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Add getters and labelling decorations

Samuel Van Stroud requested to merge (removed):22.0-addGetters into 22.0

Adds some getters to the FTAG discriminants package, also ordered existing getters for more logical groupings.

  • abs_deta is for training with absolute jet eta
  • a few other basic quantities defined here

Future work: splitting off generic getters that can also be fetched for IParticle objects, to avoid redefinition here.

I also added the following to ParticleJetTools labelling

  • HadronConeExclTruthLabelPtScaled which can be used as a jet energy regression target
  • HadronConeExclTruthLabelDR, the dR(labelling particle, jet)
  • HadronConeExclTruthLabelPdgId, the pdgID of the labelling particle (suggested by @cpollard)

Tagging @dguest

Edited by Samuel Van Stroud

Merge request reports
