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Move jet-tracking based beamspot chains to PhysicsP1 menu (ATR-26394)

Catrin Bernius requested to merge bernius/athena:beamspotToPhysicsMenu into 22.0

As briefly discussed on ATR-26394 (and discussed initially in ATR-23061), this MR moves the jet-tracking based beamspot chains to the physics menu so they can be enabled online and run in the shadow of the jet tracking chains.

Tagging @bartoldu , @salnikov , @khoo , @lidiaz , @nagano , @hartj .

Labelled as draft for now, as I am not sure if we need to set up a CPS group also for the two chains seeding off L1_J45p0ETA21_3J15p0ETA25 and L1_HT190-J15s5pETA21? So I'll need some advice here from menu coordinators.

Edited by Catrin Bernius

Merge request reports