtoRDOwOverlay' into 'master'
- ffbaee77 - Used CombinedMuonTrackSummaryTool for EMEO and MuonStau...
- bc91cf01 - Merge branch 'ATLSWUPGR-161' into 'master'
- 0fa60ef0 - Migration of jet derivations to r22 and further fixes
- 01c2c767 - Merge branch 'master-derivations-jets-art' into 'master'
- 0fecf484 - Check bunch group set key when refreshing cache
- ca7800e6 - Merge branch 'BGSKRefresh' into 'master'
- b1fed4fb - CxxUtils+AthenaKernel: Prepare for a possible migration to 64-bit sgkey.
- 3a4ffafd - Merge branch '64bit-prep.CxxUtils-20220726' into 'master'
- 325d2053 - Merge branch 'cxxutils_gccconfig' into 'master'
- f5b17e45 - Derivations: Fix BPHY5
- e11fda84 - Merge branch 'bphy5tagfix' into 'master'
- 907106fe - 23.0-cppcheck-Herwig7_i
- 9dfaeb1b - Merge branch '23.0-cppcheck-Herwig7_i' into 'master'
- d64687b0 - Add VBF triggers to LLP1 trigger skimming
- 292da376 - Merge branch 'add_VBF_triggers' into 'master'
- 41b74b70 - Revert "LArRecUtils: update LArFCalTowerBuilderTool reference"
- 4bc0018e - CaloLocalHadCalib: Fix clang warnings.
- 4786a23e - Merge branch 'clang.CaloLocalHadCalib-20220727' into 'master'
- 7d017918 - Read Material map for Acts Fatras from calibration area using PathResolver (ATLASSIM-5948)
- 5b92efcf - Merge branch 'ActsFatrasSimTool_PathResolver_master' into 'master'
- ac700295 - Use correct PV collection in Btagging for H1D1
- 46e723a2 - Merge branch 'amorley-master-patch-59322' into 'master'
- bbe9fa7c - SCTHitsNoiseMonAlg: fix for swapped endcaps A and C in histogram booking
- c548af89 - Merge branch 'csebasti_swapec' into 'master'
- 797d9ed2 - 2022-07-28: daily merge of 22.0 into master
- 454e1b5c - TrigCombinedEvent: Fix cppcheck warnings.
- 15aad28d - Merge branch 'cppcheck.TrigCombinedEvent-20220727' into 'master'
- acb17a4b - SCT_ConditionsAlgorithms: Fix LinkMasking tests.
- 199f3d6c - Merge branch 'test.SCT_ConditionsAlgorithms-20220727' into 'master'
- 705aa871 - JetTagInfoTPCnv: Fix thread-safety checker warnings.
- 7f92f935 - Merge branch 'thread.JetTagInfoTPCnv-20220727' into 'master'
- 523dd48e - TrigCombinedEventTPCnv: Fix thread-safety checker warnings.
- 8be8f2c1 - Merge branch 'thread.TrigCombinedEventTPCnv-20220727' into 'master'
- 849916d7 - set the covariance to infinite if no beampost constraint and check the cavariance of each vertex
- 51deb298 - Merge branch 'checkcov' into 'master'
- 4bad7997 - LArG4TBSimEvent: Fix cppcheck warnings.
- 1c800ac9 - Merge branch 'cppcheck.LArG4TBSimEvent-20220727' into 'master'
- 90264065 - Merge branch 'larrec' into 'master'
- 4e56a1b3 - Merge branch 'sweep_22.0_master_2022-07-28' into 'master'
- c7a30de1 - TrigTopoEventTPCnv: Fix thread-safety checker warnings.
- 9bc6d8fc - TrigDecisionEventTPCnv: Fix thread-safety checker warnings.
- b6dbf56a - SGTools: Prepare to migrate to 64-bit sgkey_t.
- 879234fd - AthLinks: Prepare to migrate to 64-bit sgkey_t.
- 6e1c8773 - AthContainers: Prepare for migration to 64-bit sgkey_t.
- 4b590986 - egamma ART tests in 22.0
- 9117e310 - Merge branch 'philip_artIn22p0' into 'master'
- 40976ac4 - SweepRule: add git attributes file
- 0c444b08 - Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/22.0' into sweep_22.0_master_2022-07-29
- 23c4a5d1 - SweepRule: remove trigger references from ignore list
- 3ec35791 - TrigGenericAlgs: Fix clang warning.
- 4e5382a4 - Merge branch 'clang.TrigGenericAlgs-20220728' into 'master'
- eb687dbe - TrigMonitoringEventTPCnv: Fix thread-safety checking warnings.
- 0030b2cf - Merge branch 'thread.TrigMonitoringEventTPCnv-20220728' into 'master'
- 505ad469 - L1CaloFEXByteStream: Fix clang warning.
- bf55facf - Merge branch 'clang.L1CaloFEXByteStream-20220728' into 'master'
- 0f41e58b - TrkEventTopLevelCnv: Enable thread-safety checking.
- 308232a9 - Merge branch 'thread.TrkEventTopLevelCnv-20220728' into 'master'
- 283de8cc - Merge branch 'thread.TrigTopoEventTPCnv-20220728' into 'master'
- 0e5cfdb8 - Merge branch '64bit-prep.SGTools-20220728' into 'master'
- 30bd18e7 - Merge branch 'sweep_22.0_master_2022-07-29' into 'master'
- 9fdc56e6 - Fix OutputKey in CA-based code
- f81cfce2 - Merge branch 'fc-overlay-jul28' into 'master'
- 406d185e - 23.0-cppcheck-MuonDQAMonitoring
- 5d1fb5cf - Merge branch '23.0-cppcheck-MuonDQAMonitoring' into 'master'
- 42f12ac0 - Update version.txt
- df1d218c - Update version.txt
- d83d3078 - Allow AT to run on new MC derivation in Run 3 and also on non-DAOD_PHYS derivations
- c2ea6a05 - 23.0-cppcheck-LArMonitoring
- 1eb4273f - Merge branch '23.0-cppcheck-LArMonitoring' into 'master'
- 3165363a - PyUtils: Fix for merging DAOD files.
- 7794b8d7 - CaloAthenaPool: Enable thread-safety checking.
- dbd0b0aa - G4SimAthenaPOOL: Enable thread-safety checking.
- 8a5efc3e - G4AncillarySimEvent: Enable thread-safety checking.
- 47e2a7e7 - GenzModuleEvent: Enable thread-safety checking.
- fcd4970b - StoreGate: Prepare for migration to 64-bit sgkey_t.
- cd1c5660 - TrigOutputHandling: Prepare for migration to 64-big sgkey_t.
- 006c61cb - DecisionHandling: Prepare for migration to 64-bit sgkey_t.
- f70ff287 - AthenaCommon: Add dump_jobo to AthenaApp.
- 62da5eff - Don't retain generic input file if wildcarding
- 92de6e69 - Delete Generate_tf.py as it is no longer used
- 63c71f37 - Revert element link creation for trigger matching
- 642995b1 - Merge branch 'merge.PyUtils-20220729' into 'master'
- d295dfc2 - Merge branch '64bit-prep.StoreGate-20220729' into 'master'
- c87372f1 - Merge branch 'thread.CaloAthenaPool-20220729' into 'master'
- 0d13fee7 - Merge branch 'dump_jobo.AthenaCommon-20220729' into 'master'
- 3071bf42 - Merge branch '64bit-prep.TrigOutputHandling-20220729' into 'master'
- 6bf9eeeb - Switch ArrayBM Service to use AthRNGSvc
- 22dd5879 - Merge branch 'ThreadsafeBM_master' into 'master'
- 75945a4c - CxxUtils+AthenaKernel+AthenaServices: Rework conditions object deletion.
- 07012c63 - Merge branch 'conddel.CxxUtils-20220705' into 'master'
- 5834803e - Merge branch 'AnalysisTop-Run3MC' into 'master'
- f279c7fd - Merge branch 'master-AthConfigFlags-Fix-Wildcard' into 'master'
- 90b5942e - new muon CP package + derivation framework support for merging prompt+LRT muons 'on the fly'
- 6afd1886 - Merge branch 'muon-merger-MG_modifications' into 'master'
- 944ad0ce - EGamma calibration: Run3 pre-recommendations
- 1e90453f - Merge branch 'updates_r22' into 'master'
- 5f3a7432 - BPHY Derivations CA Migration Part 1: A New Hope
- 905afd05 - Merge branch 'BPHY_CO_migrate' into 'master'
- 31618861 - MuonTGC_CnvTools: Remove debugging printout.
- 21c3772a - InDetSimEventTPCnv: Fix thread-safety checker warnings.
- 387bc93d - TrackParticleTruthTPCnv: Fix thread-safety checker warnings.
- 365706d1 - AthenaROOTAccess: Fix cppcheck warning.
- 77276137 - JetTagInfoTPCnv: Fix cppcheck warnings.
- 267404f8 - TrigCombinedEventTPCnv: Fix cppcheck warnings.
- f53d986d - AnalysisTop: Using the new Run 3 R3MatchingTool for trigger matching
- ae9b0e4c - Update test ST
- b163a897 - Revert "added mu-jet chains to muon online monitoring group" into "master"
- dc715cef - Merge branch 'revert-6a6826b8' into 'master'
- 722cbc67 - Merge branch 'cppcheck.AthenaROOTAccess-20220801' into 'master'
- 520e7c21 - Merge branch 'cppcheck.JetTagInfoTPCnv-20220801' into 'master'
- 00f72926 - Merge branch 'master' into 'master'
- 983c103d - Merge branch 'verb.MuonTGC_CnvTools-20220801' into 'master'
- a4a90f6f - Merge branch 'thread.InDetSimEventTPCnv-20220801' into 'master'
- 46f90a0b - xAODTrigger+TrigCompositeUtils: Preparing for a possible migration to 64-big sgkey_t.
- e9f74324 - Merge branch '64bit-prep.xAODTrigger-20220801' into 'master'
- ca904e7b - Merge branch 'cppcheck.TrigCombinedEventTPCnv-20220801' into 'master'
- fbfe909a - Merge branch 'FixTMElementLinks' into 'master'
- b3ae0ae7 - Merge branch 'FixTest' into 'master'
- 1617b367 - AthenaMonitoringKernel: make Timer unit test more robust
- f7de824f - added run2 vs run3 geo switch for maxEcell decoration in LLP1
- e80b0571 - LRTMuonAnalysisTools: cleanup link dependencies
- b5356efe - LRTMuonAnalysisTools: enable thread-checker and const fix
- dd6e93f4 - StripGeoModelXml+BCMPrimeGeoModelXml: enable thread-checker
- f7973255 - CxxUtils: enable InnerDetector packages for thread-checking
- b4c2df1e - Set Loop Manager EventPrintoutInterval to 100 events in CA-based AODMerge and Derivations
- ab179896 - PyUtils: Add dump-jobo option to acmd merge_files.
- 0772affb - CscCalibTools: Enable thread-safety checking.
- a1178daa - CscCalibData: Enable thread-safety checking.
- c646692d - CscCalibAlgs: Enable threadd-safety checking.
- 1b11ca10 - NSWCalibTools: Enable thread-safery checking.
- 4dcabb8a - Tidying of PileupReweighting Code
- bb6a9766 - transpose liines
- 3bc79dfd - DerivationFrameworkTau: enable thread-checker and const fixes
- 48452cd0 - DerivationFrameworkSUSY: const fixes
- 7bf331c9 - ExpressionEvaluation: const/mutable fixes
- 42ddb13e - move possible nullptr dereference to inside the check
- e0c89ba5 - initialise all class members
- 08f6ce78 - ensure nullptr is not dereferenced
- 021298dd - Merge branch 'ATR-25932_myDevs' with title 'Additional b-jet calibration T&P,...
- af5f06e8 - Merge branch 'cherry-pick-e3107141' into 'master'
- b42eff4c - Merge branch 'dump_jobo.PyUtils-20220802' into 'master'
- 6972eadc - Merge branch 'AT-TriggerRun3' into 'master'
- f02ef61f - Merge branch 'master-deco-switch' into 'master'
- 02007804 - Merge branch 'montimeout' into 'master'
- 4cdbe230 - Merge branch 'muonid' into 'master'
- 3b9c7fa3 - Merge branch 'bcmstrip' into 'master'
- bf96ea83 - xAODEventFormat+xAODEventFormatCnv: Prepare for possible migration to 64-bit sgkey_t.
- b2cce8f5 - Merge branch '64bit-prep.xAODEventFormat-20220802' into 'master'
- d5a9232b - Adding passThrough option to CA version of the derivation framework
- 1560c44a - Merge branch 'master-CA_passThrough' into 'master'
- d77dc5b2 - Merge branch 'thread.CscCalibTools-20220802' into 'master'
- 2305209a - Merge branch 'Beamspot_PRW' into 'master'
- 1e28da85 - Merge branch 'dersusy' into 'master'
- 8a00730d - Merge branch 'fwinkl_20220803T102801' into 'master'
- 01303380 - Merge branch 'expreval' into 'master'
- c444ca1f - Make inactive module list update
- 31ac08ba - Merge branch 'makeInactiveModuleList_update' into 'master'
- e20e9c50 - suppress cppcheck
- 7cc50d32 - Merge branch '23.0-cppcheck-LArTrackingGeometry' into 'master'
- fc589650 - DerivationFrameworkMCTruth: thread-checker fixes
- ec39b365 - 23.0-cppcheck-Belle2
- beb56b1b - Merge branch '23.0-cppcheck-Belle2' into 'master'
- e027fe4e - Merge commit for the manual sweep from 22.0 into master on 03-Aug-2022
- 190dc86d - CscClusterization: Thread-safety cleanup.
- 5063b045 - MuonEventAthenaPool: Fix thread-safety checker warnings.
- cdcb6eff - DataModelAthenaPool: Prepare for possible change to 64-bit sgkey_t.
- 140dcb59 - Merge branch 'master-sweepfrom22_03_08' into 'master'
- 9ae533e3 - New electron CP package for LRT; convert merging tools to CP
- b78c1b64 - Merge branch 'LRT_electronTool_to_CP' into 'master'
- e273b2db - Merge branch '23.0-cppcheck-MuonCSC_CnvTools' into 'master'
- 85b80898 - 23.0-cppcheck-ForwardRegionMgField
- c3683f1b - Merge branch '23.0-cppcheck-ForwardRegionMgField' into 'master'
- df4c724a - Merge branch '23.0-cppcheck-MuonCombinePatternTools' into 'master'
- 526bbb7d - 23.0-cppcheck-MuonTrackingGeometry
- c3fe4517 - Merge branch '23.0-cppcheck-MuonTrackingGeometry' into 'master'
- 5c8bef7e - Introduce EventPrintoutInterval to AthMpEvtLoopMgr and pass this along to AthenaEventLoopMgr
- 165fcd45 - Update version.txt
- 600adc72 - Update version.txt
- 8bbe835a - Clang-format RPC_CnvTools
- d94a3e82 - Remove non-thread safe tools
- 25ac5d5d - add iteration limit
- 50096400 - Merge branch 'thread2.MuonEventAthenaPool-20220803' into 'master'
- a39464fe - Merge branch 'indetcheck' into 'master'
- 7f4913dc - Merge branch '64bit-prep.DataModelAthenaPool-20220803' into 'master'
- ea8a5241 - Merge branch 'thread.CscClusterization-20220803' into 'master'
- 95f57ae9 - 23.0-cleanup-LArG4MiniFCAL
- d59b2319 - Merge branch '23.0-cleanup-LArG4MiniFCAL' into 'master'
- 324dacba - Merge branch 'dermc' into 'master'
- 5ba08d73 - Merge branch '23.0-cppcheck-MuonReadoutGeometry' into 'master'
- e13f3675 - Adding some missing trigger containers to the DESDM_MCP format
- f42f83e7 - Merge branch 'desdm_fix' into 'master'
- 251c2ccc - ISF_Event: adding ISFTruthIncident unit test
- d4dd55c4 - Merge branch 'master_FATRAS_memleak_pc_ut' into 'master'
- f61b1180 - CscCalibData: Fix cppcheck warnings.
- 611598a1 - PersistentDataModel: Prepare for possible migration to 64-bit sgkey_t.
- ff59e406 - PersistentDataModelTPCnv: Prepare for possible migration to 64-bit sgkey_t.
- 49f49ecf - EventSelectorAthenaPool: Prepare for possible migration to 64-bit sgkey_t.
- da66a4a3 - ElectronLRTOverlapRemovalTool, changed overlap removal to use hottest cell...
