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Convert TileHid2RESrcID into conditions object for HLT (ATLASRECTS-7291, ATR-21656)

Since TileHid2RESrcID depends on run number it has been converted into conditions object.

New conditions algorithm (TileHid2RESrcIDCondAlg) to produce TileHid2RESrcID conditions object has been added.

Configuration and test for TileHid2RESrcIDCondAlg conditions algorithm have been added.

Tile region selection algorithm (RegSelCondAlg_Tile) has been updated to use TileHid2RESrcID conditions object and to remove artificial dependency on LArOnOffIdMap conditions object.

Test for RegSelCondAlg_Tile algorithm has been added.

All Tile byte steam tools have been updated to use TileHid2RESrcID conditions object instead of using the same object from TileROD_Decoder.

TrigCaloDataAccessSvc service and the corresponding configuration have been updated to use TileHid2RESrcID conditions object instead of using the same object from TileROD_Decoder.

New and old style JO configurations for production of transient BS or writing BS have been updated to configure TileHid2RESrcIDCondAlg conditions algorithm.

RegSelToolConfig has been updated accordingly to configure correctly Tile region selection algorithm.

@damazio, @rbielski, @solodkov can you please look at this MR.

Merge request reports
