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Adjust checks of NRR and PRR settings

I was unable to run the following command: --AMI=s3873 --inputEVNTFile=/data/hodgkinson/dataFiles/mc21_13p6TeV/EVNTFiles/mc21_13p6TeV.421450.PhPy8EG_A14_ttbar_hdamp258p75_SingleLep_fct.merge.EVNT.e8445_e8447/EVNT.28680616._000063.pool.root.1 --preInclude="EVNTtoHITS:Campaigns/,SimulationJobOptions/,SimulationJobOptions/,SimulationJobOptions/,SimulationJobOptions/" --maxEvents=10 --jobNumber=1 --preExec 'EVNTtoHITS:simFlags.LArParameterization.set_Value_and_Lock(0);simFlags.ApplyPRR.set_Value_and_Lock(False);simFlags.ApplyNRR.set_Value_and_Lock(False)'

which fails due to:

raise NotImplementedError("Neutron Russian Roulette should not be used in Calibration Runs.")

The changes in this MR allow the job to run by checking the value of ApplyNRR and ApplyPRR, rather than checking StatusOn. I believe the latter only signifies the flag is in use and the correct thing is to check the value. These changes were already discussed with @jchapman:

!56922 (comment 6032337)



Edited by Mark Hodgkinson

Merge request reports
