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TrigValSteering: support "art-input" for athenaHLT-based ART tests, and fix cosmics test


We seem to have an issue with trigger ART tests that run athenaHLT and use a grid dataset as input (specified by # art-input). When running over multiple files (# art-input-nfiles greater than 1), the comma-separated list provided by $ArtInFile (e.g. "file1,file2,file3") wouldn't be splitted in, and would be processed as --file=file1,file2,file3, while athenaHLT expects --file=file1 --file=file2 --file=file3.

The update of TrigInDetValidation_Base_data is meant to fix the cosmics data test failure reported in ATR-26472, where we currently pass the RAW data inputs as RDO files.

Tagging @hartj , @adye , @tnobe , @rbielski for a second look.

Cheers, Bertrand

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