- 32b8d974 - Merge branch 'Remove_NonConstCnvTools' into 'master'
- 64fec0de - Merge branch '64bit-prep.PersistentDataModel-20220804' into 'master'
- 60dcd6c9 - Merge branch 'cppcheck.CscCalibData-20220804' into 'master'
- 48ed4b63 - add a few muon variables and muon tracks thinning
- f253860c - Merge branch 'BTagMuonAugmenter_issue' into 'master'
- 6f3b287c - Reduce false positives with TEfficiency comparisons in ART tests
- 8dbea2e0 - Merge branch 'master-dq-tefficiency-compare' into 'master'
- d8d47324 - Merge branch 'master-eventprintoutlvl' into 'master'
- 62b74bbb - Merge branch '23.0-bugfix-VrtSecInclusive' into 'master'
- be126370 - MMC: Run 3 pre recommendation
- c6174cc8 - Merge branch 'Run3Recommendations' into 'master'
- 333369eb - Removing deprecated BosonTag and BosonTagTool
- cc2d9e53 - Merge branch 'master-rmBosonTag' into 'master'
- 2a9da035 - CP Algorithm Blocks: replace "references" with two-pass configuration
- 9a0767f0 - Merge branch 'fix-mctruth' into 'master'
- a06c6801 - Fix missing MR links in prepare_release_notes script
- 83b591e2 - Merge branch 'master-update-RN-script' into 'master'
- c3cd0184 - remove LArCalorimeter/LArTBEvent
- fd7c604d - Merge branch 'rmLArTBEvent' into 'master'
- 15463d15 - 23.0-cleanup-TrkVKalVrtFitter
- 36220471 - Merge branch '23.0-cleanup-TrkVKalVrtFitter' into 'master'
- d3a59acc - Add comparison operators to the standalone ElementLink
- c19fba94 - Merge branch 'ElementLinkSAComp' into 'master'
- e21aa14b - Adding new flavour tagging and muon variables to PHYSLITE
- bf6c2c3d - Merge branch 'master-update_PHYSLITE_run3_1' into 'master'
- a1d7546d - Update CTIDE IP smearing maps for Rel22
- 8ced4ecd - Merge branch 'update-CTIDE-IP-smearing' into 'master'
- f8ecc6fe - remove LArCalibDigitPreProcessor and LArTimeChecker algorithm (used only for CTB 2004)
- 76560cc4 - LArRawChannelBuilder: Remove Test-beam phase handling
- 2ce15ee8 - Add more job options to InDetSecVertexValidation parser
- 6116dde8 - Merge branch 'addTrackPt' into 'master'
- 5dd208d9 - Moved the lines of b-tagging code that replace or append strings to the top...
- 4a276a6b - Merge branch 'master-modify-btagalgscfg-args' into 'master'
- 9f94ead0 - AnalysisTop: Prepare for the new R22/Run3 muon momentum corrections
- f41313e0 - Merge branch 'ATMMC' into 'master'
- 6f3c8583 - 23.0-cppcheck-MuonTrackSteeringTools
- 7fcf92b8 - Merge branch '23.0-cppcheck-MuonTrackSteeringTools' into 'master'
- 7458bf8e - Clean out some obsolete jobOption files
- 8a06ed8e - Merge branch 'rmLArTBCode1' into 'master'
- a3ca7ae7 - xAODRootAccess: Prepare for possible migration to 64-bit sgkey_t.
- abd32eab - Merge branch '64bit-prep.xAODRootAccess-20220805' into 'master'
- 0eec1987 - Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/22.0' into daily22merge8Aug
- 96ce386a - PileUpMT: Make external library finding more robust
- 4c1f3086 - CondInputLoader: clear VarHandleKey vector at start
- 19ed2329 - Merge branch 'daily22merge8Aug' into 'master'
- 39bf1f3d - Merge branch 'repeat_config' into 'master'
- 264fc5a1 - IOVDbSvc: cmake fix
- 94630ca6 - Merge branch 'cmake.IOVDbSvc-20220808' into 'master'
- 4e212a68 - MuonGeoModel: cmake fix
- 1fd00bfb - Merge branch 'cmake.MuonGeoModel-20220808' into 'master'
- f9fa4414 - Merge branch 'fwinkl_20220808T180208' into 'master'
- d3f36f5c - Merge branch 'LArRodNoTB' into 'master'
- e24e0ac1 - AtlCoolLib: add support for writing CondAttrListVec
- 958d781f - Fix debug build
- 8720014e - Fix changed location of function
- d66ae5c6 - Merge branch 'fixBPHYCA' into 'master'
- 520769f2 - CP Algorithms: global comparison of block configuration and sequences
- d25a6322 - InDetIncSecVxFinderTool: cmake fix
- aa8b39e5 - MuonEventTPCnv: Prepare for possible migration to 64-bit sgkey_t.
- 7e25cb26 - Merge branch 'fixdebugbphy' into 'master'
- 2422da49 - AthenaMPTools: Avoid throwing exceptions in multi-process Event Service
- 33400328 - LArG4H6SD: Fix gcc12 compilation warning.
- c048d43b - Merge branch 'warn.LArG4H6SD-20220809' into 'master'
- 8de28dbd - AthenaKernel+StoreGate+AthenaServices: Use ConcurrentPtrSet for CondCont dependencies.
- 3e4a2415 - Merge branch 'depset.AthenaKernel-20220805' into 'master'
- 9b8640eb - Merge branch 'pumt-fix' into 'master'
- 31162ac7 - Add jet collection name without suffix in hope that it fixes one of the CI...
- 571d02ba - Merge branch 'master_fix_sweep_failure_MR55563' into 'master'
- 7fb20910 - Remove references to MiniFCAL classes from LArG4 packages
- c9f61f5b - Merge branch 'MiniFCALCleanup_master' into 'master'
- e50653f1 - Merge branch 'cmake.InDetIncSecVxFinderTool-20220809' into 'master'
- 90c29ce2 - IOVDbFolder: fix caching for CoolVector folders when reloading DB
- 47c01695 - EventServiceMP: prevent too many MetaDataStop incidents
- 416a678f - Merge branch 'ES.patch' into 'master'
- 9089f22c - Merge branch '64bit-prep.MuonEventTPCnv-20220809' into 'master'
- f2c7734d - Merge branch 'fwinkl_20220809T104234' into 'master'
- 9175b30f - RpcDigitizationTool: make fillTagInfo non-const
- cb3979a7 - MuonFastDigitization: enable thread-checker and fixes
- da920720 - MuonCalibStandAloneBase: enable thread-checker
- 96270fcf - MuonGeoModelTest: enable thread-checker and fixes
- 15afdc1a - MuonPRDTest: enable thread-checker and fix warning
- a0a067a1 - MuonPrdSelector: enable thread-checker and fix warning
- 0a4cc216 - MuonTesterTree: enable thread-checker and const fix
- c8ea53cf - MDT_Response: enable thread-checker
- 5f1e590d - Merge branch 'block_test' into 'master'
- a3be1303 - MuonDQAUtils: enable thread-checker and const fixes
- 5cc43cc4 - MuonDQAMonitoring: enable thread-checker and fixes
- 933066e8 - MuonCalibMonitoring: const fixes
- 12fa8b63 - LArTrackingGeometry: replace mutable mbts variables with local variables
- 7955ebd7 - Merge branch 'muongeo' into 'master'
- 1a882ecb - Add python file to run pflow + jet finding.
- 2de32408 - Add ART test to run pflow + jet workflow.
- 2dc95461 - LArVolumeBuilder: make material garbage collection thread-safe
- 2a2d524a - LArROD: thread-safety cleanup
- 049fcb39 - AlignableTrackingVolume: mark ctor thread-safe
- e2eac858 - solve cppcheck defects
- 332744cf - Initial work on BPHY2 CA version
- 0ab384e2 - Make Reco Search Tool private
- e3ddeb7b - Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/22.0' into sweep_22.0_master_2022-08-10
- feeb73db - TileGeoG4Calib: use local history variable in ProcessHits
- f332dfbe - Protect against clusterless FlowElements in moment getter
- 8d51b48d - TileCalibAlgs: const and thread-safety fixes
- 7bc50a32 - AthenaPoolAddressProviderSvc: remove usage of DataHandle
- 2b1f9e37 - TrkExUnitTests: suppress thread-checker warnings
- 41d5366e - Also disable noise for strip overlay
- e51d5512 - Merge branch 'muoncalib' into 'master'
- 85f0c977 - Fix obsolete scheduling of StreamBS
- c009fb60 - AGDDControl: Fix memory leak.
- 08822474 - InDetGlobalMonitoring: Fix clang warnings.
- 049c174a - 23.0-cppcheck-MuonTrackSummaryHelperTool
- b0e339e4 - Merge branch '23.0-cppcheck-MuonTrackSummaryHelperTool' into 'master'
- aacfad31 - Support executing algorithms/sequences in AthenaMP during PreFork
- 66f1defa - Fix compilation error in FileMetaData_v1.cxx
- bb7e111a - Merge branch 'master-mpes' into 'master'
- 444db2bc - TBCnv: enable thread-checker and fixes
- 429bdec4 - ByteStreamTest: enable thread-checker and fixes
- ec87922c - Merge branch 'sweep_22.0_master_2022-08-10' into 'master'
- c6e496a8 - CxxUtils: enable more container packages in thread-checker
- 7d77320b - Merge branch 'leak.AGDDControl-20220810' into 'master'
- 21a0c107 - Merge branch 'tilecalib' into 'master'
- 999dc12f - Merge branch 'tvb' into 'master'
- 23214c15 - Merge branch 'fwinkl_20220810T094523' into 'master'
- 934e8fbe - TruthD3PDMaker: enable thread-checker and fixes
- 131e88c2 - Merge branch 'esap' into 'master'
- e8584cdb - Merge branch 'muonprd' into 'master'
- 1751128f - Merge branch 'tilegeo4' into 'master'
- aee70c6d - Merge branch 'trkextest' into 'master'
- 56bffff1 - Merge branch 'muondqa' into 'master'
- bda52203 - Merge branch 'larrod' into 'master'
- 58b857b3 - Merge branch 'mdtresponse' into 'master'
- b88a423e - Merge branch 'rpcdigi' into 'master'
- 83e6a58d - Merge branch 'mhodgkin_addPFlowJetsConfig' into 'master'
- 9d602a75 - Merge branch 'AthenaIO_ByteStream_StreamFix' into 'master'
- b9b56fe6 - CaloCluster_OnTrackBuilder: Initialize the error matrix to the correct dim and...
- 6612ea81 - Merge branch 'CaloCluster_OnTrackBuilder_bugs' into 'master'
- afecf6b3 - TrigStreamerHypo: Prepare for possible migration to 64-bit sgkey_t.
- b18244b9 - Merge branch '64bit-prep.TrigStreamerHypo-20220810' into 'master'
- c13d0a11 - PhysValMonitoring: enable thread-checker and fix examples
- ebb8da81 - Merge branch 'itk/stripfix' into 'master'
- a9e980bb - Merge branch '23.0-cppcheck-MuonTruthAlgs' into 'master'
- 5bd63d7a - 23.0-cppcheck-MuonSegmentMakerTools
- a58882a1 - Merge branch '23.0-cppcheck-MuonSegmentMakerTools' into 'master'
- 5d9571b5 - Adding a basic test to PhotonEfficiencyCorrection
- 17e14cbf - Merge branch 'philip_CItestForPhotonEffCorr' into 'master'
- 3a846409 - Merge branch 'athena-LRT_electron-overlap-update' into 'master'
- cf345c7e - Merge branch 'clang.InDetGlobalMonitoring-20220810' into 'master'
- 15796e08 - 23.0-cppcheck-Pythia8B_i
- 53876ce2 - Merge branch '23.0-cppcheck-Pythia8B_i' into 'master'
- 5ff8d416 - LumiBlockComps: Fix potential memory leaks.
- f54b6d39 - Merge branch 'leak.LumiBlockComps-20220810' into 'master'
- d97fcd88 - CaloRec: rm un-needed const leading to const_cast and add ATLAS_CHECK_THREAD_SAFETY
- 8b7444ad - Merge branch 'caloRec_MT' into 'master'
- 3b30e565 - 23.0-cppcheck-MuonRawDataMonitoring
- c6234070 - Merge branch '23.0-cppcheck-MuonRawDataMonitoring' into 'master'
- 8edd40d7 - Merge branch 'lartrackgeo' into 'master'
- f0f07823 - Update ID alignment recommendations for Rel22
- 78828fb0 - Merge branch 'update-ID-Alignment-recommendations' into 'master'
- 3edfd4a7 - Add CA version of BPHY3
- 28f90f1c - LArCalib_HVCorrConfig: Set global tag, adjust container key
- 716c2e32 - Merge branch 'truthd3pd' into 'master'
- e0a1bf31 - TrackingVolume.h rm obsolete comments
- 73332729 - Add CA version of BPHY4
- 350c61e5 - Merge branch 'clusMoments-220810' into 'master'
- 3580407d - Merge branch 'tbcnv' into 'master'
- cc67f1c2 - Merge branch 'bstest' into 'master'
- e7390804 - Merge branch 'physval' into 'master'
- 365600e1 - Add CA version of BPHY6
- 0269dae6 - Overlay: Take MCChannelNumber from secondary input
- 1c9a11e1 - Add aux data for dummy vertex
- f19b0857 - Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/22.0' into sweep_22.0_master_2022-08-11
- 42fe3909 - AthenaKernel: Fix sort ordering dependency in test.
- 51e8b083 - MuonAGDDBase: Fix a memory leak.
- f4544e85 - LAr SC HV corr computation
- d81a8d96 - Merge branch 'LArDB_fixes_3' into 'master'
- 9c93b61e - LArGeoEndcap: Fix memory leaks.
- a71193bd - LArGeoFcal: Fix memory leak.
- 8b8d2985 - DataModelTestDataRead: thread-safety cleanup.
- 8ff2091e - GeneratorFilters: Suppress cppcheck warning.
- 741d0eaf - Merge branch 'sweep_22.0_master_2022-08-11' into 'master'
- d1ed3d2d - Merge branch 'leak.MuonAGDDBase-20220811' into 'master'
- 932bed12 - Merge branch 'master-athenamp-prefork-cond' into 'master'
- bf4baf0e - Merge branch 'leak.LArGeoEndcap-20220811' into 'master'
- 630847e2 - Merge branch 'TrackingVolume_rm_comments' into 'master'
- 86c7399a - Merge branch 'cppcheck.GeneratorFilters-20220811' into 'master'
- 6462c3e3 - Merge branch 'test.AthenaKernel-20220811' into 'master'
- 8ba4f169 - Merge branch 'DummyInPVCont' into 'master'
- 9a4c6aa5 - Merge branch 'overlay/fix' into 'master'
- 7181ad14 - Merge branch 'LArHVScaleCorrFixes' into 'master'
- dabe47e9 - DecisionHandling: Prepare for possible migration to 64-bit sgkey_t.
- 5efa05a5 - Merge branch '64bit-prep.DecisionHandling-20220808' into 'master'
- fa80cf9d - Merge branch 'thrchecker' into 'master'
- 0952ae5e - rm LArEventTest/LArDigitsToNtuple (there is a working ntuple dumper in LArCalibTools)
- ad415f08 - rm obsolete,testbeam-only algorithm TriggerPatternCount
- 963db1f5 - rm obsolete,testbeam-only algorithm FakeTBPhase
- d70395a8 - remove unused includes in FindDuplicatedLArDigits.cxx
- 7021e00a - remove dependency of LArEventTest on TBEvent
- fb0a0a15 - MergedPixelsTool: capture PixeID helper by reference to avoid copy
- fcf5df5e - AtlasDetectorID: remove duplicate logging code
- 876ad2dd - AtlasDetectorID: remove copy/assignment constructors
- 209a4329 - AtlasDetectorID: update unit test references
- 89942f65 - AnalysisTools: const fixes
- 48b9f9e9 - AssociationUtils: const fixes
- 197ace16 - AssociationUtils: make decoration methods const
- 165e4185 - LArCalibTest: thread-checker fixes
- a14a4337 - TrkCondTest: thread-checker fixes
- 6b7be13b - TrkObserverTool: const fixes
- 5e6aea15 - TrkValInterfaces: const/mutable fixes
- b5e6223a - Merge branch 'LArEventTest_noTB' into 'master'
- 90df918d - Merge branch 'thread.DataModelTestDataRead-20220811' into 'master'
- 6e2818df - Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/22.0' into sweep_22.0_master_2022-08-12
- e7f17eed - egammaTrackTools: Fix compilation with clang.
- a5cf802c - OutputStreamAthenaPool: Fix a memory leak.
- 5d8f50b5 - Merge branch 'leak.OutputStreamAthenaPool-20220812' into 'master'
- d06d0e2f - Merge branch 'sweep_22.0_master_2022-08-12' into 'master'
- 0f8ec24e - Merge branch 'clang.egammaTrackTools-20220812' into 'master'
- 97c8d390 - GeoModelUtilities: Add simple smart pointer for GeoModel objects.
