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Performance optimisations for Muon CA configuration

Edward Moyse requested to merge emoyse/athena:22.0_optimise_muon_config_2 into 22.0

In my local tests this reduces the total time to configure q449 RAWtoALL from 587 seconds to 174 seconds. I also see significant improvements in the total time spent in Muon configuration:

Before: image

After: image (Muons are no longer labelled but their the rightmost dark grey and light blue blobs on the second row, and represent about 18% of the total).

Here are the AccumulatorCache stats, showing that there are relatively few cache misses as a result of this change (except perhaps for CombinedMuonTrackBuilderCfg - I will follow up on this, but for the moment I think the performance gain is worthwhile):

AccumulatorCache                                                       |    Hits (time) |  Misses (time) |
IOVDbSvc.IOVDbSvcConfig.IOVDbSvcCfg                                    |     37 ( 0.0s) |  65338 (53.9s) |
...mbinedConfig.MuonCombinedRecToolsConfig.CombinedMuonTrackBuilderCfg |      8 ( 0.2s) |     15 (15.4s) |
...ndAlg.AtlasTrackingGeometryCondAlgConfig.TrackingGeometryCondAlgCfg |   1839 ( 7.1s) |      7 ( 1.4s) |
TrkConfig.TrkTrackSummaryToolConfig.MuonCombinedTrackSummaryToolCfg    |    171 ( 1.2s) |      1 ( 1.3s) |
AthenaMonitoring.BadLBFilterToolConfig.LArDefectList                   |     36 ( 0.0s) |      1 ( 0.9s) |
TrigConfigSvc.TrigConfigSvcCfg.L1ConfigSvcCfg                          |      2 ( 0.0s) |      1 ( 0.7s) |
AthenaMonitoring.BadLBFilterToolConfig.BadLBFilterAlgCfg               |     36 ( 0.0s) |      1 ( 0.3s) |
TrkConfig.TrkTrackSummaryToolConfig.MuonTrackSummaryToolCfg            |     43 ( 0.2s) |      1 ( 0.0s) |
CaloTools.CaloNoiseCondAlgConfig.CaloNoiseCondAlgCfg                   |     19 ( 0.0s) |      4 ( 0.1s) |
TileConditions.TileCablingSvcConfig.TileCablingSvcCfg                  |     65 ( 0.0s) |      1 ( 0.0s) |
AthenaMonitoring.TriggerInterface.TrigDecisionToolCfg                  |     61 ( 0.0s) |      1 ( 0.0s) |
SubDetectorEnvelopes.SubDetectorEnvelopesConfig.EnvelopeDefSvcCfg      |      3 ( 0.0s) |      7 ( 0.0s) |
TileConditions.TileInfoLoaderConfig.TileInfoLoaderCfg                  |      7 ( 0.0s) |      1 ( 0.0s) |
tauRec.TauToolHolder.JetSeedBuilderCfg                                 |      0 ( 0.0s) |      1 ( 0.0s) |
TrigConfigSvc.TrigConfigSvcCfg.HLTConfigSvcCfg                         |      0 ( 0.0s) |      1 ( 0.0s) |
TrkConfig.TrkDetDescrToolsConfig.InDetLayerArrayCreatorCfg             |      1 ( 0.0s) |      1 ( 0.0s) |

Since CA is not run in production, this will not affect Tier-0 output.

Edited by Edward Moyse

Merge request reports