- a135c417 - Merge branch 'ref.GeoModelUtilities-20220811' into 'master'
- 5349ff97 - Add CA version of BPHY12
- 1d30ca98 - Added the handles to the HGTD reco decorations
- da6a2734 - Merge branch 'HGTD_handles_for_decorations' into 'master'
- 5664b7e0 - Merge branch 'BPH_CA2' into 'master'
- 158e3cf5 - make return value of MuonTesterBranch::tree() non const
- 81c8a348 - Merge branch 'makeMuonTesterBranch_treeNonConst' into 'master'
- 3c485e14 - Merge tag 'nightly/22.0/2022-08-14T2101' into sweep-2022-08-14
- de11c7b8 - AnalysisTop: Update the default calibration file for egamma
- f9bfd6be - Merge branch 'AT-EgammaCalibration' into 'master'
- 55259592 - Adding HLT jet information to JETM1; fixing typo in StaticNamesAndTypes
- ec795d28 - Merge branch 'master-rcoelhob' into 'master'
- f4c4a2b8 - Merge branch 'anatools' into 'master'
- 7383c91d - Merge branch 'assocutils' into 'master'
- 19aad855 - Merge branch 'trkcond' into 'master'
- 0e52e18d - Ensure that track container is always decorated with UFO moment
- bf59a4ac - Merge branch 'master-ufo-issue' into 'master'
- 2c33ab06 - Merge branch 'larcalib' into 'master'
- df671048 - Merge branch 'trkvaltools' into 'master'
- acf37efd - Correctly delete pointers in HLTChain
- fc7ce640 - Merge branch 'ATR-26139' into 'master'
- 5d0d55dc - Derivation_tf does not have a legacy skeleton
- a69049b2 - RpcDigitization - Catch invalid identifiers properly to avoid crashes in Run 4 setup
- 10079d7f - Merge branch 'ATLASSIM-5977' into 'master'
- 3b957b0d - Merge branch 'detid' into 'master'
- 3f224db8 - Merge branch 'sweep-2022-08-14' into 'master'
- ad2cf239 - 23.0-cppcheck-MuonTrackMonitoring
- 7d78575d - Merge branch '23.0-cppcheck-MuonTrackMonitoring' into 'master'
- c62e792e - Merge branch 'derivtf' into 'master'
- 02e1e42b - Merge tag 'nightly/22.0/2022-08-15T2101' into master
- 3df3a043 - CaloRec+TileRecUtils: Do not produce MBTS and E4pr containers in Run4 (ATLASRECTS-7151)
- 477b1947 - Merge branch 'master-tile-cell-no-mbts-e4p-run4' into 'master'
- 38317d5d - remove obsolete jobO-only packate Calorimeter/CaloTestBeam/CaloTBRec
- 63c1b26a - Merge branch 'rmCaloTestBeam' into 'master'
- acaee893 - Compilation fixes
- f11f63b5 - 23.0-cppcheck-ISF_FastCaloSimSD
- 7323793e - Merge branch '23.0-cppcheck-ISF_FastCaloSimSD' into 'master'
- 25ca893d - Updating some derivation ARTs in master
- ff249b25 - Merge branch 'masterUpdatingDerivARTs' into 'master'
- 8bf5c11e - Rework V0Finder to work with AthenaMT, fix BPHY10 crash
- ef4a9ad5 - new jet config and saving truth jets in Gen_tf jobs
- 419b8e63 - Merge branch 'genTruthJetsCfg' into 'master'
- b385ffcb - delete obsolete jobOpts,etc to convert testbeam conditions from NOVA to COOL/POOL
- fe5b4d1d - delete LArReadParamsFromFile_CTB2004_jobOptions.py
- 3f1b7326 - Fix const-cast warning in PileupFilterTool::shapeGenEvent
- 000fab84 - Merge branch 'HepMC3warningFix_master' into 'master'
- e743ec78 - CaloCondBlobBase coverity: ctime_r buf shall be at least 26 bytes in size
- d2faf29a - Merge branch 'CaloCondBlobBase_coverity_ctime_r_buffer' into 'master'
- 3d726a05 - DumpEventDataToJSON: Fixing some bugs, especially related to NSW hits
- 514c9295 - Merge branch 'master-update-dumpjson' into 'master'
- c5bebe09 - Merge branch 'sweep-2022-08-15' into 'master'
- b9f9605a - Merge tag 'nightly/22.0/2022-08-16T2101' into master
- 7dd1dead - Revert "Merge branch 'jojungge-22.0-patch-15974' into '22.0'"
- 09ad50bf - Merge branch 'sweep-2022-08-16' into 'master'
- ee4b61e0 - NTUP_PHYSVAL in Derivations_tf
- b7007fe6 - Merge branch '21.6-Wt_AddRunningScales' into '21.6'
- 7754ab76 - Merge branch '21.6-smaller-MG-gridpacks' into '21.6'
- 1acbda99 - xAODBPhys+DerivationFrameworkBPhys: cleanup logging
- bde8d979 - Merge branch 'physval' into 'master'
- c48f0d11 - Changes to LLP1 for dHNL analysis
- 7474e177 - Merge branch 'LLP1-changes-dHNL' into 'master'
- 999b3dd5 - Use list rather than set for NN inputs
- c7ea3ff6 - Merge branch 'ATR-25096' into 'master'
- d6708a62 - MuonGeoModel: Fix memory leaks.
- 7dbe0f95 - Merge branch 'leak.MuonGeoModel-20220817' into 'master'
- 4a4482fe - MMC: default change for MMC tool
- cc223466 - Merge branch 'MMCChangeRelease' into 'master'
- e2e3947a - Merge branch 'moreLArCTBCleanup' into 'master'
- 768bb1a5 - Merge branch 'cherry-pick-101793d8-master' into 'master'
- 56972946 - Merge branch 'cherry-pick-d8b8fc72-master' into 'master'
- 7db54277 - Merge branch 'fwinkl_20220817T102156' into 'master'
- e966704d - Merge branch 'v0fixes' into 'master'
- 4019fbc3 - 23.0-cleanup-PixelCalibAlgs
- aa796b8b - Merge branch '23.0-cleanup-PixelCalibAlgs' into 'master'
- 78ff50fd - CaloCluster_OnTrackBuilder add Cfg and further cleanup comments
- 4c1d36b4 - Merge branch 'CaloCluster_OnTrackBuilder_further_fixes' into 'master'
- a925f370 - 23.0-cppcheck-TileRecUtils
- aa0e82f4 - Merge branch '23.0-cppcheck-TileRecUtils' into 'master'
- 41cfff56 - Fix const-cast warning in OldSpclMcFilterTool
- 527ddfc2 - Merge branch 'FixHepMC3_McParticleTools_master' into 'master'
- 2b58340e - Merge tag 'nightly/22.0/2022-08-17T2101' into master
- 8984fdc7 - Merge branch 'sweep-2022-08-17' into 'master'
- 31dbb06c - BunchCrossingCondAlg: Fix for ATR-26014 (Version 2)
- 627e18d2 - Merge branch 'master-bunchtrain-2' into 'master'
- 3df4904b - AnalysisTop: Separate reco and trigger input folder for SFs for muons
- e3224bc9 - Merge branch 'AnalysisTop-SeparateMuonTriggerFolder' into 'master'
- 16e68fab - Updated the analysis release version.txt files.
- f9652c22 - Disabling count ref check in master
- 16ec6516 - Merge branch 'master_ATR-25701' into 'master'
- e23ca9ee - Four-lepton vertex fit in the derivation step
- 90175b60 - Merge branch 'HZZ_Vertexing' into 'master'
- 2c408106 - AthenaBaseComps: add unit test for AthMessaging
- fc1541a7 - AthenaKernel: cache MessageSvc in getMessageSvc
- 4d82c912 - LArG4ShowerLib: cppcheck Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types
- 509f539a - Merge branch 'LArG4ShowerLib_prefer_prefix' into 'master'
- b9221fe3 - Let R3MatchingTool read xAOD types from the leg names
- cc4de9c7 - Merge branch 'TrigMatchParticle' into 'master'
- c7e5cc6d - EnhancedBiasWeighter: Fix clang warnings.
- b3cab4a2 - Merge branch 'clang.EnhancedBiasWeighter-20220818' into 'master'
- b9b1791e - LArGeoBarrel: Fix memory leaks.
- 755dd687 - Merge branch 'leak.LArGeoBarrel-20220818' into 'master'
- 70ba5472 - AFP_GeoModel: Fix memory leaks.
- f1acdca8 - Merge branch 'leak.AFP_GeoModel-20220818' into 'master'
- bff5d18a - LUCID_EventTPCnv: Fix thread-safety checker warnings.
- f7045ca4 - Merge branch 'thread.LUCID_EventTPCnv-20220818' into 'master'
- e6cd1a53 - Merge branch 'athmsgtest' into 'master'
- 7b209ec0 - AnalysisTop: Using Run3 muon SF recommendations when running on run 3
- 87cb015f - Merge branch 'AnalysisTop-MuonRun3Recommendations' into 'master'
- 32eb30eb - Pythia8_i: HepMC3 for the first event evt->weights vector was too short - fixing
- 98a997cd - Merge branch 'master-p8w' into 'master'
- 409db0db - 23.0-cleanup-PixelConditionsAlgorithms
- fcae14c4 - Merge branch '23.0-cleanup-PixelConditionsAlgorithms' into 'master'
- 8c3f6304 - LUCID_EventAthenaPool: Enable thread-safety checking.
- cbc469c6 - Merge branch 'thread.LUCID_EventAthenaPool-20220818' into 'master'
- 2539932b - Merge tag 'nightly/22.0/2022-08-18T2101' into master
- 851f7b98 - Update release candidate version to 23.0.5
- 449a1d36 - BeamPipeGeoModel: Fix memory leaks.
- 948a46e0 - Merge branch 'leak.BeamPipeGeoModel-20220818' into 'master'
- f112ec09 - Merge branch 'sweep-2022-08-18' into 'master'
- e674226f - Consistently use CommonAugmentation instead of DerivationKernel for common DAOD augmentations
- 1acfb80b - Merge branch 'master-fix_common_augmentation_CA' into 'master'
- 17e510fa - Add cells for InDetTrackParticlesAssociatedClusters in trying to solve ATLASRECTS-7207
- 21c872b4 - Merge branch 'ATLASRECTS-7207_keep_cells_for_InDetTrackParticlesAssociatedClusters' into 'master'
- abfaea8b - TrkTruthTPCnv: cppcheck Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types
- 37ca9d0c - Merge branch 'TrkTruthTPCnv_prefer_prefix' into 'master'
- 63530e57 - Enable jet summary for PhysValExample CA config
- 8003e0f5 - Merge branch 'tstreble-master-patch-98289' into 'master'
- aad0eb4e - Remove redundant AFP CondInputLoader configuration
- 2359bdda - Fix broken import in CA-based muon PhysVal
- 1a0afb93 - Remove spurious cout in ChainNameParser
- 15db7ea8 - BoostedJetTaggers: port BoostedJetTaggers SmoothedTopTagger class to master...
- 405bdcc0 - Merge branch 'master-mamerl-hllhcjsstaggers' into 'master'
- 11937ad2 - Merge branch 'fix-muon-physval' into 'master'
- c2f30b10 - Merge branch 'msgSvcCache' into 'master'
- 69d6aa72 - CxxUtils: enable all Calorimeter packages in thread-checker
- 675fe260 - LArEventTest: enable thread-checker
- f721fbc6 - ISF_ActsTools: enable thread-checker
- dd12cfd8 - ISF_HepMC: remove unnecessary static local variable
- d0f7326f - SimHitCreatorMS: remove unused mutable
- 791b8269 - Make LArG4ValidationGenerate work with latest releases
- df819975 - Merge branch 'fix-cout' into 'master'
- 59431905 - Fix trackParticleMerger property spelling
- 2ebff304 - Merge branch 'FixTrackParticleMerger' into 'master'
- e1cfe066 - Merge branch 'checker' into 'master'
- 3dd52882 - fix typo xAODForwardProtonFilter_Common.py
- b98669f2 - Merge branch 'ewelina-master-patch-27265' into 'master'
- b9e8a30d - GeneratorFilters: remove old unused filters
- dc89b3cd - Merge branch 'master-rmfilt' into 'master'
- 66ee9946 - Merge branch 'isffatrasms' into 'master'
- 98686054 - fix typo in xAODDiLeptonMassFilter_Common.py
- 84308249 - Merge branch 'ewelina-master-patch-65335' into 'master'
- 2c0f670a - Merge branch 'isfhepmc' into 'master'
- d07b0db7 - Merge branch 'lartest' into 'master'
- dc594805 - Extend jet eta cut for Run 4 FTAG PhysVal
- 3246442e - Merge branch 'tstreble-master-patch-76256' into 'master'
- fab91341 - Fix seek when skipping events beyond the first file
- ab42ee05 - Merge branch 'AthenaIO_EventSelector_SeekFix' into 'master'
- d14b8cbc - Fix test_MC16a_Digi_tf_configuration after TGC update
- 7337f55a - Fix PileUpMTConfig after renaming
- b46eeb02 - TrigServices: run CondAlgs before forking
- 35ae0aa3 - Merge branch 'afp-conf' into 'master'
- be98bd8d - MuonTesterTree - Minor modification to make the package compile in AthAnalysis
- 9101eda6 - Merge branch 'AthAna_TesterTree' into 'master'
- 81b359e0 - Merge branch 'isfacts' into 'master'
- 2d9ba75a - Merge branch 'LArG4ValidationGenerate' into 'master'
- 9c45b10f - DerivationFrameworkHiggs: Fix clang warning.
- 28fc6104 - Merge branch 'clang.DerivationFrameworkHiggs-20220820' into 'master'
- 764c92d6 - DerivationFrameworkInDet: Fix clang warning.
- 68aa3fd0 - Merge branch 'clang.DerivationFrameworkInDet-20220820' into 'master'
- 0322aa31 - PixelCalibAlgs: Fix clang warnings.
- aeca05b0 - Merge branch 'clang.PixelCalibAlgs-20220820' into 'master'
- 133ee976 - TrigTauMonitoring: Fix clang warnings.
- 2a0b3ab0 - Merge branch 'clang.TrigTauMonitoring-20220820' into 'master'
- feb91548 - MuonByteStreamCnvTest: Suppress some cppcheck warnings.
- a51ee55f - Merge branch 'cppcheck2.MuonByteStreamCnvTest-20220820' into 'master'
- f065f8ab - Merge branch 'fix-test' into 'master'
- babf00d1 - ISF_Core: cppcheck prefer prefix
- c45a13e0 - Merge branch 'ISF_core_cppcheck_prefer_prefix' into 'master'
- 597acd5f - ILayerBuilder,ILayerProvide uneeded const . Similar changes to MR !47538 (merged) !47499 (merged).
- 61ba4e69 - Merge branch 'ILayerBuilder_uneeded_const' into 'master'
- 82f64ef8 - ExpressionEvaluation: const fixes
- 20e4d1b8 - 23.0-cleanup2-PixelConditionsAlgorithms
- e64cafb9 - Merge branch '23.0-cleanup2-PixelConditionsAlgorithms' into 'master'
- a8341c52 - FlavorTagDiscriminants, VrtSecInclusive, RHadrons, ISF_PunchThroughTools cppcheck/clang-tidy
- ebf259a2 - Merge branch 'pass_by_ref' into 'master'
- e4d0b37e - add AsgShallowCopyAlg, remove SysCopyHandle from AsgSelectionAlg
- 0285d83d - Updated eta cut for InDetTrackSelectionTool upgrade configs based on cut levels
- 703a03a7 - Merge branch 'TrackSelTool_Upg' into 'master'
- e3c7f4f6 - Merge branch 'expreval2' into 'master'
- 2563ba25 - AthSequencer: only create AlgorithmTimer if timeout is enabled
- adf323af - MuonMomemtumCorrections - Bugfix in Run 3 recommendations & CA setup of the test algorithms
- 64ca987e - Merge branch 'MCAST_CA' into 'master'
- d84e709d - Bugfix in InDetTrackSystematicsTools
- aaa60a14 - Merge branch 'Tracking-systematics-bugfix' into 'master'
- 27b96518 - Merge branch 'rename-pileupmt' into 'master'
- 44d59043 - Do not run MET if Tau is not enabled. MET depends on other leptons via Jets
- 91dcc15e - Merge branch 'MET_depend_Tau' into 'master'
- fc049a0e - Cleanup in photon efficiency correction
- bb9a3cea - Merge branch 'philip_cleanupPhotonEfficiencyCorr' into 'master'
- a94979aa - Merge tag 'nightly/22.0/2022-08-22T2101' into master
- cb4d524d - Fix for BunchCrossingCondAlgCfg
- 9dfcc3bc - CaloCluster_OnTrackBuilder: Add a naive phi resol parametrization.
- 991f9d19 - Merge branch 'CaloCluster_On_TrackBuilder_errPhi_param' into 'master'
- 4c9637b7 - xAODJetCnv: enable thread-checker
- 1a364ce5 - Merge branch 'fix-bunchcrossingcondalg' into 'master'
- d47cdf8b - xAODCoreCnv: enable thread-checker
- 7490f4f1 - Merge branch 'sweep-2022-08-19' into 'master'
- d17c4d9f - AtlasDetectorIDHelper: use AthMessaging for logging
- a957e999 - Merge branch 'detidhelper' into 'master'
- f48ef973 - Merge branch 'shallow_copy_alg' into 'master'
- 7e7dc6cc - AFP,ALFA clang-tidy and cppcheck related fixes
- 7e457b96 - Merge branch 'AFP_clang_cppcheck' into 'master'
- a7cf7ed9 - adding UFO jets to PHYSLITE and updating jet sequence
- dc738483 - Merge branch 'master-physlite-addUFOjets' into 'master'
- db540ab2 - TrkRIO_OnTrackCreator - Do not schedule the MMClusterCreator in Run 1 & Run 2 geometries
- 1de2628c - Merge branch 'NoNSW_Run2' into 'master'
- c2f48c51 - Fix electron merger ID usage and analysis level OR
- 36dd71c9 - Merge branch 'LLP1_elmerge_fix' into 'master'
- 8390850f - New electron isolation variables for PHYS
- 30b86f99 - Merge branch 'philip_caloIsoForDerivations' into 'master'
- 1cf14e05 - TrackParticleConversion - Implement straight line parameter transformation
- daf84faa - Merge branch 'ATLASRECTS-7079' into 'master'
- feffc601 - Merge branch 'algtimeout' into 'master'
- 3739f427 - MuonCombinedConfig - Fix typo to add the StausAux container
- dba2e3c6 - Merge branch 'ATLASRECTS-7205' into 'master'
- c90bbb1c - Remap broken element links in AnalysisBase
- ef330452 - Merge branch 'TrigMatchFixEleLinks' into 'master'
- 0e709ebe - Update CTIDE efficiency uncertainty recommendation for Rel22
- 564607b3 - Merge branch 'CTIDE-tracking-efficiency-update' into 'master'
- d818a85f - TrackingVolumeCreator::CreateTrackingVolume rm un-needed const leading eventually to const_cast
- f96bf12b - Merge branch 'TrackingVolumeCreator_Thread_Safe_non_const' into 'master'
- e9e467e0 - Fixing warnings in derivation jobs
- 571eae85 - Merge branch 'master_DerivWarningPatch' into 'master'
- 52c77831 - 23.0-cppcheck-JetTagCalibration
- 4713f806 - Merge branch '23.0-cppcheck-JetTagCalibration' into 'master'
- c1c8828e - 23.0-minor-PixelConditionsAlgorithms
- 13fe261b - Merge branch '23.0-minor-PixelConditionsAlgorithms' into 'master'
- 34e6b00f - version update
- 227780c8 - Merge branch 'ewelina-master-patch-79822' into 'master'
- 50a20a85 - Update InDetCommonCfg in derivation PhysCommonConfig for Run4
- dd7d2090 - Merge branch 'tstreble-master-patch-96402' into 'master'
- 27e42048 - EventDisplayFilters+JiveXML: enable thread-checker and fixes
- 66cd295b - Merge branch 'edf' into 'master'
- 2d6842b2 - Merge branch 'xaodcore' into 'master'
- 6e3169c9 - Merge branch 'jetcnv' into 'master'
- 09808638 - Adding README.md documentation for several derivation framework packages
- 9845f9ca - Merge branch 'master_df_readme' into 'master'
- 230fd701 - Tracking fix gcc12 warnings of the form warning: 'p' may be used uninitialized.
- 1efb9eac - Merge branch 'Tracking_gcc12_warn' into 'master'
- c93c01bd - Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/22.0' into update_24_08
- 7c896d61 - Resolve merge conflict of cherry-pick 91c42b97
- fa0ed521 - Remove redundant configurableRun3Behavior setting from derivation skeletons
- 921b798f - Rework TrackToVertex and clients to reduce dependencies, bloat and use smart pointers better
- c8526a25 - ISF_Event: const fixes
- 2918117f - Rivet_i: enable thread-checker
- 1cdca4e5 - Geo2G4: const/mutable fixes
- d4391395 - SCTEncode test fix
- db9ca82c - Merge branch 'csebasti_ctestfix' into 'master'
- 3d6ba8ce - Merge branch 'rivet' into 'master'
- fd0d5d17 - new name for JetTruthLabelingTool and fixed tests
- 4c614d0b - G4HiveEx: enable thread-checker
- 91312922 - Merge branch 'run3behaviour-derivations' into 'master'
- 0f03e0b7 - FastCaloSimHit: enable thread-checker
- 9be3d1d1 - Merge branch 'update_24_08' into 'master'
- c9ba902d - Merge branch 'ST_R22_fixMissingDec' into 'master'
- 9f2ca345 - Merge branch 'reworkTrackToVertex' into 'master'
- e5249b8a - G4AtlasTests: enable thread-checker and fixes
- 9f11f51a - G4ExternalDecay: thread-checker fixes
- 14d8784c - 2022-08-25: merge of 22.0 into master
- 17bffdec - Merge branch 'update_25_08' into 'master'
- aad4b8c3 - Merge branch 'preloadCond' into 'master'
- d70b7aa9 - Merge branch 'isf_event' into 'master'
- e63bc55f - 23.0-cppcheck-FakeBkgTools
- 1fb03431 - Merge branch '23.0-cppcheck-FakeBkgTools' into 'master'
- 4f5452f9 - 23.0-cppcheck-MonteCarloReactUtils
- c013f4e4 - Merge branch '23.0-cppcheck-MonteCarloReactUtils' into 'master'
- f49b20cd - Merge branch 'geo2g4' into 'master'
- d5059ef1 - Merge branch 'g4hive' into 'master'
- 7ea6c7d4 - Merge branch 'fastcalo' into 'master'
- cfa81197 - Change ordering to avoid re-setting PHYSVAL to PHYS
- ff38ec2e - Merge branch 'AthenaIO_PhysVal_AutoFlush_Fix' into 'master'
- 77fd98b8 - Adding README.md documentation for ExpressionEvaluation
- 9243a65e - Merge branch 'master-README-ExpressionEvaluation' into 'master'
- 89a6d458 - PyDumper: Handle empty containers properly.
- 84cea0b3 - Merge branch 'empty.PyDumper-20220824' into 'master'
- 9291f1b3 - MuonSimEventTPCnv: Enable thread-safety checking.
- 8ae6b735 - Merge branch 'thread.MuonSimEventTPCnv-20220824' into 'master'
- 98d1cc0e - SiSpacePointsSeed: Fix cppcheck warnings.
- dafc50e2 - Merge branch 'cppcheck.SiSpacePointsSeed-20220824' into 'master'
- 2e8cc7d7 - Add CA-based configuration of PixelSiliconConditionsTestAlg
- bc554fc9 - Add option to re-link element links for trigger matching.
- c805f477 - Merge branch 'AT-R22-workaround-trigElemLinks' into 'master'
- 3fb02503 - DerivationFramework cppcheck related fixes
- 49890240 - Merge branch 'cppcheck_derivation' into 'master'
- 72d5f6b4 - MuonSimEventAthenaPool: Fix cppcheck warnings.
- b746f181 - Merge branch 'cppcheck.MuonSimEventAthenaPool-20220824' into 'master'
- a8e6ee33 - CxxUtils: Disable thread-safety checking for the checker itself.
- 59af9b2c - Merge branch 'no-check-checker.CxxUtils-20220824' into 'master'
- a5dc78e8 - LArROD: Thread-safety cleanup.
- 99ee72f0 - Merge branch 'thread.LArROD-20220824' into 'master'
- 0f373e08 - Updating derivation ARTs in master
- b2abeda3 - Merge branch 'master-UpdatingDerivARTs220824' into 'master'
- a759c2b8 - confinedArbitraryLayers use CxxUtils::span for const-correct interfaces.
- e905a86f - Merge branch 'confinedArbitraryLayers_span' into 'master'
- 2cf49eb0 - Merge branch 'g4atlastests' into 'master'
- f6fee5d6 - Merge branch 'g4extdecay' into 'master'
- eda8dc8a - MuonConfig - Fix test failure
- e778803e - Merge branch 'ATLASRECTS-7230' into 'master'
- fb422759 - Minor clean up of ActsTrkSiSpacePointsSeedMakerCfg following merge from r22
- 1ba356d5 - Merge branch 'tstreble-master-patch-71247' into 'master'
- c4037023 - Update version.txt
- cf878cf5 - Merge branch 'ewelina-master-patch-18594' into 'master'
- 455a9fec - Merge branch 'pixcond' into 'master'
- 7254723d - SUSYTools: Enable Run3 trigger tools and RemapBrokenLinks patch
- 8023c9bd - Merge branch 'ST/dev/R3trigger_STalg' into 'master'
- 5d73da0f - Update IDTR2 V0Finder
- b5d908f6 - Merge branch 'update-IDTR2-V0Finder' into 'master'
- eb7852e3 - Fixing issue with wafer_hash not being correct in PixelRDO
- f4960f1a - Merge branch 'PixelRDOFix' into 'master'
- fe0e38da - Minor typo fix in LArMonitoring
- b87d2f27 - Merge branch 'kalkhour-lar-monitoring' into 'master'
- c5dbc384 - LArG4Code: do not delete ILArCalculatorSvc
- d632d9b4 - introduce (optional) per-algorithm timers for EventLoop
- e6cd7a8f - add a full sequence of CP algorithms to the Full CP Algorithms test
- ffb4eced - 2022-08-26: merge of 22.0 into master
- d2589746 - Merge branch 'update_26_08' into 'master'
- a4ae47c3 - Refactor PixelClusteringToolBase (-> PixelRDOTool) and MergedPixelsTool
- e3012a89 - Merge branch 'pix-rdo-helper' into 'master'
- bbaa2193 - Merge branch 'full_sequence' into 'master'
- 2c20850c - 23.0-debugging-PixelConditionsData
- 2e427afe - Merge branch '23.0-bugfix-PixelConditionsData' into 'master'
- 22948c78 - Correctly initialize the SysFilterReporterParams
- 6a853292 - Merge branch 'InitSysFilter' into 'master'
- 75bc6e0d - Merge branch 'fwinkl_20220825T180035' into 'master'
- e8fe877c - Merge branch 'algorithm_timer' into 'master'
- ddedc249 - L1CaloFEXSim: Increase test timeouts.
- 88a893b9 - Merge branch 'timeout.L1CaloFEXSim-20220825' into 'master'
- fdaea5ed - MuonMDT_CnvTools: Fix clang warning.
- a8b70a10 - Merge branch 'clang.MuonMDT_CnvTools-20220825' into 'master'
- b56279cc - GeneratorObjects: Missing dictionary entry.
- 901e6b17 - Merge branch 'dict.GeneratorObjects-20220825' into 'master'
- b555eb5f - MuonSimEvent: Fix cppcheck warnings.
- bb7bc5c9 - Merge branch 'cppcheck.MuonSimEvent-20220825' into 'master'
- 8caea065 - TrigT1RPClogic: Fix cppcheck warnings.
- 483e1f78 - Merge branch 'cppcheck.TrigT1RPClogic-20220825' into 'master'
- d9608060 - PyDumper: Workaround for dumping ESD files.
- 290e8265 - Merge branch 'esd.PyDumper-20220825' into 'master'
- 7c7b94fd - ISF_TrackingTools: use CachedPointer for tracking volume
- 69e5dc15 - InDetExtensionProcessor using array of array and atomics for counters
- ca34c62c - Merge branch 'npetters-trkexpr-cactus' into 'master'
- 5c9f0bdb - ISF_Tools: use atomic counter and enable thread-checker
- f6130257 - Cleanup CutFlowSvc configuration a bit
- 63728194 - ISF_Algorithms: thread-checker fixes
- 266e2215 - Update packages needed to make ConfigFlag dual use in Athena and AnalysisBase
- f66566b3 - Merge branch 'dual-use-config-flags' into 'master'
- f162e4a9 - GPU Calorimeter Reconstruction
- 2ddd90c1 - Merge branch 'GPU-code-integration' into 'master'
- e32d5e3c - AtlasHepMC: Improve barcode handling for hepmc3.
- 1dcffd3e - Merge branch 'hepmc3Barcode.AtlasHepMC-20220825' into 'master'
- 68625d69 - 23.0-cppcheck-PileupReweighting
- 45ddad27 - Merge branch '23.0-cppcheck-PileupReweighting' into 'master'
- 217e7ba4 - LArCoudeAbsorbers: remove lazy initialization of members
- 464e31fe - Merge branch 'FCS_fixEnergy' into '21.0'
- f1926db2 - GeneratorFilters fixes and additions
- 8ac3a1d4 - Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/22.0' into update_27_08
- 9e7d7cb8 - ALFA_GloRec: Fix compilation with HepMC3.
- 688d71b3 - ALFA_BeamTransport: Fix compilation with HepMC3.
- b3ef4543 - L1CaloFEXSim: Protect against out-of-bounds array accesses.
- a0a1f8cc - Merge branch 'update_27_08' into 'master'
- 6de7b6e1 - Update version.txt
- dbb168ba - Update version.txt
- dd2701f7 - Revert reference update after revert of MR 56217
- c79db417 - Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/22.0' into update_27_08_2
- d5d96e7b - 23.0-cppcheck-EventLoop
- 57a5542b - Merge branch '23.0-cppcheck-EventLoop' into 'master'
- 61933bf6 - 23.0-cppcheck-TruthClassification
- 954853fe - Merge branch '23.0-cppcheck-TruthClassification' into 'master'
- 1ef24cb3 - Add gn1 to b tagging selection tool
- 82c2180e - Merge branch 'addGN1toBTaggingSelectionTool' into 'master'
- 9e13cce7 - ISF_Geant4Event: const/mutable fixes
- f70b429d - Merge branch 'isfg4event' into 'master'
- b8cb593f - Merge branch 'isftools' into 'master'
- e25c4f76 - Merge branch 'isf_track' into 'master'
- eccc7ff1 - Merge branch 'isfalg' into 'master'
- 17b83b04 - LArG4Barrel: const fixes for CryostatCalibration
- bfd1a8bb - Merge branch 'larg4barell3' into 'master'
- ebf3aed0 - Merge branch 'trigexample_20220827' into 'master'
- 7379ad37 - Merge branch 'update_27_08_2' into 'master'
- 66196299 - Revert "Merge branch 'dual-use-config-flags' into 'master'"
- f54d3cb9 - Merge branch 'revert-f66566b3' into 'master'
- c424be56 - AthenaKernel: Suppress cppchceck warning.
- d5606e64 - Merge branch 'cppcheck2.AthenaKernel-20220826' into 'master'
- 7f08bf93 - GeneratorFilters fixes and additions
- 87ac22a6 - Merge branch 'master-filt-tau' into 'master'
- 4f8ffedf - Merge branch 'ubsan.L1CaloFEXSim-20220826' into 'master'
- 29c45259 - Merge branch 'hepmc3.ALFA_GloRec-20220826' into 'master'
- 5c0e734a - PyDumper: Add support for dumping a few more classes.
- 5e7d61a7 - Merge branch 'dump.PyDumper-20220826' into 'master'
- d4a9e557 - CxxUtils: thread-safety checker config update
- ec29bc69 - Merge branch 'checker-config.CxxUtils-20220826' into 'master'
- 079eb4f6 - Clean up TrackingVolumes un-needlessy declared as const
- ca4befd2 - Merge branch 'TrackingVolumeArray_non_const' into 'master'
- 9716273c - LArCoudeElectrodes: remove lazy initialization of members
- 25884e19 - StoreGateTests: remove workaround in PyClids unit test
- cf25fe9b - Add more pile-up configurations for Phase-II and update ART tests
- 825609fe - Fix duplicate property Warning
- b88ec6c0 - 23.0-cppcheck-CaloRecGPU
- 8efb1938 - Merge branch '23.0-cppcheck-CaloRecGPU' into 'master'
- 8bf373af - JetCalibTools: Fix infinite loop in smearing correction
- f4b119d4 - Merge branch 'jetRNG-220828' into 'master'
- df6b1797 - BPhy4: Bring in recent changes from 21.2
- 9826c395 - Merge branch 'BPHY4updates' into 'master'
- ee6b625a - xAOD::TEvent Speedup, master branch (2022.08.26.)
- 909b1a87 - Merge branch 'TEventSpeedup-master-20220826' into 'master'
- 0dd6244e - Merge branch 'cherry-pick-4b58784c-master' into 'master'
- 2fa5a0a1 - 23.0-cppcheck-AtlasDetDescr
- 9fd20f71 - Merge branch '23.0-cppcheck-AtlasDetDescr' into 'master'
- b132a53f - GaussianTrackDensity rm seeming unused (other than getting filled) std::map m_upperMap
- ef135763 - Merge branch 'TrkVertexSeedFinderUtils_fixes' into 'master'
- f323082f - Merge branch 'cutflowsvc1' into 'master'
- 76783c1f - TrkV0Fitter: Remove old dependencies and add CA config
- 93991740 - Merge branch 'v0fitterdepend' into 'master'
- 94809b70 - MuonMomentumCorrections - Remove depricated tool MuonCalibrationPeriodTool
- 08333c14 - Merge branch 'MCAST_RemoveDep' into 'master'
- 5cdda26e - DataModelCompatSvc: code cleanup
- 46d003b1 - Merge branch 'fwinkl_20220826T153957' into 'master'
- e6cd115e - LArStraightAbsorbers: remove lazy initialization of members
- 13dc2f24 - LArStraightElectrodes: remove lazy initialization of members
- 78a3dea4 - Update packages:DerivationFrameworkTileCal from upstream/21.2 to upstream/master via pseudo-merge
- 56dea596 - Merge branch 'harkusha_24_Aug_DerivationFrameworkTileCal_to_master' into 'master'
- cc31e2d9 - TrfTestART: Add dcube histograms for q442 PHYSLITE test
- 6586b4f8 - Merge branch 'dcubetest_20220822_01' into 'master'
- 705a6fcb - STEP propagator move some internal/private methods to the anonymous namespace
- f2c133a1 - Merge branch 'STEP_propagator_internal_anonymous' into 'master'
- 9a4f315c - LArG4GenShowerLib: enable thread-checker
- 9be73cd5 - LArConditionsTest: enable thread-checker
- 769dede0 - 23.0-cppcheck-TRT_CalibAlgs
- d6b73c9b - Merge branch '23.0-cppcheck-TRT_CalibAlgs' into 'master'
- cc450348 - Merge branch 'fixWarning' into 'master'
- 0353317b - TileRawChannel2Bytes5: take const pointer to raw data
- 5fcc0ca3 - TileTBRec: thread-checker fixes
- a18edd27 - BPHY12: Bring in code from 21.2
- df614807 - Merge branch 'BPHY12update' into 'master'
- 10e378c1 - EGammaCalibration - Revive the EgammaCalibProvider & setup small CA snippets
- e46a3d0b - Merge branch 'UpdateEgammaCalib' into 'master'
- ef6db719 - Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/22.0' into sweep_22.0_master_2022-08-29
- 4dca4dce - add "proper" views and thinning for full CP algorithm test sequence
- ccb6fdba - ITruthIncident: restore const position method
- 1a544028 - TrackingVolumeManipulator,TrackingVolumeHelper, TrackingVolumeCreator make...
- a6a1fcbb - Merge branch 'Follow_up_of_non_const_volume_I' into 'master'
- 3d28f232 - GeneratorFilters add common fragments to correct directory
- 67481e1f - Merge branch 'sweep_22.0_master_2022-08-29' into 'master'
- ded139ec - Merge branch 'master-filt-tau' into 'master'
- 586744f2 - G4AtlasAlg: enable thread-checker
- c0ccb7b1 - G4AtlasAlg: revert fixes to RunManager singletons
- 17a921a2 - Add kAlwaysCreate option to all per-LBN monitoring histograms.
- 37afa88f - Merge branch 'tickets/ADHI-4905' into 'master'
- e1b2d397 - 23.0-cppcheck-PixelCalibAlgs
- 30483c4a - Merge branch '23.0-cppcheck-PixelCalibAlgs' into 'master'
- c24efcf3 - Merge branch 'isfevent2' into 'master'
- 850797e8 - Merge branch 'lartest' into 'master'
- b83dbb34 - 23.0-cppcheck-SiClusterizationTool
- 6eb1b68a - Merge branch '23.0-cppcheck-SiClusterizationTool' into 'master'
- 0681b776 - Merge branch 'dmcompatsvc' into 'master'
- 534e49ad - Fixing obsolete python in grl function
- 0c08406d - Merge branch 'DQ_iter_pythonFix' into 'master'
- 4a33019e - Modify Electron and photon analysis sequence
- 42c28535 - Merge branch 'updates_r22_analysisCalib' into 'master'
- 171bc4e8 - Merge branch 'fwinkl_20220829T103528' into 'master'
- 53fe96e3 - 23.0-compiler-warning-TrkDistortedSurfaces
- f51468bb - Merge branch '23.0-compiler-warning-TrkDistortedSurfaces' into 'master'
- d95b2701 - Merge branch 'phaseII-pu' into 'master'
- ac8216a2 - Merge branch 'fwinkl_20220826T161421' into 'master'
- dc041256 - LArCoudes: const initialize singleton
- df17cce6 - LArBarrelGeometry: const initialize geometry calculation
- 12bb7258 - Merge branch 'tiletb' into 'master'
- 8696da9c - Merge branch 'larcondtest' into 'master'
- 3b2cbe41 - LArG4EC: remove statics from HVHelper
- fd91aae1 - xAOD::TAuxStore Speedup, master branch (2022.08.29.)
- 041c64ab - Merge branch 'TAuxStoreSpeedup-master-20220829' into 'master'
- ea722108 - 23.0-cppcheck-SiSPSeededTrackFinderData
- 2b5349f3 - Merge branch '23.0-cppcheck-SiSPSeededTrackFinderData' into 'master'
- 4459f32c - STEP move internal math method to anonymous namespace Part II
- 13976334 - Merge branch 'STEP_anonymous_II' into 'master'
- 3527b798 - TrackingVolume/TrackingGeometry more const fixes
- 83a8db05 - Merge branch 'TrackingVolume_dense_non_const' into 'master'
- 184ea660 - ATLASRECTS-7239_FixAsgPhotonIsEMSelector
- 585400d6 - Merge branch 'master_PhIsEMMT' into 'master'
- 65fc58eb - Merge branch 'g4atlasalg' into 'master'
- 9062e8ff - MCTruthBase: thread-checker fixes
- 8d51d213 - AthMessaging: do lazy MessageSvc retrieval
- 5f493c59 - CaloIdentifier: ignore MessageSvc warnings in unit tests
- 2c023d5a - TileTPCnv: silence warnings about MessageSvc in unit tests
- a347600b - InDetEventTPCnv: ignore MessageSvc warnings in unit tests
- 1402229a - Merge branch 'views_and_thinning' into 'master'
- a93b74a3 - Merge branch 'larg4barell2' into 'master'
- f3be235c - Add CA version of BPHY10 and BPHY15
- 320653b4 - allow InDetConversionTrackSelectorTool to run without BeamspotCondAlg
- 69eaae62 - Add CA of BPHY16 and BPHY21, fix permissions
- 5791c175 - Remove redundant Configfile
- 231cb1ca - Merge branch 'ELPrimV' into '21.2'
- 6f207179 - Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/22.0' into sweep_22.0_master_2022-08-31
- bb32d4e6 - ReweightUtils: ignore MessageSvc warning in unit test
- 2cc7ec68 - ISF_FastCaloSimParametrization: enable thread-checker
- 90c1e397 - ActsGeometry: Enable thread-safety checking.
- bade50d5 - Merge branch 'thread.ActsGeometry-20220826' into 'master'
- 58926384 - Merge branch 'larg4ec1' into 'master'
- 83e2edf9 - 23.0-cppcheck-RPC_Digitization
- c466de48 - Merge branch '23.0-cppcheck-RPC_Digitization' into 'master'
- e6ab1ac2 - Merge branch 'mctruthbase' into 'master'
- f5cbc7f3 - AthLinks: Fix gcc12 warning.
- f22cf2ef - Merge branch 'gcc12.AthLinks-20220830' into 'master'
- 70d5af2c - 23.0-bugfix-TrkAmbiguitySolver
- 4ea49b6c - Merge branch '23.0-bugfix-TrkAmbiguitySolver' into 'master'
- c8a098e7 - DerivationFrameworkHiggs - Declare data dependencies of TruthDecorator & write CA configuration
- 90b0a364 - Merge branch 'HTXS_Categ' into 'master'
- 5d85e502 - ISF_Algorithms: Suppress gcc12 warning.
- b9e65995 - Merge branch 'gcc12.ISF_Algorithms-20220830' into 'master'
- 0d4676b9 - LArCalibUtils: Fix gcc12 warning.
- 4c383557 - Merge branch 'gcc12.LArCalibUtils-20220830' into 'master'
- a66b311d - Added codes to allow modifying Xi2max value in preinclude
- c1c2cbf4 - Merge branch 'master-Xi2max' into 'master'
- 3ea96807 - LArCondTools: Fix gcc12 warnings.
- 1bb598eb - Merge branch 'gcc12.LArCondTools-20220830' into 'master'
- d3d53a05 - full chain test for JO 421113
- 77e92c54 - Merge branch 'lyue-master-patch-12713' into 'master'
- 5ffb778c - AthenaKernel: Fix gcc12 warning.
- 30f47d83 - Merge branch 'gcc12.AthenaKernel-20220830' into 'master'
- 9997b613 - BS vs Mu plot updates for Run 3
- 6d0aed03 - Merge branch 'InDetBS_Plot_UpdateForRun3' into 'master'
- 1076209e - AthAsgExUnittest: Suppress gcc12 warning.
- 3f14a796 - Merge branch 'gcc12.AthAsgExUnittest-20220830' into 'master'
- 3f6c0cac - Merge branch 'BPHYCAMigration3' into 'master'
- a42e7ec5 - LArCondTools: enable thread-checker
- 9c5188c6 - Updates to BPHY7 derivation
- cb794813 - BPHY9 updates: add variables for ghost tracks, truth probabilities, and PLV isolation WPs
- 31a175b3 - Attempts to fix BPHY11 and BPHY14
- f81df713 - Add missing derivations to ProdFlags
- 0ffd6b67 - Update BPHY13 with 21.2 changes
- f0cb51f8 - Migrate latest BPHY22 from 21.2
- 52ecaac6 - update BPHY20: remove trigger selection, use all possible ways of primary...
- 0471397b - Update BPHY20: add BPhysBGammaFinder, modification JpsiPlus1Track for Jpsi plus e
- 0b1b56f4 - Merge branch 'sweep_22.0_master_2022-08-31' into 'master'
- 033adf00 - Introduced 2 new functions into asg::AsgTool.
- a2c90cd8 - Introduced a test for the 2 new functions in asg::AsgTool.
- 03758563 - Optimised the code a little using asg::AsgTool::getKey.
- 4a4ded65 - Fixed the copyright dates in AsgExampleTools.
- f68ec1a8 - Merge branch 'larcondtools' into 'master'
- 3ce4687e - BS vs Mu plot fix for lumi channel
- 9b832f5b - Merge branch 'master_LumiChannelForBSPlot' into 'master'
- a632151e - Add hitPattern variable to LLP1 derivation
- c692e1af - Merge branch 'HitPatternLLP1' into 'master'
- 733f8a9a - Merge branch 'isfcalosim' into 'master'
- 1864ea8e - DerivationFrameworkHiggs - Refine quadruplet selection for vertex fit
- 666860ca - Merge branch 'FourLep_Vtx_Improv' into 'master'
- 98416397 - suppress cppcheck warnings
- b04b125f - Merge branch '23.0-cppcheck-TRT_CalibAlgs' into 'master'
- e6be6772 - 23.0-cppcheck-BarcodeServices
- fb24c2a4 - Merge branch '23.0-cppcheck-BarcodeServices' into 'master'
- 2e91b873 - TileGeoModel: thread-checker fixes
- ff26d244 - rework the selection handling in CP configuration blocks
- 889cc83b - Merge branch 'athmsg_lazy' into 'master'
- ca720a61 - Final overlap resolution within prompt-LRT muons
- 52cc1c44 - Merge branch 'OverlapResolveLRTMuon' into 'master'
- 6269c0e0 - Merge branch 'cherry-pick-32c37ff2-master' into 'master'
- d80e77d8 - Delete filter commons from main directory
- 564248b3 - Merge branch 'master' into 'master'
- cd29d31b - Adding YODA-File to job report
- 0c2c3e90 - Merge branch 'master-yoda-report' into 'master'
- b0f43ceb - add a configuration block for electrons
- 17495d24 - add configuration blocks for photons
- 74088f17 - integrate tau configuration blocks with full CP algorithm test
- 0c8c504e - ISF_Services: Suppress gcc12 warning.
- 159626f8 - Merge branch 'gcc12.ISF_Services-20220831' into 'master'
- 35ec680b - TrfTestsART: Add diff-root to CA/RecExCommon comparison tests
- 552d749d - Merge branch 'ca_31_08' into 'master'
- 2e52dd30 - ATLASRECTS-7248 : Detached tracking volume const fixes
- d105cfc5 - Merge branch 'DetachedTrackingVolume_const_fixes' into 'master'
- 3ad99955 - LArTrackingGeometry, TileTrackingGeometry pass the ATLAS THREAD CHECKER
- 38e3ded1 - Merge branch 'LAr_Tile_VolumeBuilderSafe' into 'master'
- db5c2ee8 - RobustTrackingGeometry : unmark some methods that now should be SAFE
- c8263ce8 - Merge branch 'BuilderCond_change_annotations' into 'master'
- 9195f987 - InDetSurveyConstraintTool: Fix gcc12 warning.
- 095b941e - Merge branch 'gcc12.InDetSurveyConstraintTool-20220831' into 'master'
- 3c7f2061 - use M_PI to represent pi and a distinct constant elsewhere
- 1ee95e65 - Merge branch 'pi-representation-fixes' into 'master'
- f9c7c9c1 - TrigVrtSecInclusive: Fix gcc12 warnings.
- bc415538 - Merge branch 'gcc12.TrigVrtSecInclusive-20220831' into 'master'
- dc45345e - STEP propagation indent the methods at the end of the file like the ones above
- afc02600 - Merge branch 'STEP_indent' into 'master'
- ea5f2016 - Fix Run 3 DQ test dependencies
- 8af71da3 - Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/22.0' into sweep_22.0_master_2022-09-01
- 3f1973bb - Autoconfigure some of the b-tagging config flags
- 688977bb - Fix legacy config of BunchCrossingCondAlg
- bec3e7ad - Update version.txt
- e1d7fa16 - Update version.txt
- 5b97d0e0 - Cosmetic changes in PixelDetectorTool
- 8319d9ac - Some refactoring of the PixelDetectorTool code
- ce231bbe - PixelDetectorFactoryLite introduced and integrated with PixelDetectorTool
- e10ec388 - Extra argument to the constructor of GeoVPixelFactory
- 9f23a1b1 - Custom-vertex MET in CA-based derivations
- a1b47bfc - Merge branch 'metCustomVtx-220628' into 'master'
- f99be51e - add configuration blocks for the jet CP algorithms
- 40735464 - Merge branch 'sweep_22.0_master_2022-09-01' into 'master'
- bf22cd8f - Update TIDAbjetpt_preinclude.py to include change of Xi2max
- bfb66dd8 - CITest: move DEPENDS_SUCCESS as last argument
- 584e6d08 - Merge branch 'fix-bcca' into 'master'
- 5a216a96 - Merge branch 'fix-btagging-flags' into 'master'
- 7316693e - Merge branch 'fix-dq-ci' into 'master'
- fd1160f1 - AthMessaging: fix for lazy MessageSvc initialization
- 68552cc0 - AthenaServices+APRTests: updates unit test references
- b92abbc4 - Merge branch 'citest2' into 'master'
- 71eef87e - EnergyCalculator: replace non-const static with instance variables
- d7da5ada - CryostatCalibrationCalculator: const initialize volumeMap
- 98396558 - ActsGeantFollowing: const/mutable fixes
- e7a4427d - Merge branch 'tilegeomodel' into 'master'
- 593e9e91 - TrkExAlgs: Fix gcc12 warnings.
- 5d0cd8ef - Merge branch 'gcc12.TrkExAlgs-20220901' into 'master'
- a6337da1 - MuonStationTypeBuilder const fixes
- dd3d2e51 - Merge branch 'MuonStationTypeBuilder_const_fixes' into 'master'
- 78bad8de - 23.0-cppcheck-Pythia8B_i
- d4225c78 - Merge branch '23.0-cppchec-Pythia8B_i' into 'master'
- 1fce2d41 - 23.0-cppcheck-G4UserActions
- 2fcf9708 - Merge branch '23.0-cppcheck-G4UserActions' into 'master'
- ba2c4be6 - MuonStationBuilder rm un-needed const leading to const_cast
- 635588ba - Merge branch 'MuonTG_more_const_fixes_II' into 'master'
- 1f44e182 - 23.0-cppcheck-StorageSvc
- b4543fb6 - Merge branch '23.0-cppcheck-StorageSvc' into 'master'
- 7ab6ee07 - First event number should be 1 or larger
- 5b057ca9 - EventBookkeeperTools: unit test fixes
- 2ccc199d - AthenaPoolUtilities: Fix gcc12 build.
- 8f45de44 - Merge branch 'gcc12.AthenaPoolUtilities-20220901' into 'master'
- 6a1bc1f2 - adding to PHYSLITE variables for recommended electron WP
- f796d1f6 - Merge branch 'philip_addingRecommendedIsolation' into 'master'
- e83b1178 - AnalysisAlgorithmsConfig: Increase test timeouts.
- 06ffb896 - Merge branch 'timeout.AnalysisAlgorithmsConfig-20220901' into 'master'
- 39faa4b0 - start on ATLASRECTS-7252 try to rm some mutable
- dc9dc4b5 - Merge branch 'CaloTrackingGeometry_uneeded_mutable_ATLASRECTS-7252' into 'master'
- 92ab70ff - Fixing a bug which causes some containers to be omitted from CA-produced DAODs
- 1ac02705 - Merge branch 'master-fix_missing_CA_containers_PHYS' into 'master'
- 365c0595 - InDetPhysValMonitoringConfig.py: Fix GRL flag
- 0f40bf4f - Merge branch 'fix-idpvm-grl' into 'master'
- 9aefbb9e - DumpEventDataToJSON: (slightly) more efficient scheme for track positions
- 24d64103 - Merge branch 'master-update-json-dumper' into 'master'
- 51d80d1e - GeneratorFilters: fix mistakes, Powheg: update to v. -05-05
- 3237ce7d - Merge branch 'master-fp' into 'master'
- 1a86c121 - Merge branch 'master-Xi2max' into 'master'
- f9bb99eb - Merge branch 'lepton_blocks' into 'master'
- 084495c4 - Merge branch 'ebtests' into 'master'
- 2632705b - Merge branch 'larg4ec' into 'master'
- 28ea593e - Merge branch 'athmsglazy2' into 'master'
- 33a8bfad - Merge branch 'METRebuildSpeedup-master-20220830' into 'master'
- 94abcc81 - Merge branch 'actsgeant' into 'master'
- 0763b363 - Update packages needed to make ConfigFlag dual use in Athena and AnalysisBase
- d6b963a4 - Merge branch 'dual-use-config-flags' into 'master'
- 5feb576b - Projects: Update to layer LCG_101_ATLAS_26
- 7eabbe7e - Merge branch 'lcg101atlas26_20220826' into 'master'
- 688277b5 - PixelDetectorFactoryLite: minor code cleanup
- 2d3b0674 - CaloTrackingGeometryBuilder: remove remaining mutables
- 0854eaeb - Add properties to muon calibration tool for muon momentum validation packages
- 8bcf1c83 - Merge branch 'master-weitao-MMCvaltool' into 'master'
- c7b47b23 - Add support for 2022 GRL to IDPVM
- 8fd2faa4 - ActsGeometry: Fix cppcheck warnings.
- 87c3527d - Merge branch 'cppcheck.ActsGeometry-20220901' into 'master'
- 081fb657 - ExpressionEvaluation+Pythia8_i: Fix warnings with boost 79.
- 9853b4ad - Merge branch 'boost79.ExpressionEvaluation-20220901' into 'master'
- 6f00aff9 - update Gaudi to v36r6.001
- e3eaa5c9 - Merge branch 'dev/updateGaudi' into 'master'
- ad6f5351 - ATLASRECTS-7253 : MuonTrackingGeometry seemingly can become safe
- e3c2e9ea - Merge branch 'MuonTrackingGeometrySafe' into 'master'
- 15ecaa12 - ATLASRECTS-7247, boundarySurfaces const fixes
- cf81600d - Merge branch 'ATLASRECTS-7247_boundary_surface_const_fixes_TG' into 'master'
- e79a2fa6 - TrfTestsART: use 13.6 TeV input and add dcube comparison for PHYSLITE
- 65779f69 - Merge branch 'trttestsart_20220902' into 'master'
- df0c4fa2 - Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/22.0' into sweep_22.0_master_2022-09-03
- 647c14d6 - CITest: disable ouptut checks in RecoRun2Data
- 83b952d2 - Various BPHY20 fixes
- 1cc623b4 - Add CA version of BPHY13
- 6cd79152 - Add CA version of BPHY22
- f0e4ef01 - Fix bug found from clang warning
- 0e7207ba - egammaEnergyCorrectionTool: Try to put the ROOT ownership we want in one place...
- caaeac33 - Improved PRW autoconfiguration
- 993ce1a6 - Merge branch 'sweep_22.0_master_2022-09-03' into 'master'
- 66e52208 - 23.0-cppcheck-TestLArHardware
- 1f0db6bb - Merge branch '23.0-cppcheck-TestLArHardware' into 'master'
- ff636baf - Merge branch 'prw' into 'master'
- 5bc1d612 - Merge branch 'calotrackgeo' into 'master'
- a8234c0f - Bump ACTS to v20.1.0
- 0b2e8988 - Merge branch 'ActsTag.v20.0.0' into 'master'
- d8dfb9d5 - Merge branch 'master-pixelGM-01' into 'master'
- eb7aad0b - Merge branch 'BPHYSsweep' into 'master'
- b74f99fc - Merge branch 'firstEvent' into 'master'
- 6c2b5ef5 - TrackRecordGenerator: remove usage of DataHandle
- d96257e8 - GeneratorModules: remove usage of DataHandle
- 41ac46a2 - Tracking : prefer range for loops
- db337c06 - Merge branch 'clang_loop_convert' into 'master'
- 2cb2abd3 - Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/22.0' into sweep_22.0_master_2022-09-05
- d8ae6d6b - Adding new summary plot in hotSpotInHIST DQ script
- 53a655fd - Merge branch 'master-hotSpotInHIST-newSummaryPlot' into 'master'
- 70929a0c - Merge branch 'idpvm-2022-GRL' into 'master'
- 08b89839 - Merge branch 'egammaEnergyCorrectionTool_remove_repeated_code' into 'master'
- f0b0ce3f - Tracking clang-tidy : cppcoreguidelines-prefer-member-initializer
- 4548e105 - Merge branch 'clang_prefer_memb' into 'master'
- cbdbcbc4 - Cleanup of jet derivation framework and migrations from r22
- 15d01662 - Merge branch 'master-derivations-jets-fixes' into 'master'
- 64a94ac3 - IsolationSelection - Clean up
- b0536abb - Merge branch 'cherry-pick-d8414046' into 'master'
- 557e96bc - MdtCalibIOSvc: thread-checker fixes
- c9e74705 - MdtCalibIOSvc: cmake cleanup
- 987cabf1 - MuonCalibDbOperations: const fixes
- bd84fe0a - MuonCalibExtraTreeEvent: thread-checker fixes
- 04860aa2 - MuonRPC_CnvTools: remove unused IRPCConditionsSvc include and cmake cleanup
- bb6d6c9d - RPC_Digitization: remove unused IRPCConditionsSvc include and cmake cleanup
- 77543719 - CaloTrackingGeometry: trackingGeometry is now thread-safe
- b71645b4 - Merge branch 'calotrack' into 'master'
- 6ee698c4 - DerivationFrameworkMCTruth: remove origin caching in GenFilterTool
- 54d6a0ff - TruthIsolationTool: remove caching of cone sizes
- c4d961d6 - Call Algorithm::sysExecute instead of bare Algorithm::execute
- 1a393011 - CaloTrackingGeometry: mark CaloTrackingGeometryBuilder as not thread-safe
- 3f363b7c - Merge branch 'calotrack2' into 'master'
- f74f41da - AtlasDetectorID: inherit from AthMessaging
- b9ea319d - MuonIdHelper: adapt to changes in AtlasDetectorID
- 5bf625b3 - MuonEventTPCnv+MuonEventAthenaPool: update unit test references
- 2275727e - CaloLumiConditions: suppress MessageSvc warnings in unit test
- ce652845 - ATLASRECTS-7249, ATLASRECTS-7251 , make clear where the remaining issues are for ATLASRECTS-7246
- 9a824057 - Merge branch 'TrkGeometry_MT_safe_final' into 'master'
- da5a2e71 - improved inverse check
- 6cbc01aa - Add imf = False option to make compression consistent
- 822f1782 - Merge branch 'sweep_22.0_master_2022-09-05' into 'master'
- 55660e2e - Merge branch 'truthder' into 'master'
- a516eef5 - Merge branch 'irpc' into 'master'
- 016f3344 - Merge branch 'muoncalibdb' into 'master'
- 9360de0f - Merge branch 'muoncalibtree' into 'master'
- 5e5a93f7 - CaloTrackingGeometryBuilderCond bring in the changes from MR 56521. Also...
- f26a28a3 - Merge branch 'mdtcalibio' into 'master'
- 01a78f74 - Merge branch 'master-update-55813' into 'master'
- 231e1d13 - Merge branch 'gen1' into 'master'
- 50292341 - New passive material builder using GeoModelXml
- 5108dc87 - Merge branch 'master-addNewPassiveMaterialBuilder' into 'master'
- e131a5da - AthAnalysis - Add MuonTesterTree
- 2ae95e47 - Merge branch 'MuonTree_AthAna' into 'master'
- 5857d785 - Fix read handle initialisation in BunchCrossingCondAlg
- c026bc86 - Clean up JpsiUpsilon and V0 Includes + Add CA config Test
- dba35839 - Time parameter in xAOD::TrackParticle
- ea589e35 - Merge branch 'TrackParticle-time-deco' into 'master'
- 67919cc7 - Merge branch 'ISFMonopolesCompressionFix' into 'master'
- c86b5a2e - Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/22.0' into sweep_22.0_master_2022-09-06
- 3c9ab245 - AthenaPoolMultiTest: enable thread-checker
- 1c65dccd - AthenaDBTestRec: enable thread-checker
- 8db412e4 - TruthRivetTools: const/mutable fixes
- 967c3d0f - VP1TrackSystems: Work around gcc12 warning.
- d4127c63 - Herwig7_i: Suppress gcc12 warning.
- 1bd253f0 - DerivationFrameworkInDet: Fix compilation with clang.
- aa38b8eb - ActsGeantFollowing: Fix clang warnings.
- d6a6ab78 - IsolationSelection: Fix clang warnings.
- 5fb3346b - ExpressionEvaluation: Increase test timeout.
- 70365bee - Merge branch 'fix-bcca' into 'master'
- b7325ada - xAODAthenaPool: remove ATH_MSG macro definition
- c3f523bf - New pflow python configuration file
- f1e2f914 - Merge branch 'mhodgkin_addPFlowMETConfig' into 'master'
- 954c6e04 - Merge branch 'dependJpsiUpsilonTools' into 'master'
- 197a4bf8 - Merge branch 'sweep_22.0_master_2022-09-06' into 'master'
- dace49e9 - AthenaPoolMultiTest: use dedicated POOL catalogue for EventNoSplit test
- 99d6bf4b - Fix for reading Material Map from the calibration area in ActsTrackingGeometrySvc
- a87bc9c8 - Merge branch 'clang.DerivationFrameworkInDet-20220906' into 'master'
- 53ffc1ce - Merge branch 'gcc12.Herwig7_i-20220906' into 'master'
- be86e01a - Merge branch 'clang.IsolationSelection-20220906' into 'master'
- d117c2b0 - Merge branch 'clang.ActsGeantFollowing-20220906' into 'master'
- 0aa5f517 - Merge branch 'gcc12.VP1TrackSystems-20220906' into 'master'
- ec55cfbf - GeneratorFilters: DataHandle and const_cast fixes
- 2c039f5f - Merge branch 'genfilters' into 'master'
- fc0ac289 - Merge branch 'truthrivet2' into 'master'
- 8dd21b17 - Merge branch 'timeout.ExpressionEvaluation-20220906' into 'master'
- f79b32ef - Merge branch 'CaloGeometryBuilder_MT' into 'master'
- db6309e0 - Merge branch 'inverseFix' into 'master'
- d6484cc5 - Adding HLT jet interface containers to the Run3 jet trigger content (for JETM1)
- ba439d6c - Merge branch 'ACTS_Material_master' into 'master'
- ab86a0af - Merge branch 'dbtest' into 'master'
- fb5bc8bd - CalibrationDataInterface: remove unnecessary mutables
- eee43e11 - check if the cov is invertible to fix the FPE errors
- 749662e9 - Merge branch 'fixsvcfpe' into 'master'
- 4b16ca1c - Fix DecorateSUSYProcessCfg call in MCTruthCommonConfig
- fcc095c1 - Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/22.0' into sweep_22.0_master_2022-09-07
- a6705cf7 - ensure python GIL in destructor of PyDataBucket
- 76e7e1a3 - DBM_Det: added support for building geometry description from SQLite file
- df078ea4 - DBM_Module: added support for building geometry description from SQLite file
- 2c4f871b - DBM_ModuleCage: added support for building geometry description from SQLite file
- 82cc12fa - DBM_Telescope: added support for building geometry description from SQLite file
- dc8bb841 - PyDumper: Suppress some cling warnings.
- b190b648 - AthCUDACore: Fix thread-safety warnings with gcc12.
- c582b4a6 - ActsTrkEvent: Thread-safety checker adjustment.
- 6369d4f8 - ISF_Algorithms: Fix thread-safety warnings.
- cc593457 - SiSpacePoint: Suppress cppcheck warning.
- 2a8422a1 - McParticleTools: Speed up EtaPtFilterTool for HepMC3.
- baac7556 - CountHepMC: minor fixes
- 17cc5588 - Add missing kernel include header needed for CentOS9/RockyLinux9 compilation
- 1587f5ee - Update references
- 8959dcdf - Merge branch 'atlasdetid' into 'master'
- b68ea282 - Merge branch 'sweep_22.0_master_2022-09-07' into 'master'
- 72b9b21d - Merge branch 'cppcheck.SiSpacePoint-20220907' into 'master'
- 67d9307d - Merge branch 'thread.ISF_Algorithms-20220907' into 'master'
- e8e79e05 - Merge branch 'gcc12.AthCUDACore-20220907' into 'master'
- 865d1410 - Merge branch 'cxxutils_20220908' into 'master'
- 73e6177c - Merge branch 'master-counthepmc' into 'master'
- b9774499 - NSW reconstruction - Supress the number of warnings if the charge calib is nuts
- b2a306a7 - Merge branch 'silenceMMWarning' into 'master'
- 96ecdc97 - Merge branch 'thread.ActsTrkEvent-20220907' into 'master'
- 33ca1c0c - Merge branch 'tstreble-master-patch-63877' into 'master'
- cda0f764 - Merge branch 'jettagperf' into 'master'
- 7fc1e2cc - Add Athena/xAOD Acts::MultiTrajectory implementation - step 1
- 83894eb1 - Merge branch 'xaod-mtj-part1' into 'master'
- 27bc4a1a - Merge branch 'master-rcoelhob' into 'master'
- 81ed4c90 - Fix BPHY10 with new skimtool
- c26bda7e - Merge branch 'fixBPHY10' into 'master'
- 2139ffcf - Update LAr WD creation configuration
- 93274ed4 - Merge branch 'master' into 'master'
- 0cdec267 - Reduce print outs from KValVrt
- 439e765c - Avoid unnecessary nulls
- 8eb3aa89 - Merge branch 'nobarcode.McParticleTools-20220907' into 'master'
- 921d31a6 - Merge branch 'SgPyDataModelGIL' into 'master'
- 5081c5be - add PerJet Flavour Uncertainty and constraining Z+jet resp
- 53433597 - Merge branch 'master-JetUncertainties-ZjetResp' into 'master'
- a8d41a95 - Adjust BPHY derivations to output EventInfo
- 1210570a - Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/22.0' into sweep_22.0_master_2022-09-08
- ef33ad6c - HIRecConfig: Increase test timeout.
- 51622201 - PixelConditionsTools: Fix clang warning.
- 6f6a3530 - ISF_FastCaloSimParametrization: Library organization fix.
- 5b18c22c - JetCalibTools: cmake fix
- 296acdb0 - MCTruthClassifier: HepMC3 speedups.
- aed92a94 - TruthUtils: Speed up isGenStable for HepMC3.
- 6c147c79 - updating map file, bugfix run-3 isolation prerecommendation
- 3d5e044d - Merge branch 'timeout.HIRecConfig-20220908' into 'master'
- aba2b87f - Merge branch 'sweep_22.0_master_2022-09-08' into 'master'
- d0ef0a04 - Merge branch 'gcc12.PyDumper-20220907' into 'master'
- a2847ff9 - Add code to allow DAOD_PHYSLITE to be made from PHYS with the component accumulator
- da4642b4 - Merge branch 'master-PHYSLITEfromPHYSv2' into 'master'
- 757c0dc0 - Merge branch 'silentspam' into 'master'
- 212e6e98 - Merge branch 'fixEventInfo' into 'master'
- 983eba4a - Do not report comparison failure for master-vs-21.9 run4 IDART tests
- e39399c1 - Merge branch 'run4-idart-pacify-21p9' into 'master'
- 418abbf9 - Implementation of ACTS-based pixel clustering
- 29941d23 - Merge branch 'acts-itk-pixel-clustering' into 'master'
- a831e065 - Merge branch 'clang.PixelConditionsTools-20220908' into 'master'
- c63690f2 - Merge branch 'lib.ISF_FastCaloSimParametrization-20220908' into 'master'
- c67e913b - Merge branch 'barcode.TruthUtils-20220908' into 'master'
- 733b4411 - moving warning to debug level output
- 2a0a3bed - Merge branch 'TEST' into 'master'
- 10532c2c - Merge branch 'cmake.JetCalibTools-20220908' into 'master'
- 6b407992 - Merge branch 'barcode.MCTruthClassifier-20220908' into 'master'
- 4764faa6 - 23.0-cppcheck-LArG4Barrel
- 5a2ba10b - Merge branch '23.0-cppcheck-LArG4Barrel' into 'master'
- 9c049d30 - Merge branch 'inveseBkgFixError' into 'master'
- 4c2514bd - Merge branch 'philip_eleEffMapIsoBugfix' into 'master'
- 8753bf4b - Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/22.0' into sweep_22.0_master_2022-09-09
- 0d345e3b - TrigTauMonitoring: Fix clang warnings.
- a9fba824 - TrigT1CaloMonitoring: Fix compilation warning.
- 58f6d7b9 - Merge branch 'sweep_22.0_master_2022-09-09' into 'master'
- ef5889f2 - Merge branch 'master-pixelGM-02' into 'master'
- 1054f840 - Merge branch 'warn.TrigT1CaloMonitoring-20220909' into 'master'
- 2aa7195a - Merge branch 'clang.TrigTauMonitoring-20220909' into 'master'
- 7ea96162 - GeoPixelBarrel: added support for building geometry description from SQLite file
- 9eaa7079 - GeoPixelDisk: added support for building geometry description from SQLite file
- 8b88c91d - GeoPixelEndCap: added support for building geometry description from SQLite file
- 87728b21 - GeoPixelTMT: added support for building geometry description from SQLite file
- b058db09 - Fix InDetTrkInJetType_test ref
- b3fd0429 - MuonAnalysisAlgorithms: const fixes for dectorators
- 6c4e490e - Fixing bug in MadGraphControl path manipulations
- d063ca1e - Merge branch 'MasterMGCPathFix' into 'master'
- f5e82d2a - 23.0-cppcheck-DerivationFrameworkBPhys
- 9420e164 - Merge branch '23.0-cppcheck-DerivationFrameworkBPhys' into 'master'
- 15e3f1d5 - 23.0-cppcheck-DiTauMassTools
- 1d01a7c7 - Merge branch 'sroe-master-patch-05811' into 'master'
- b17ee5b5 - Tracking geometry more THREAD SAFETY fixes and annotations
- 3ed1cd9e - Merge branch 'TrkDetDescr_const_cast' into 'master'
- 32699e7b - Add Acts Pixel Clusterization to CI Test, replacing EDM converter
- 8babadd7 - Merge branch 'CITestWithActsClustering' into 'master'
- 3165767a - TrkVertexSeedFinderUtils: Don't use exceptions in GetClosestPoints.
- 5155203f - Merge branch 'noexcept.TrkVertexSeedFinderUtils-20220909' into 'master'
- 0de44ff9 - FlowAfterburner: suppress GSL thread-checker warning
- 9d7b4a90 - MuonTrackValidation: thread-checker fixes
- b4f27aed - LArSimEvent: Fix a const-correctness violation.
- 7bf77108 - LArSimEventAthenaPool: Fix a const-correctness violation.
- 4cd29bea - xAODRootAccess: thread-checker fixes
- fc3f5330 - LWHists: minimal thread-checker fix
- 8ed5dabe - bug fix of the KtdR calculation
- 12d9611c - Merge branch 'master-fixKtDR' into 'master'
- bdb51af3 - Include SimulationConfig package in AnalysisBase
- e843da07 - Merge branch 'add-sim-config-to-ab' into 'master'
- 052cf2be - dqm_algorithms: const fixes
- 96279dbb - Try to overcome memory issues in Run 4 presampling test
- d2e47520 - AthenaRootComps: thread-checker fixes
- 687091bd - Fix typo in Run 4 pile-up ART test
- 8e6ab42e - RootStorageSvc: thread-checker fixes
- 636e018a - CaloSimEvent: Fix a const-correctness violation.
- fc252f9a - InDetSimEventAthenaPool: Fix a const-correctness violation.
- 1a9ca759 - Merge branch 'fixVLog' into 'master'
- 1ebbe485 - AnalysisTools: enable thread-checker
- d7f84876 - SUSYTools reference fix
- 769960ae - Merge branch 'ST_fixRefForMuons' into 'master'
- fbbaef18 - Make building of SCT cooling inside LAr Barrel configurable from DB
- c5da69a1 - Merge branch 'master-updateLArCryo' into 'master'
- 3d4f8a99 - ReweightUtils: minor const fixes
- 6cec38c0 - GeoMaterial2G4: make material factories thread-safe
- 86326ec1 - FsrUtils: thread-checker fixes
- f638cb04 - Add HeavyBoson (Zprime) to prompt muon-sources (Rel. 22)
- 9b72c1e1 - Merge branch 'Master-IsolationSelection-Update' into 'master'
- a95d39e8 - ExtrapolationEngine: fix thread-checker warnings
- 8b1fb888 - Merge branch 'trkexengine' into 'master'
- 0ea7941d - Adding HLT R=1.0 jet calibrated LCTopo container (Run 2 default) to JETM1
- cc599022 - Merge branch 'master-rcoelhob' into 'master'
- 5a08dbb9 - TrigCompositeUtils: Add a couple missing const qualifiers.
- d1e02db3 - Merge branch 'const.TrigCompositeUtils-20220909' into 'master'
- 389c3a80 - AthCUDAServices: Fix thread-safety warnings with gcc12.
- 79c0463b - Merge branch 'gcc12.AthCUDAServices-20220909' into 'master'
- cfbfee09 - Merge branch 'master-pixelGM-03' into 'master'
- 7d94ad69 - Merge branch 'muonana' into 'master'
- 79abdf21 - AnalysisTop: Pass IsRun3Geo option to more Muon tools
- 4bae55e0 - Merge branch 'Run3GeoSetup' into 'master'
- bcfb78c2 - Merge branch 'flowburner' into 'master'
- eb1ccede - TrfTestsART: Add data22 13.6 TeV AthenaMT reco test
- 80f9204e - Merge branch 'trftestsart_20220912' into 'master'
- 710dcb33 - Merge branch 'muontrackval' into 'master'
- 3c35388a - TrkVolumes,TrkGeometry rm some un-nneeded mutable
- 43ceb772 - Merge branch 'decompose_surface_not_const' into 'master'
- 06fe68bd - L1CaloFEXSim: Fix clang warning.
- 145207dd - Merge branch 'clang.L1CaloFEXSim-20220912' into 'master'
- c0a25191 - xAODTrackingCnv: Speed up for HepMC3.
- 84955c5c - Merge branch 'barcode.xAODTrackingCnv-20220912' into 'master'
- 5acdfc44 - MuonRegionSelector - Demote algorithms
- 915a3d70 - Merge branch 'NoReantrancy_MuonRegSel' into 'master'
- 240d7b3a - LArG4TBSimEvent: Const fixes.
- 0cd18a31 - Merge branch 'const.LArG4TBSimEvent-20220912' into 'master'
- 8f7e9b3a - G4 Linking Fix, master branch (2022.09.13.)
- 70794921 - Merge branch 'G4LinkFix-master-20220913' into 'master'
- 3bf5ea9c - Merge branch 'r4-fix' into 'master'
- 2a587b06 - Merge branch 'r4-fix2' into 'master'
- a8b16af1 - Remove unneeded BPHY3
- 14e9fb1b - Fixes for BPHY15 and BPHY22 cascade selection
- 62bfd8ed - rm seemingly unused GenericGeometryBuilder (solves also ATLASRECTS-7275)
- 5fa7aaa7 - Merge branch 'unused_GenericGeometryBuilder' into 'master'
- d90ea5f9 - TileSimEventAthenaPool: Fix a const-correctness violation.
- e5cc4393 - Merge branch 'const.TileSimEventAthenaPool-20220912' into 'master'
- 18aa93b9 - Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/22.0' into sweep_22.0_master_2022-09-14
- 23a68116 - GeoPixelStaveRingServices: added support for building geometry description from SQLite file
- d98302d8 - GeoPixelEnvelope: added support for building geometry description from SQLite file
- cf2e685a - GeoPixelLadder: added support for building geometry description from SQLite file
- 2e7418df - GeoPixelLayer: added support for building geometry description from SQLite file
- 0f99cd48 - GeoPixelModule: added support for building geometry description from SQLite file
- bf4b9c5e - GeoPixelSiCrystal: added support for building geometry description from SQLite file
- cd3d2f1e - Merge branch 'sweep_22.0_master_2022-09-14' into 'master'
- 260e6b4d - AnalysisTop: Use recommended electron efficiency SF maps by default
- 41cf9b13 - Merge branch 'AT-defaultElectronEfficiencyMaps' into 'master'
- 42272c7a - Merge branch 'const.LArSimEvent-20220912' into 'master'
- 19312271 - Update version.txt
- 73711512 - Update version.txt
- cc296204 - InDetVKalVxInJetTool: Update test reference file.
- 71b2f9f1 - Merge branch 'test.InDetVKalVxInJetTool-20220912' into 'master'
- 4b7215e3 - GeoModel version overrider changed from 4.2.8 to
- 638d9844 - Merge branch 'master-patchGeoModelVersion' into 'master'
- 67224c81 - [ATLASG-1662] Disable ROI repacking in DAOD
- 7be7ced8 - Merge branch 'tamartin-master-patch-76486' into 'master'
- dc5ca953 - Updating InDetAlignMonitoring and InDetPerformanceMonitoring to version used Tier0 (22.0.90-based)
- 5d65148b - Merge branch 'port-idperfmonitoring' into 'master'
- 5d8eedd6 - Update CA configuration for fast tracking to run in master
- a24aea9e - Merge branch 'npetters-fasttracking' into 'master'
- afb47bd1 - SUSYTools - Update implementation JetTruthLabelingTool
- 0b0e046f - Merge branch 'truthJET' into 'master'
- cf00e9f3 - xAOD Backends for ACTS MultiTrajectory
- f1742dd5 - Merge branch 'mtj-add-missing-backends' into 'master'
- 5d095917 - Muon SW - Remove depreciated services
- 3c71f10b - Merge branch 'ATLASRECTS-7278' into 'master'
- 9526a014 - Remove superfluous DEBUG statements.
- 122c5090 - Merge branch 'mhodgkin_removeClusDebug' into 'master'
- e566f0d2 - Merge branch 'dqmalg' into 'master'
- f7fdc732 - Merge branch 'lwhists' into 'master'
- b023bff3 - Merge branch 'geomat2g4_v2' into 'master'
- 01fb59d9 - Remove plaintext password from code
- 1f26931b - Merge branch 'csander_220913' into 'master'
- 73c1acb3 - ISF_Algorithms: Fix const-correctness violations.
- 7ab03ef6 - Merge branch 'const.ISF_Algorithms-20220913' into 'master'
- 7df5fa53 - fix valgrind arg docstring for transformation
- 32c1ad64 - Merge branch 'transformation_valgrind_args_help' into 'master'
- 2d78f2e2 - Merge branch 'reweight' into 'master'
- 81c9629c - Patch to get_files to use mktemp
- 7eb82176 - Merge branch 'master_get_files_mktemp' into 'master'
- 02542e5f - L1CaloFEXByteStream: Fix cppcheck warnings.
- 52736978 - Merge branch 'cppcheck.L1CaloFEXByteStream-20220914' into 'master'
- 03890803 - McParticleTools: Speed up for HepMC3.
- 4cfe4ca6 - Merge branch 'sort.McParticleTools-20220914' into 'master'
- 4ac9cf7a - Merge branch 'rss' into 'master'
- 4d7f1a64 - MVAUtils: Fix test failure in gcc12 build.
- 69ee68b2 - Merge branch 'dict.MVAUtils-20220913' into 'master'
- fccc7630 - Merge branch 'xaodroot2' into 'master'
- 86069dc3 - Merge branch 'arc' into 'master'
- c9e1fb70 - add infrastructure and demonstrator-code for AODFix in CA-based jobs
- 2e139de4 - Merge branch 'AODFix_CA' into 'master'
- 28cc7617 - MuonCondAlg: Fix cppcheck warnings.
- baf5f7ce - Merge branch 'cppcheck.MuonCondAlg-20220914' into 'master'
- e1054bd9 - add cell container to EGAM8 derivations
- 8bbb8ce2 - Merge branch '22.x-DFEGamma-AddCellsEGAM8-20220908' into 'master'
- 57d8c9c2 - CaloCluster_OnTrackBuilder : fix units for phi resol parametrization
- d9060f25 - Merge branch 'CaloCluster_OnTrackBuilder_unit_phi_param' into 'master'
- 0241ee09 - ISF_FatrasTools: const fixes
- de682539 - PLR digitization configuration
- d32057b0 - Bug ATLASRECTS-7257 fixed by removing the possibility to have 3 bytes per hit in sTGC
- e888e0e3 - Merge branch 'fix-wrong-stgc-notdcc-header' into 'master'
- 097f60d2 - Adding Run-3 jet triggers to JETM1
- 6152e6b8 - Merge branch 'master-JETM1-triggers' into 'master'
- c8b925d7 - ISF_SimulationSelectors: remove unused mutable
- a40553a1 - Add cut on m_minDecayRadiusQS to HEPMC3 version of GenParticleSimWhiteList::pass
- 2d2b5a2a - Merge branch 'WhiteListHepMC3Fix_master' into 'master'
- 79ebe5d2 - Merge branch 'const.CaloSimEvent-20220913' into 'master'
- 0bb53364 - AthenaPoolCnvSvc: Reject late SharedWriter clients
- 6ed328c3 - Merge branch 'master-sw-reject-late-clients' into 'master'
- 338d7db8 - Merge branch 'fsrutils' into 'master'
- 899c8693 - Merge branch 'isftools' into 'master'
- 37837fe2 - egammaTrackTools: Fix initialization of CaloCluster_OnTrackBuilder.
- 6029fbec - Merge branch 'init.egammaTrackTools-20220914' into 'master'
- 4151c26b - Merge branch 'aant' into 'master'
- ee8a408a - Merge branch 'bphyfixes' into 'master'
- 7fa451ed - TrkSurfaces - Introduce rotation of the trapezoid bounds
- d564b9b4 - Merge branch 'TrapezoidRot' into 'master'
- c603b0a8 - MuonPRDTest - Remove unneeded branches
- 17242a10 - Merge branch 'RemoveStrip' into 'master'
- 57a3e70f - SiSpacePointTool: Suppress cppcheck warning.
- 7c2476d4 - Merge branch 'cppcheck.SiSpacePointTool-20220916' into 'master'
- 6c2f3894 - Add printing overloads for non-const GenParticlePtr and GenVertexPtr objects
- b1ad0a46 - Merge branch 'HepMC3PrintFix_master' into 'master'
- 5c92c8e0 - Use unweighted fill method for IDPVM TEfficiency when not needed
- 7ea1c277 - Merge branch 'IDPVM_eff_error' into 'master'
- 5cb45a7e - xAODMetaData: Fix cppcheck warning.
- 27250763 - Merge branch 'cppcheck.xAODMetaData-20220914' into 'master'
- 92e136b4 - Migration of missed updates for JetCaloClusterThinning from 21.2
- 02345acc - Merge branch 'master-derivations-missing-JETMX' into 'master'
- e63b624a - MuonByteStreamCnvTest: Suppress cppcheck warnings.
- 56b01452 - Merge branch 'cppcheck.MuonByteStreamCnvTest-20220914' into 'master'
- 094711a9 - Adding bunch filter tool to MET monitoring
- fc019cf5 - Merge branch 'master-MET-monitoring' into 'master'
- 49050c60 - ISF_FastCaloSimEvent: const fixes
- 992ae06f - TFCSParametrizationBase: use thread-specific MsgStream for logging
- 7fda2228 - TFCSParametrizationBase: make garbage collector thread-safe
- ff58708a - ISF_FastCaloSimEvent: suppress gRandom thread-checker warnings
- 6e5a0bdf - CompositeParticleEvent: Enable thread-safety checking.
- 7d4f5d57 - ParticleEventAthenaPool: Enable thread-safety checking.
- 2da21a09 - TruthTools: Enable thread-safety checking.
- bacb83e6 - Merge branch 'isfsimsel' into 'master'
- 79a0ccef - MdtCalib,MuonCalibDbOperations prefer-for-range loops
- 2c97dd7a - Merge branch 'MuonCalib_range_for' into 'master'
- a3acd0e1 - TauAnalysisTools: downgrade FATAL to WARNING in BuildTruthTaus
- 3b42825a - Merge branch 'master_TruthTauHerwig7' into 'master'
- 001d0f73 - Merge branch 'master-pixelGM-04' into 'master'
- 03aa3cf8 - Merge branch 'isfcalosim' into 'master'
- 78862b22 - TileRawUtils: Fix cppcheck warnings.
- cf3cfc68 - Merge branch 'cppcheck.TileRawUtils-20220916' into 'master'
- 95e6c807 - LArOnlDbPrep: Enable thread-safety checking.
- 99d4206f - Merge branch 'thread.LArOnlDbPrep-20220916' into 'master'
- 1287e3d6 - upgrade conditions to BLKPA-2022-07 for Run3 cosmics/calib CI tests
- f971fc66 - Small bug fix for IDGlobal histograms in InDetGlobalMonitoringRun3 and...
- 6f4081af - Update Tile TMDB Hist intervals for CIS, LAS and PHY runs
- 4fec1381 - Propagate NumConcurrentEvents in OldFlags2NewFlags
- d1f89eb2 - Quick workaround for RegionSelector configuration issue in TrigExamples
- 1c6cb3db - TriggerMenu update for LHCf runs with AFP chains and a few ZDC chains
- 6a7014c2 - Correct L1 item definitions [ATR-25702]
- 31e48765 - Adding VdM trigger items for lumi
- 07ab1dec - Update Run 3 MC CI tests and inputs
- 4426c641 - update decoder to handle buggy corrective trailers
- 9241a332 - 1st part of the migration to use CA config of scoringtool in legacy cfg
- 1dbd5fbe - small update of FTF document on UTT (ATR-24241)
- 991b9420 - setting up run 4 menu for Phase-II devs
- bf1636bb - MuonTrackCleaning -- Ensure that the track has at least 2 stations
- b8ac6c9e - Update q446 reference
- 4b344f8d - Update for newest versions of reference files as discussed on 56793
- dade6af8 - MuonResonanceTools - Remove the entire pacakge
- 66c4bd6f - Merge branch 'ATLASRECTS-7283' into 'master'
- 83dbe03e - LArSimEventTPCnv: Enable thread-safety checking.
- 8a8696f8 - Merge branch 'thread.LArSimEventTPCnv-20220916' into 'master'
- a33f7b61 - LArG4H6SD: Fix a const-correctness violation.
- b7e9045b - Merge branch 'const.LArG4H6SD-20220916' into 'master'
- a8605ec0 - Merge branch 'plr' into 'master'
- 8ad08c71 - LArSimEventAthenaPool: Enable thread-safety checking.
- 2a92cf10 - Merge branch 'thread.LArSimEventAthenaPool-20220916' into 'master'
- be1a8b0e - InDetPerformanceMonitoring: Fix clang warning.
- 6812aaad - Merge branch 'clang.InDetPerformanceMonitoring-20220916' into 'master'
- 9d26a46a - Merge branch 'thread.CompositeParticleEvent-20220916' into 'master'
- 94d5f906 - TrkAlgebraUtils: Fix cppcheck warnings.
- 93712674 - Merge branch 'cppcheck.TrkAlgebraUtils-20220916' into 'master'
- d1bef126 - Voxelization Optimization
- 032a75bf - Merge branch 'master-voxelization-optimization' into 'master'
- 68649312 - Extrapolator prefer range-for, fix one comment, use std::abs
- 3c0d87a9 - Merge branch 'Extrapolator_comments' into 'master'
- 0b4efd3d - Make inactive module list update
- a027437c - Merge branch 'makeInactiveModuleList_update' into 'master'
- b18f55ec - ISF_FatrasToolsG4: thread-safety fixes
- 648d7dce - Surface avoid names starting with underscore
- 4bca1c72 - Merge branch 'surface_avoid_underscore_names' into 'master'
- 81b2085f - Merge branch 'sweep_22.0_master_2022-09-16' into 'master'
- 0f76b17c - STEP move more internal methods to anonymous namespace
- 432ae0df - Merge branch 'STEP_propagator_more_internal' into 'master'
- 6401a94a - RK propagator move a few more internal methods to the anonymous namespace
- d7aec696 - Merge branch 'RK_propagator_more_internal_anonymous' into 'master'
- 9ecbe676 - Fix the fallout of introducing AODFix infrastructure
- 6cc96f01 - Merge branch 'AODFixFollowUp' into 'master'
- e4ac2bbb - Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/22.0' into Rel22ToMaster_Sept19
- e8bdff04 - ISF_PunchThroughTools: thread-checker fixes
- 3be13a90 - MCTruthSimAlgs: enable thread-checker
- 40b5420d - RunDependentSimComps: thread-checker fixes
- b542db09 - Merge branch 'isffatrastools2' into 'master'
- 76116932 - LArSimEventAthenaPool: Enable thread-safety checking.
- 8450aaec - AnalysisAssociation: Enable thread-safety checking.
- e8db1803 - GeneratorUtils: Enable thread-safety checking.
- 2c5e2640 - Revert "Merge branch 'drlabel-to-decorator' into '22.0'"
- 3210ac3d - Add job HITS/RDO/AOD to Run4 tracking ART outputs
- 4424c6e6 - Merge branch 'run4_track_art_output' into 'master'
- c5d9d570 - TrkDetDescr,TrkFitter,TrkGeometry : prefer range for loop
- 5d4237d2 - Merge branch 'prefer_range_for' into 'master'
- 0ca6233b - PRD_TruthTrajectoryBuilder: thread-checker fixes
- c4394f5e - iPatFitter - Check if the parameters actually exist before returning them
- ba82e91f - Merge branch 'ATLASRECTS-7280' into 'master'
- 8533759d - TrkVertexFitterValidation[Tools,Interfaces]: delete unused packages
- c4c384cd - TElectronEfficiencyCorrectionTool : we can use just vectors rather the maps
- 0d923da8 - Merge branch 'ElectronEff_iter_over_vector' into 'master'
- 5fdaaf19 - Track truth origin full pile-up truth
- d0dd1472 - Merge branch 'TrackTruthOrigin_FPT' into 'master'
- 9dabc238 - Write campaign information into metadata
- 707dcf64 - TrfTestsARTPlots: new package for dcube output from TrfTestsART
- 187997ec - Merge branch 'trftestsartplots_20220919' into 'master'
- f5ecea85 - Merge branch 'punch' into 'master'
- 87d2f66c - Merge branch 'mctruthsimalg' into 'master'
- 10d6a4cf - Merge branch 'runsim' into 'master'
- a4a9fea6 - EvgenJobTransforms: put info about generator versions into TagInfo
- c6f10603 - Merge branch 'master-tagin' into 'master'
- b22fad76 - Merge branch 'thread.LArSimEventAthenaPool-20220919' into 'master'
- 005afbf9 - CaloSimEvent: const fix
- c6c2a3b3 - Merge branch 'const2.CaloSimEvent-20220919' into 'master'
- 6dd43f5d - TBRec: Fix a const-correctness violation.
- 8c5f3da6 - Merge branch 'const.TBRec-20220919' into 'master'
- fd6e5e3c - TRT_Digitization: Fix thread-safety checker warnings.
- 44078781 - Merge branch 'thread-new.TRT_Digitization-20220919' into 'master'
- 33fa4ae3 - TrkiPatFitterUtils: Fix thread-safety checker warnings.
- 79f27681 - Merge branch 'thread-new.TrkiPatFitterUtils-20220919' into 'master'
- 2372c0eb - move the stepEstimator in the anonymous namespace of RK propagator
- 5246b974 - Merge branch 'RK_internal' into 'master'
- ddfc50ab - Merge branch 'Rel22ToMaster_Sept19' into 'master'
- 9904df2f - Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/22.0' into Rel22ToMaster_Sept20
- d535863d - egamma prefer range for
- e5269449 - Merge branch 'egamma_loop' into 'master'
- 311e5f9c - TrkDetDescrUnitTests: rm un-needed mutable
- 4f4c67bf - Merge branch 'TrkDetDescrUnitTests_mutable' into 'master'
- 29c66838 - ALFA reconstruction prefer range for
- 153c77f5 - Merge branch 'range_for_II' into 'master'
- 616633c0 - Sweep to master: Convert flavor tagging labeling tools to decorators
- a75fd18b - Merge branch 'pjt-in-ab-2' into 'master'
- 1f58583d - Allow AnalysisTop to run on TRUTH derivations in r22
- 47b692e1 - Merge branch 'AT-truth_derivation' into 'master'
- 02c4e6d4 - fix failing unit-test
- cb5dc498 - MuonGeoModelTest: Fix cppcheck warnings.
- c3fb10c1 - Merge branch 'cppcheck.MuonGeoModelTest-20220920' into 'master'
- b9f58121 - TrkG4UserActions: const fixes
- b959d01f - MuonCalibMonitoring: thread-checker fixes
- 2cdf8bac - egammaEnergyCorrectionTool continue cleanup
- 19a74d25 - Merge branch 'egammaCalibration_more_repeated_cleanup' into 'master'
- 74256611 - Merge branch 'trktruth' into 'master'
- b61eee4f - Convert TileHid2RESrcID into conditions object for HLT (ATLASRECTS-7291, ATR-21656)
- d78e9b41 - Merge branch 'master-tile-hid2re-cond-convert' into 'master'
- 7b2a301d - Add --maxEvents cli option to runIDPVM.py
- 3d6197e2 - Merge branch 'idpvm_maxevents' into 'master'
- 32abe183 - TBRec: enable thread-checker and const fixes
- 249cd254 - TrigGlobalEfficiencyCorrection harmless updates
- 43eba7fc - Merge branch 'master-TGEC-run3periods-200922' into 'master'
- 3fdc580a - TrigStorageDefinitions: Const fix.
- ea817c36 - Merge branch 'thread-new.TrigStorageDefinitions-20220920' into 'master'
- e3ebbf33 - AthAllocators: Fix thread-safety checker warnings.
- 3525a3fb - Merge branch 'thread-new.AthAllocators-20220920' into 'master'
- a89739c2 - AthLinks: Fix thread-safety checker warnings.
- fc582bd0 - Merge branch 'thread-new.AthLinks-20220920' into 'master'
- 48013236 - Merge branch 'Rel22ToMaster_Sept20' into 'master'
- c7c2edb0 - Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/22.0' into Rel22ToMaster_Sept20
- 140afb36 - MuonAlignErrorBase: Enable thread-safety checking.
- 2f01ad07 - Merge branch 'thread.MuonAlignErrorBase-20220920' into 'master'
- 265dad44 - CxxUtils: No longer need ATLAS_CTORDTOR_NOT_THREAD_SAFE.
- a96cc811 - Merge branch 'ctordtorAttrib.CxxUtils-20220920' into 'master'
- c3bdcce1 - Merge branch 'trkg4user' into 'master'
- 622864f9 - MuonCalibStandAloneBase: Fix cppcheck warnings.
- cabda81e - Merge branch 'cppcheck.MuonCalibStandAloneBase-20220920' into 'master'
- 593f07c2 - move the methods to handle recommendations files outside the the Asg tool,
- 4e941892 - Merge branch 'ElectronEfficiency_corr_refactor_find_file' into 'master'
- 8a74c065 - ElectronEfficiencyCorrection : move to the Asg Mesaging rather then the custom one
- a11bfca0 - Merge branch 'ElectronEff_tests' into 'master'
- f7aac739 - Merge branch 'muoncalibmon' into 'master'
- bebb1918 - GeometryJiveXML: Enable thread-safety checking.
- a1b77ac4 - CaloJiveXML: Enable thread-safety checking.
- 39b16f7f - Merge branch 'Rel22ToMaster_Sept21' into 'master'
- e1f8304c - Update test_full_chain_min_bias.sh RDO file location
- 028cd690 - Merge branch 'lyue-master-patch-37350' into 'master'
- 7a48c39c - 23.0-cppcheck-InDetPerformanceMonitoring
- 5786d952 - Merge branch '23.0-cppcheck-InDetPerformanceMonitoring' into 'master'
- b43d90ea - New rho definitions and refining no pT jet container names
- 53dd9088 - Merge branch 'master-JETMX-derivations-CA' into 'master'
- abd487ee - 23.0-cppcheck-G4AtlasTests
- b42d49d4 - Merge branch '23.0-cppcheck-G4AtlasTests' into 'master'
- 6a394105 - LArG4SD: Const fixes.
- f889a654 - Merge branch 'const.LArG4SD-20220921' into 'master'
- f35d8789 - SUSYTools - Update EGamma SF
- 12cef007 - Merge branch 'EleMap' into 'master'
- ea4abc99 - ActsFatrasSimTool minor Acts logger fix
- 26a5616c - Merge branch 'dev_ATLASSIM-5948' into 'master'
- 492c81f8 - Merge branch 'tbrec' into 'master'
- 272b26dd - VP1SimHitSystems: remove usage of DataHandle
- 00e018e3 - TrfTestsARTPlots: add runNumber options to MC tests
- 15bcc632 - Merge branch 'trftestsart_20220921' into 'master'
- 6d51ce56 - Add missing truth link validity check in InDetTrackTruthOriginTool [fix ATR-26337]
- 08cf1d3a - Merge branch 'tstreble-master-patch-16171' into 'master'
- f5340c9c - VP1AlgsBatch+VP1AlgsEventProd: use thread-safe localtime_r
- 0a6741a3 - TestHepMC Patches and Warning cleanup
- 24752bf8 - Merge branch 'master_TestHepMC_Patches' into 'master'
- 80f8e4ec - EvgenJobTransforms: correct the writing of LHEF generators to the TagInfo
- 0177cbe3 - Merge branch 'master-lhef' into 'master'
- 494cdc04 - GeneratorUtils: Fix cppcheck warning.
- 5d91fe43 - Merge branch 'cppcheck.GeneratorUtils-20220921' into 'master'
- 88515f44 - AthContainersRoot: Fix thread-safety checker warnings.
- 955b9544 - Merge branch 'thread-new.AthContainersRoot-20220921' into 'master'
- a82c41a4 - StoreGate: Fix thread-safety checker warnings.
- 9c0479a7 - Merge branch 'thread-new.StoreGate-20220922' into 'master'
- a21659de - Merge branch 'thread.GeometryJiveXML-20220922' into 'master'
- 4c669029 - Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/22.0' into Rel22ToMaster_Sept22
- 7d35584b - AthContainers: Fix thread-safety checker warnings.
- 4b2e2668 - Merge branch 'thread-new.AthContainers-20220921' into 'master'
- ae55fcd3 - Electron Efficiency correction cache do not repeat
- 8e86ff20 - Merge branch 'ElectronEffCorrection_impov_III' into 'master'
- ae139dea - Add condition option to FCS_ntup_tf
- 8739616f - Merge branch 'Add-conditions-tag-to-FCS_ntup_tf' into 'master'
- 38f1a411 - Update version.txt
- 47375bce - Update version.txt
- 105abc63 - JiveXML: Fix cppcheck warnings.
- 389ae788 - Merge branch 'cppcheck.JiveXML-20220922' into 'master'
- 7528fb3d - GeneratorModules: thread-checker fixes
- dc673798 - Merge branch 'vp1' into 'master'
- 606c844b - L1CaloFEXSim: Update reference log file for R2 data unit test
- cc6c3e50 - Merge branch 'master-l1calo-fexsim-ut-ref-log-update' into 'master'
- 35bc72af - Merge branch 'Rel22ToMaster_Sept22' into 'master'
- e9ebe87f - CxxUtils: Fix thread-safety checker warnings.
- c2ca8c2c - Merge branch 'thread-new.CxxUtils-20220922' into 'master'
- 10a056f3 - AthenaBaseComps: Fix thread-safety checker warnings.
- da6dceef - Merge branch 'thread-new.AthenaBaseComps-20220922' into 'master'
- c7da2b8b - TrigDecisionTool: Fix thread-safety checker warnings.
- 08445b8e - Merge branch 'thread-new.TrigDecisionTool-20220922' into 'master'
- cc5772c6 - TileByteStream: Fix clang warning.
- acc1bfe3 - Merge branch 'clang.TileByteStream-20220922' into 'master'
- 16440a3c - eflowEventTPCnv: Fix thread-safety checker warnings.
- a00478f2 - Merge branch 'thread.eflowEventTPCnv-20220922' into 'master'
- 97392189 - AthenaPoolExampleData+AthenaPoolExampleConverter+AthenaPoolExampleAlgorithms:...
- 9ad8dff4 - Merge branch 'thread.AthenaPoolExampleData-20220922' into 'master'
- b4b71411 - Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/22.0' into Rel22ToMaster_Sept23
- 07ad64da - Workaround feature in HepMC3::GenVertex::position()
- 6d4e4eb5 - Merge branch 'HepMC3FixVertexSmearing_master' into 'master'
- 962e2d0b - AsgElectronEfficiency : add override/final, modify interface, make tests work via a Handle
- 101dac32 - Merge branch 'AsgElectEff_interface' into 'master'
- 3e265c25 - Update IDPVM Run 3 GRL
- 078fd335 - Merge branch 'idpvm-fix-run3-grl' into 'master'
- 72f963e6 - UFO energy per layer
- 10d31648 - Merge branch 'pflowCaloEnergy' into 'master'
- e3c8da24 - CaloRecGPU: migrated to reading CaloDetDescrManager from the CondStore
- b6e0e234 - Merge branch 'master-calorecgpu-caloddmgr' into 'master'
- 7ffe9fc4 - Updated map for PhotonEfficiencyCorrection
- 6656964c - Merge branch 'philip_updatePhotonMapForIso' into 'master'
- 83524167 - [TrigP1Test] Update timeout test error exclusion patterns following...
- 64e307bb - Merge branch 'rbielski-master-patch-71133' into 'master'
- bbe6c6e6 - MuonAlignErrorBase: Fix cppcheck warnings.
- e0277254 - Merge branch 'cppcheck.MuonAlignErrorBase-20220922' into 'master'
- 479b4c17 - BarcodeEvent: Enable thread-safety checking.
- 9c2530cf - BarcodeInterfaces: Enable thread-safety checking.
- 84d4e7a3 - Merge branch 'trkvertexval' into 'master'
- 7744fa70 - Merge branch 'Rel22ToMaster_Sept23' into 'master'
- 0be9b790 - UFO energy per layer fix
- a7346959 - Merge branch 'ufoEnergyPerLayerFix' into 'master'
- 8b2369a1 - AnalysisTauJets in CA version of DAOD_PHYSLITE
- a7954e45 - Merge branch 'master-taus_PHYSLITE_CA' into 'master'
- 93e1129d - Merge branch 'genmodules' into 'master'
- a4c70fdd - Merge branch 'campaign-metadata' into 'master'
- c69266a5 - MuonIdHelpers -- Pick-up missed isValid protections
- 0a2f98eb - Merge branch 'IdHelper_isValidVolII' into 'master'
- 4ac3ef17 - Update jet analysis algs with NNJVT
- d22af449 - Merge branch 'master-NNJVT-CPAlg' into 'master'
- 7e6e2daf - Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/22.0' into sweep_22.0_master_2022-09-26
- 5acc3b6d - L1CaloFEXByteStream: Fix compilation with clang.
- e4f4a454 - Merge branch 'clang.L1CaloFEXByteStream-20220923' into 'master'
- 01660c27 - PerfMonEvent: Fix thread-safety checker warnings.
- 0de97801 - Merge branch 'thread-new.PerfMonEvent-20220923' into 'master'
- c35cd910 - RngComps: Fix thread-safety checker warnings.
- 4ff97cc4 - Merge branch 'thread-new.RngComps-20220923' into 'master'
- 97ac359f - FastTRT_Digitization: Remove dependency on old EventInfo.
- 37cb9170 - Merge branch 'ei.InDetDigitization-20220923' into 'master'
- bc9dd59f - GeometryJiveXML: Fix cppcheck warnings.
- a61e7ff8 - Merge branch 'cppcheck.GeometryJiveXML-20220923' into 'master'
- 2c754ff7 - Merge branch 'thread.BarcodeEvent-20220923' into 'master'
- 15a5e031 - IOVSvc: Fix thread-safety checker warnings.
- b1cb7a2b - Merge branch 'thread-new.IOVSvc-20220923' into 'master'
- f0f523a9 - AtlXYZBSEvent.cxx: Use 64 bits for event number
- 79a9b94f - Merge branch 'AtlBS_64' into 'master'
- df350f8f - Merge branch 'sweep_22.0_master_2022-09-26' into 'master'
- f399f7e8 - mongroups start implementation
- 544a3aa7 - Include mongroups in the TrigEgammaMonitoring config file
- 296e4f4c - update
- b66e5888 - call mongroups from JSON local metadata
- c7662df3 - configure mongroups
- 2d922ebc - fix conflicts
Toggle commit list-
f48fdfcc...7af95f76 - 485 commits from branch
Hi @eegidiop, anything happening ? David as LVL2 gitmerge shifter
Hi @droussea, Ill close this draft and come back again in the near future. Cheers, Ed
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